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All-in-one docker solution for a seed box?
  • Good lxc container for those just starting out tho

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    test post delete test post delete
  • Fuck your test :P

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    Brundle knows sarcasm
  • Yeah I think they reverted things

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    linux/self host newbies, now is a good time to get you a cheap server
  • Likely not, the thing is that most of the big cloud providers definitely have a networking team and it definitely monitors for bittorrent traffic. The thing is they will monitor but until they get a DMCA you normally don't get popped. However, some providers are more finnicky than others and will disable you immediately if you use 6881 w/o encryption. The key really is not to get a DMCA and not use default ports.

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    linux/self host newbies, now is a good time to get you a cheap server
  • This is true for most providers but not the big big ones. Ask me how I know ;)

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    Should I use Matrix for Messaging?
  • You would need to host your own or join a matrix server. The benefit of Matrix is you can tie in puppets to things like iMessage, Discord, FB Messenger if you host it yourself. Another option is Beeper (Matrix + all the puppets for other messaging apps) but you still have to sign up and get an invite from them to join for now.
