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Internet Archive forced to remove 500,000 books after publishers’ court win
  • "To the contrary, the decision barely mentions copyright's ultimate purpose of promoting broad public availability of literature, music, and the other arts," it said.

    It feels like the thoughts of the past came straight out of fiction. Today, nothing seems worth anything if you can't directly make money from it.

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    The US healthcare system is broken...
  • Nope. It's consequential. They need to raise their shareholder value in any way that's legal, even if it's not morally right. If they won't do that, they'd get into trouble. For corporations tax loopholes are there to be exploited.

    Making those loopholes illegal is what will fix this. Then you can call it good craftsmanship by politicians. Right now you can barley call it shoddy.

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    First projections of EU Parliament election results
  • It's difficult to extinct us. If will take a thousand years of volcanoes, bad harvests, pandemics without vaccines, etc.

    We're just so many now.

    What's a lot faster is to wipe away the achievements of civilization, pushing us back into a state where starvation, disease and suffering are the norm and not the exception.

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    Atom-Laufzeitverlängerung : Unionsfraktionsspitze dringt auf Untersuchungsausschuss
  • Der Untersuchungszeitraum soll am 24. Februar 2022 beginnen und mit dem Beschluss des Bundestages über die Einsetzung des zweiten Untersuchungsausschusses enden.

    Wow, wie bequem. :) Mit absichtlich herbeigeführtem Gedächtnisverlust. Bloß nicht auf die eigene Amtszeit schauen, nein nein.
