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Elon Musk says he withheld Starlink over Crimea to avoid escalation
  • By musks account. By Walter Isaacson's account the opposite was the case. Considering musks opposition to aiding the victim, it would be on brand.

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    Zelensky dismisses compromise with Putin, pointing to Prigozhin’s death
  • Either you give them land from which they can prepare their next attack or you show them that they're unable to take and hold land. So yeah. Pretty much.

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    Zelensky dismisses compromise with Putin, pointing to Prigozhin’s death
  • Yup. Russia doesn't understand diplomacy. Only force. It's sad that russia acts this way, so, unfortunately, beating them is the only way to have lasting peace.

    That or leadership change but I don't think putler fears anything more than losing power and the people are either weak or live in a propaganda bubble.

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    Elon Musk says he withheld Starlink over Crimea to avoid escalation
  • No. Russia is 100% in the wrong, continously committing crimes against humanity for no justifiable reason at all.

    ... that, in the pursuit of taking away Ukrainian freedom and independence.

    Hence, to actively disrupt their defense is deeply unethical. He chose to do something rather than nothing, and it directly helps those wishing to make the world a worse place. Disgraceful.

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    Should I use chromium based browsers or firefox?
  • Native procedural dark mode, Developer CSS Overview, browser extension file access.

    I use Firefox exclusively except for when the second one is useful. I really wish Firefox had those three though.

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    How do people find good information on the internet these days?
  • Phrasing and content are quite different, even if the points end up being the almost the same.

    This post "feels" a great deal more relatable, I don't think AI applies, or at least, I'm not familiar with the issue you are outlining.

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    ChatGPT generates cancer treatment plans that are full of errors — Study finds that ChatGPT provided false information when asked to design cancer treatment plans
  • Well, the data it was trained on had a cutoff point in 2021 which would explain that.

    I've used it (GPT 3) a fair amount for Unity, and I'm fairly pleased with the results, it's saved me a fair amount of time. Implementing object pooling and editor window dialogues for scene translation management for example.

    Of course, programming knowledge is required for it to be of consistent use, which, on second thought, may not be at all obvious.

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    Understanding Immortal Objects in Python 3.12: A Deep Dive into Python Internals
  • Not everyone with an attention span longer than yours is ChatGPT.

    Assuming you've even read THIS far, that comment lacks all of the common gpt hallmarks.

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    ChatGPT generates cancer treatment plans that are full of errors — Study finds that ChatGPT provided false information when asked to design cancer treatment plans
  • I use ChatGPT primarily for programming, and it's particularly well suited for programming.

    "Even get basic programming questions right if you are detailed with your prompt"

    is underselling its capabilities in that regard. Especially GPT-4 has been able to help me with everything from obscure adobe ExtendScript scripts to infrequently seen 'unsafe' C# OpenGL perspective matrix math. All with prompts of a sentence maximum.

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    Looks like google domains is no more.
  • It's only a matter of time before you the same regarding microsoft. Their services always get worse as time progresses.

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    Opensource software for jewellery designing?
  • I'd say maybe keep at Blender, the community is huge and the tutorials endless. It's only complicated until you learn how it works!

    There's also CAD software, like FreeCAD, LibreCAD, etc, which, unfortunately I have no experience of so I can't tell you if they're easier or harder to learn and use compared to Blender.

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    Biden asks Congress for $40 billion to support Ukraine, replenish US disaster aid and bolster border
  • not exactly a Hitlerian take-over of Europe.

    Only because they lack the ability. Civilian massacres like in Bucha are happening and have been happening throughout the war.

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    Has Anyone found a userscript or extension to instantly hide viewed links?
  • certainly require an extension

    Technically correct, but you already have that extension installed if you're able to run userscripts.

    The script just requires // @grant GM_setValue and // @grant GM_getValue and you can use those functions to store whatever, forever (or until you clear extension data).

  • NSFW
    How would you feel if a person you've slept with asks for money after the deed
  • Yeah, pay her. After you pay me for leaving this comment.

    Or just charge her for a bunch of stuff you did that night and say you've already payed.

    Or say you charge the same fee. Or a greater one and she needs to pay up.
