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Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • While I’m still waiting for mobile passkey support 😢

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    Call to Lemmy app/UI devs: please improve video support
  • Absolutely. I’m not someone like who “I’m not doing it but you should do it this way” guy but this particular problem is bigger than a single pull request.

    There are tens of apps/web UI’s with different languages/frameworks. I can’t make PR for all of them :/

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    Call to Lemmy app/UI devs: please improve video support
  • I guess the problem is about mobile version of it. See this:

    About the video playback problem; I’m not sure. I can play videos in Safari without a problem but can’t on Firefox. Maybe a codec problem? Can you try the video with another browser to confirm me please?

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    Call to Lemmy app/UI devs: please improve video support
  • Thanks! I’ve created it months ago. Unfortunately it looks like video support is not improved from then.

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    Call to Lemmy app/UI devs: please improve video support
  • Are you sure? It’s not like that on me. At least on mobile.

  • Everyone knows what they want to improve in their software. However, I am opening this post to raise awareness on this issue. It’s just a humble request.

    As you know, large video subreddits contribute greatly to Reddit reaching a large user base. For example, when you open the homepage, you can see many subreddits such as r/interestingasfuck, r/funny, r/yesyesyesyesno, r/unexpected etc.

    Lemmy is Reddit's alternative for text posts, but unfortunately not for videos at the moment. To fill this gap, I have opened the ! community and shared a few posts. But these videos are inconsistent between applications and UI’s.

    For example;

    • Voyager can open videos inline without any problems.
    • Mlem showing it as URL and opens the browser instead of playing.
    • Lemmy default UI is worst. It doesn’t even show the link. You have to click it’s title to see the video but it’s visually not a link. (looks like this one only occurs on mobile)
    • Alexandrite shows as a link.

    Yes, video hosting is expensive. However, before solutions such as torrents and IPFS, we must ensure that direct videos work smoothly. This is my $0.02 opinion.

    Some Turkish city names translated directly into English
  • As the title says, it is direct translation without context. But good info 👍

  • 3

    I had no fun in this video but I guess we can say yesyesyesno.

    Car accident
  • 😢

  • 0
    yesyesyesno - videos that start good and end badly
  • Wow thanks 🙏

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    The design is very human
  • Its hosted on my instance.

  • I've missed video content on Lemmy so I created one. I hope video content and video support in clients will increase in Lemmy.

    The design is very human
  • yes, but not mine.

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    The design is very human
  • It varying by instances, but most clients are not compatible unfortunately.

  • 24
    3D printing sexy woman
  • Thx, so I researched it a bit; so Z-hop means little up-and-down movement between the parts and "support" is literally an extra part independent from the main part, used for support, if I understood correct.

    I watched the video again and it seems that the problem is not due to the foot falling, but in the part where the two legs join 🤔

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    3D printing sexy woman
  • As OP, I'm curious too 🤔 Do we have 3D printer expert here?

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    Why women live longer
  • Yeah actually I realized with your comment that my title wasn’t funny and did not made any sense. But I didn’t wanted to left your comment unanswered lol 😅

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    Why women live longer
  • No. The reasons are;

    • take bigger risks. Some of the reason seems to be "biological destiny." The frontal lobe of the brain — the part that controls judgment and consideration of an action’s consequences — develops more slowly in boys and young men than in their female counterparts. This may contribute to the fact that far more boys and men die in accidents or due to violence than girls and women. Examples include biking, driving drunk, and homicide. This tendency toward lack of judgment and consideration of consequences may also contribute to detrimental lifestyle decisions among young men, such as smoking or drinking to excess.
    • have more dangerous jobs. Men far outnumber women in some of the riskiest occupations, including military combat, firefighting, and working at construction sites. die of heart disease more often and at a younger age. In fact, men are 50% more likely than women to die of heart disease. The fact that men have lower estrogen levels than women may be part of the reason. But medical risks, such as poorly treated high blood pressure or unfavorable cholesterol levels, may contribute as well.
    • be larger than women. Across many species, larger animals tend to die younger than smaller ones. Although the magnitude of this effect is uncertain in humans, it may work against male longevity. commit suicide more often than women. This is true despite the fact that depression is considered more common among women and women make more (non-fatal) suicide attempts. Some attribute this to the tendency for men to avoid seeking care for depression and the cultural norms that discourage men from seeking help for mental illness.
    • be less socially connected. For reasons that aren’t entirely clear, people with fewer and weaker social connections (which tends to include men more often than women) tend to have higher death rates.
    • avoid doctors. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, men are far more likely to skip routine health screens and far less likely than women to have seen a doctor of any kind during the previous year.

    for more information, please see the articles below;


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  • It didn't seem so brutal at first sight. On closer inspection, yeah, it must have hurt a bit 😐

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    chill out lil fellas
  • I guess you are right.

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    Central Paris attack leaves one dead and one injured
  • Kemalism is not efficient as Islam when it comes to fascism tho. Religion and nationality are much better tool when it comes to manipulating people.

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    Central Paris attack leaves one dead and one injured
  • I’m not happy about accusing millions of people either. However, I have experienced all my life what religion can do to countries or people when it finds a gap. Especially in a religion like Islam, which is not as neutralized as other religions.

    I am aware that what all I said were cruel, unfair and racist. But I don't regret it.

    I’m from Turkey. If my ancestors were cruel like me, rather than tolerant like you; We wouldn't be governed by a right-wing, sharia-supporting government right now.

    You’ll probably don’t believe, but we used to as secular as France 25 years ago. Then these people found a gap, tricked “human rights supporters” and “LGBT” people and got supported by them. Yes, Erdogan was literally pro-LGBT back then.

    Anyways, end of story, they slowly boiled us just like the frog in the pan. Unfortunately, I see this pattern in Europe as well.
