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Matthew Perry’s Cause of Death Revealed as ‘Acute Effects of Ketamine’
  • My man.

    I've been there too. I saw the singularity and touched god... and I'm a goddamn atheist. Coming back from that experience changed me. The memories were fleeting. I couldn't remember the specifics after I returned to baseline. All the knowledge that I was given dissipated... but the overwhelming sense of calm persisted.

    If I'm gonna die, it'd be a good way to go out.

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    Uproar as after-school Satan club forms at Tennessee elementary school
  • Lol. I love how consumed you are with trying to argue about this, insisting that this is just atheists trying to be edgy...

    They are trolling stupid assholes and you are absolutely taking the bait.

    Congratulations, you're a stupid asshole.

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    Uproar as after-school Satan club forms at Tennessee elementary school
  • Did you know that Cub Scouts isn't compromised of bear cubs?

    Did you know that the only baseball teams that take part in The World Series are North American?

    Did you know that Dr Pepper is neither a doctor nor a pepper?

    So what's really up your craw?

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    A new trend in tipping emerges
  • You're not wrong, but anyone who leaves shit like this or the stupid church dollars as a tip is a special kind of asshole.

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    What movie did you rewatch most often?
  • That's actually a great movie, and it's probably one of my most watched DVDs.

    It's some of the best early mo-cap cgi in cinema history. Photorealistic without diving into the uncanny valley.

    And storyline is very engaging. It hits poignant notes about pacifism, environmentalism and reincarnation without coming off as preachy or condescending.

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    What movie did you rewatch most often?
  • In the theater? Boogie Nights.

    My friend and I didn't know a goddamn thing about Paul Thomas Anderson when we went to the premiere. All we knew was that Heather Graham got naked in this movie about porn stars. We'd both had massive crushes on Heather ever since License to Drive... A crush which was only strengthened by her appearance in Swingers.

    It turned out that the great nudity was only a bonus to what ended up being an amazing film with brilliant performances from everyone... INCLUDING Marky Mark. My friend and I ended up going to see Boogie Nights on the big screen close to 20 times. It helped that I had just gotten a job as an usher at a theater when the movie got it's second run, so we could see it for free. It also became a point of local pride since PTA was North East Ohio television royalty, and my friend and I wanted to follow in his footsteps

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    Ketamine for Drug-Resistant Depression
  • I've done tons of ketamine. It's an amazing molecule that can absolutely help you put your brain onto a better track.

    But it's not a magic bullet. It takes work.

    If you have access to a reputable therapist, you might be able to get some good results.

    It's worth looking into, at the very least.

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    Wisconsin judge sides with 11-year-old trans girl over her right to use school toilets
  • I am speaking anecdotally, but in my daily interactions at my kids daycamp, my kids views are pretty much on par with the rest of their peers. There's a boy at their daycamp who likes to wear dresses. He's treated no differently than any of the other kids. They have unisex bathrooms because the ratio of girls to boys is out of whack, so it makes more sense.

    My point is that kids today don't care. They don't have the same hangups that we were raised with. And why should they?

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    Wisconsin judge sides with 11-year-old trans girl over her right to use school toilets
  • and even though he's my friend and I'm the first person he came out to it still feels weird when he walks into the bathroom with me.

    That's a you problem, and it's up to you to get over.

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    Wisconsin judge sides with 11-year-old trans girl over her right to use school toilets
  • As a father of two elementary school aged girls, I can tell you that they don't give a shit. They would rather be supportive of their friend. People who insist on perpetuating outdated concepts of gender roles and modesty are on the wrong side of history.

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    The 11-mile long, 600 lbs IMAX print of ‘OPPENHEIMER’
  • Back in the days of 35mm film, movies were delivered to theaters in individual reels. A typical movie would be five to seven reels long.

    It was my Thursday job to tape all the reels together into one long piece of film for the Friday premier. I'd also have to build the trailer packs, add cues for lights down/up... just generally make sure that the movie would work as it's supposed to.

    For reference, you see that platter of film in the OP picture? That platter was delivered in chunks, and building the print is putting all those chunks together to make a complete movie.

    I'd absolutely do an AMA if there were a mechanism to do so.
