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  • Maybe there should be a story time channel, if there isn’t one already, I’d generally love to read more of these kinds of experiences

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  • KA ob das bei Wort jetzt ein Ding ist, aber eine Versionsbezeichnung der Form JJMM ist recht ĂŒblich, hĂ€ufig mit einer neuen grĂ¶ĂŸeren Version aller sechs Monate.

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    Google must crack open Android for third-party stores, rules Epic judge
  • I don’t think so, F-Droid should not be viewed as a play store replacement for the masses. I would instead consider it an opinionated store / repository for apps that have to fulfil some pretty strict criteria. This makes it a great resource, and a good complementary resource, because that allows them to be picky and stick to their values. And it enables people that don’t mind the trade-offs to restrict themselves to F-Droid without having to research every app themselves, if they want to.

    Most general users would hate the idea of dealing with multiple app stores, but I think some fragmentation like this would have some benefits as well. Note, for example, that F-Droid does not focus on quality of apps: There are lots of little projects that maybe don’t look super polished or are in early development, etc., and that is great. But there could just as well be another App Store focusing exclusively on high quality, feature-rich apps, while taking a more lenient stance on open source code and it being free. Or whatever kind of focus you want to place.

    Then again, this could be achieved with a good search function and filters as well. In the end, what F-Droid offers is more choice a better place for apps that Google decided to ban from their play store for strategic reasons.

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    Google must crack open Android for third-party stores, rules Epic judge
  • That sounds like some bug that should not occur and would of course be painfully annoying. The main advantage of it are the apps it provides, though. Some of them are not available in the play store (like NewPipe, a very good YouTube app without adverts, if that is still around). It is also a good place to start if you are looking for some new app for a specific feature, mainly because it consists of free, open source apps and you don’t have to sift through loads of low quality software that is riddled with ads, collects as much data as possible, or requires some obscene subscription fee, if all you wanted was a flashlight or whatever.

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    Using a Firefox fork makes any difference?
  • I didn’t read too much into it, but roughly speaking: Because the technology by design aggregates data immediately and drops any personal identifiers/ the unaggregated data in the process. Other companies can build whatever they want on that, but if done properly, it is impossible to reconstruct user-specific data points and profile the users that way.

    This type of privacy-preserving aggregation technique is not new, it is fairly common for things like demographic data, where you want to know things like population density and incomes for some area, without just publishing an exact address with corresponding income for every person (as an example).

    Edit: I think I missed your point a little bit. I am unsure, but it seemed that Anonymous is responsible for designing the framework, not doing any tracking (i.e. it wouldn’t necessarily be “put all trust into them collecting it”). Maybe rolling out that technology could be done in a way of blocking other tracking, or maybe it is intended as a basis for regulations to take up. Maybe someone else can give more informed input on that.

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  • Falls du das Spiel andersherum bespielen möchtest, probier es doch mal mit einem Passwortverwalter:

    • „Das Passwort darf maximal 25 Zeichen lang sein“
    • „Das enthaltene Sonderzeichen wird zwar benötigt, aber muss in der Menge {.?!-€&@„()} enthalten sein“
    • „Nein, Leerzeichen nehmen wir hier aus Prinzip nicht, genauso wenig wie Kommata, sonst kommt die Excel in der wir das speichern nicht zurecht“
    • „Mir egal wie lang dein Passwort ist, ich schneide das irgendwo einfach ab und sage es dir nicht. Tja, keine Ahnung warum du dich bei dem neu erstellten Konto nicht anmelden kannst, hast du schon versucht es zurĂŒckzusetzen? Dann schicken wir dir das per elektronischer Post im Klartext zu.“
    • “Da du dir das Passwort eh nicht merken kannst, hinterlege doch bitte noch eine Sicherheitsfrage, die entweder so generisch ist, dass sie jeder Fisch erraten kann, oder ambivalent und deswegen im gleichen Passwortverwalter landen wird“
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    Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code
  • Things like FiveM exist, which is exactly that. I’m not sure if that is at all affected by the anticheat though, I didn’t read the article.

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  • Habe ich gerade oben schon kommentiert, schau mal ob avahi als Service lĂ€uft, dann solltest du Drucker im WLAN finden können.

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  • Einfach den avahi.service aktivieren / starten und dann sollte das funktionieren. Cups lĂ€uft ja sicherlich schon.

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  • Du kannst mal nach old games download schauen, das ist eine Seite auf der solche Spiele gesammelt werden, die vom Entwickler nicht mehr gepflegt werden und deshalb oft nicht mehr normal zu erwerben sind.

    Abandoned games oder so Ă€hnlich hieß glaube ich eine weitere Seite.

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    Or when they give you just docx files
  • If you don't even trust the teacher to be able to open a PDF, I'd probably be more concerned about them opening the .docx file with Microsoft Office 97, or whichever archaic version they have always used on their PC, and ending up with a completely broken assignment.

    Edit: Sorry I misread your comment, you talked about the process of digitally grading a PDF, I was thinking of the process of simply opening a PDF.

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    Apple plans to charge fees for sideloading
  • This is a rather specific question, but can you cast audio from arbitrary apps to WiFi speakers from your Pixel? Similar to airplay on iOS (if that's what it is called)?

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    Starting over and doing it "right"
  • That's exactly what it is. I haven't looked into it too much, but as far as I know it's main advantage is simplifying the setup process, which in turn reduces the chances of a misconfigured VPN.
