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So how has the internet messed you up?
  • child in the 2010s

    Welp, I’m old. Late 90s/early 00s were my formative trauma years 😩

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    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • I'm in the process of selling my current car to my sibling so I can get something more fuel efficient with a hatchback. Have my eye on something specific and hopefully nobody snags it up before saturday!

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    Are skincare routines worth it?
  • If you have good skin already, do the least possible. Wear sun screen and hats to prevent sun damage, and gently cleanse/ moisturize at night. You don’t need a whole ass routine unless you have problem skin (acne, dark spots, etc). The less you mess with your natural biome, the happier your skin will be.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yes and no. Gerrymandering heavily influences the outcomes of elections.

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    Logo was changed, Beehaw~!
  • Shiny hatted bebby bee boi
