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Third of people in Spain say local area has too many foreign tourists
  • I'm sympathetic when this happens to a small village in south america or something, or even just a natural resource.

    Europe has pulled far too much colonialistic bullshit to whine about tourism in their cities IMO. Your culture got into everything, you can live with other cultures too.

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    Docker Raises Prices Up to 80 Percent | ServeTheHome
  • Glad I run everything in a VM. If you want my money you can accept donations, and sell support contracts.

    The moment you hide features or code behind a paywall or proprietary license, is the moment you no longer get my fucking money.

    Granted random weirdos who donate to FLOSS projects probably weren't paying dockers bill anywho.

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    Ireland to ban disposable vapes
  • Giving it a once over with a soapey sponge to get the gunk from what you just made off while it's still hot is fair game.

    Make sure to rinse/dry it immediately, put it back on the burner while its still hot. Rub in a small amount of olive oil into the surface w/ a paper towel while still warm on the burner, then let them cool together.

    I'm garbage at cooking, but that's how ma taught me to take care of them, and shes very much not garbage at cooking.

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    Why Copilot is Making Programmers Worse at Programming
  • Sure but you're also specifically telling it direct instructions which it will follow every time to the T, based on predetermined logic.

    That is no where near how an LLM works. Furthermore, most programming languages require effort to learn. They night not be machine language, or even an assambler, but its still a skill you actually have to learn beyond speaking your native tongue.

    Also one could make the argument that machine code is a "description" of what you want the CPU to do.

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    Bodycam shows police dragging NFL star Tyreek Hill from car before season opener
  • Yeah I'm leaving this one here as a reminder on how to read sarcasm, because I'm bad at that over text. Though I probably shoulda known better considering the sub we're in.

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    Mudita Kompakt - E-ink (truly) dumbphone with FOSS OS.
  • I consider anything that even touches data (even 3gp or email) and can play MP3s a feature phone. Even if this thing didnt play MP3's, the fact it can read ebooks I'd say makes it one.

    Is 3gp still a thing?

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    Port Fowarding minecraft server hardening question (gentoo)
  • Pfsense is a lot more feature rich than openWRT, especially when it comes to firewall features. Personally I just use openwrt to run my access points.

    I would replace that eero unit with an old dell optiplex with pfsense, and forego trying to virtualize PFSense.

    Not sure what hardware is in that eero, but if you wanted to keep it as just a basic AP, that isn't a bad plan.

    After that get a second optiplex for publicly hosted stuff. Keep that on a separate port on your PFSense machine, completely firewalled off from the rest of your network via pfsense, only allowing traffic from LAN to your server.

    Physically separating your internal network, and publicly hosted services, as much as possible is the goal.

    If you can only afford one new piece of hardware, I'd get the pfsense box, and set it up as a wireguard VPN server, disabling the direct port forwards to the VM running Minecraft. Though your friends would need to install a VPN client, and youd have to provide config files.

    A used optiplex on eBay usually isn't much more money to get up and running than most Linux SoC's after all the adapters and kit is purchased, and they're usually specced out way better.

    Actually if you wanted to do physical DMZ separation, and wireguard you'd really be doing good, but that's probably a little paranoid.

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    Port Fowarding minecraft server hardening question (gentoo)
  • You're adding attack surface by keeping them separated only by vlan. VLAN hopping exploits exist, especially in older firmware, ESPECIALLY on EoL units.

    Pfsense is a proper router/firewall built on one of the most hardened networking stacks on the planet. Plus it catches regular software updates, no matter how old your hardware is. You can run it on an old PC with a cheap quad gigabit nic card from eBay if you'd like.

    If I might ask, what do you have handling your inter-vlan routing/firewall? Is it the same box you use to handle the firewall/routing between your WAN and LAN?

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    Dear iPhone users:
  • Yeah but there's none that do that and run graphene so I'm SOL :p

    Turns out that's worse than murder. That's what I get fer being picky I spose.

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    Dear iPhone users:
  • The $80 off-contract phone I owned in highschool had:

    • expandable storage
    • a 3.5mm jack
    • a user replaceable battery
    • ip57 water resistance

    I used to shower with this phone regularly. I dropped it in a glass of water the day I bought it. If kyocera can do it for $80 10 years ago, modern manufacturers can do it now for $1000. Turns out coating your sockets, and putting gromets on your battery covers costs literal fucking pennies.

    Stop simping for corporations who are looking for an excuse to squeeze out glued together shit.

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    Port Fowarding minecraft server hardening question (gentoo)
  • Is this machine sitting in your LAN, or on its own firewalled off network with a DMZ? No matter how secure it is, you don't want it on the same network as the machine you do your taxes on.

    A good poor mans option is to get a pfsense box with 3 NIC's. One for WAN, one for LAN, and one for the machine you publicly host with.

    Setup firewall rules so that LAN can reach the MC host on needed ports, but not the other way around.

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    Dear iPhone users:
  • Yeah well the 0.01% seem to be the people who actually know how to use a computer, or at least a portion of them, so maybe design for them since the rest don't seem to give a fuck.

    Especially considering the people who actually work on hardware design are more likely than average to be a part of that 0.01%, if we really are that rare. Which I don't believe.

    Storing music and ROMs on your phone is a pretty common usecase I have to imagine. It sucks I can't keep all my stuff on me like I used to.

    While we're at it I want my LG V20 style inbuilt DAC back. I shouldn't have to choose between unlocking my phone every time USB disconnects, or in-line compression mixed with the vulnerabilities that come with Bluetooth. Onboard 3.5mm jacks let you reconnect headphones that disconnect in your pocket securely without an unlock.

    Also ir blasters so I can make restaurants think their TV's are broken again.

