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I redid the meme with what hurts me
  • they are also working on a follow-up, uv. not really a fan of writing tooling in another language but it works really well.

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    Yup...i can confirm that
  • honestly i expected the fifth panel to be full of things like "GIL", "2to3", "virtualenv" "pip vs conda vs poetry vs...", "mypy", etc

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    Steam Deck Won’t Survive 2025 Without A Significant Upgrade. - (Original clickbait headline and not my opinion!)
  • that's always been nintendo's MO though. with the exception of the N64 and GameCube, their consoles have all been very modest spec-wise. but the games they put out are made specifically for that hardware, so it's usually fine.

    and actually, the switch is underclocked in its stock configuration. if you have adequate cooling for it you can basically double its clock speed with a softmod, which at least for totk removed basically all stuttering for me!

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    Burning Up
  • You see my problem here right? Like it's funny as a shitpost, but celsius users are grabbing a ratchet, realizing they don't know how to use them, accidentally clobbering themselves over the head with it, and then being really confused and mad when people think that this is a pretty silly thing to do.


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    Burning Up
  • this all started because of the claim that Fahrenheit is better for "human" temperatures. when saying "that's just because you're used to it" apparently wasn't valid, it spiralled on into this massive discussion where i've tried to show with what i feel is quite a lot of anecdata that indeed, you only feel that Fahrenheit is better for human temperatures because you're used to it. meanwhile, the rest of the world can't understand these numbers at all because they are not used to them, and use Celsius for human temperatures every day.

    of course it doesn't matter. at least, not in a vacuum. but when interacting with the rest of the world, it does.

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    Burning Up
  • it starts at +273.15K because that is the lower of the two reference points used in its creation. the Kelvin scale was created later and builds on the Celsius scale. of course lower temps are sorted first, that's not what matters. it's why we call these scales "degrees", after all.

    why it matters is because the scale i use every day constantly gets "verified" by passing the zero marker and showing that things outside freeze. that makes it a good reference point that builds its own intuition.

    that's what this is all about, after all: how useful a scale is for everyday use. a scale that is relevant to my needs and that has important events happen on easy-to-remember points of the scale requires very little teaching.

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    Burning Up
  • no, Celsius starts at +273.15 K, because that's where an element we are all dependent on to live and in contact with every day undergoes an important phase transition.

    What happens at 0°F?

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    Swedish minister responsible for the agency countering misinformation retweets Russian propaganda channel - stands by it
  • i mean yeah. for them it was just that they made a big deal of refusing to even talk to SD as little as four years ago, but that all changed when they dropped in the ratings.

    on the flip side, "weird" things have been coming from SD the more mainstream they've become. following internal pressure from their gay and minority members (i know right?) their policies on things like gender issues have moved leftward, at least on paper. of course, the purpose of the system is what it does, so i don't trust them to actually do anything of that, but it seems that some people in there actually care about the politics.

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    Swedish minister responsible for the agency countering misinformation retweets Russian propaganda channel - stands by it
  • compared to most of Europe's right, they have historically been pretty moderate. but then last election cycle they opened the door to collaborating with the far right because they would have lost otherwise...

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    Swedish minister responsible for the agency countering misinformation retweets Russian propaganda channel - stands by it
  • how long have you got?

    • in the 90s, we started privatising a shitload of institutions which has started coming back to bite us now, most notably when the govt said "we will build a nuclear power plant" and the now private energy authority Vattenfall said "no".
    • we fucked our schools up completely by having municipalities foot the bills for local schools, which of course means that schools are now worse in poorer communities. also we structured it so each child is worth a set amount of tax money to the school and opened the door to privately funded schools, meaning tax kronor are now disappearing into foreign-owned private schools such as Engelska Skolan. Literacy and math proficiency levels have been falling for 15 years as a result.
    • we seem to have made it our national sport to add layers of bureaucracy to jobs, with one study finding that swedish doctors spend more than 70% of their time doing paperwork. the system is leaking money as a result.
    • our system of "expertmyndigheter", governmental organizations of non-elected experts on particular subjects meant to advise the elected, seem to be increasingly ignored in favor of populism.
    • during the big European migrant wave of the 10s, we failed to come up with a coherent integration plan and people instead moved to where others from their region already lived, leading to insulated communities that the press has called "parallel societies" because they have no need to integrate.
    • these neighborhoods have been affected by all of the above, which have made them poorer, less literate, and detached from the society around them, which has in turn made them into prime recruitment material for criminal gangs. children as young as 9 have been arrested for drug running, and 13-year-olds have been caught looking to do hits advertised through social media.
    • our current right-wing government wants to be seen as "tough on crime", and so as violent crime has spiked, so has arrests. this means our prison population has skyrocketed, and the prisons are also recruiting grounds for gangs.
    • children, of course, go to "special youth homes" (SIS) or "closed youth care" (SVU) instead of prison, but it turns out those places were badly run even before this whole mess and are not only led by unqualified personnel, but are also used for recruiting by gangs.

    tr;dr: we sowed 30 years ago, and we are currently reaping.

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    Dear iPhone users:
  • i don't think any manufacturer publishes the voltage their devices run at, could be anywhere from 3.3 to 5V. so i don't know how an end-user is supposed to compare battery sizes between devices.

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    I just want to make cookies :(
  • you would be a bit peeved as well if one guy in a lecture hall with 150 people constantly asked you to convert every measurement in your talk to something only that guy understands.
