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Using a chromecast without a google account?
  • I can't even get mine to work WITH an account if I put it on the guest network. That sucker wants full access to snoop on everything. I don't think you'll have much luck, but I'll be watching this thread just in case. Good luck.

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    Trams are expensive here
  • I just feel, that now the infrastructure is in place, that making it affordable would encourage people to use it. If it were say .50c, or $1, I can imagine over 90% of people tapping. Who can say though.

  • In town for a few months. Been watching the tap on rates on the trams.

    I'm going to hazard an approximation of about 20% of people are actually tapping on. Maybe 30% at a stretch.

    Surely if they did a Brisbane, and dropped it to 50c or even $1, then most everyone would tap.

    There comes a point , when things are affordable rnough, that it's not worth the risk / anxiety.

    At current pricing it's obviously still worth the risk.

    I can only imagine if the 70% or so that are not paying, paid $1, that there'd be more money in the system.

    Sydney's car-brained candidate for Mayor
  • Probably mates with Barrilaro.

    I better watch my house doesn't get fire bombed even mentioning his name.

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    Could you do me a favour and make this post look like a Reddit post?
  • ...and that's why.

    Source: am a doctor.

    Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger.

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    Unity scraps runtime fee, hikes subscriptions instead
  • If I were to lose 25% of my profits to a price hike, our business would suffer. As would all of us in the business. The stress would be real.

    To those businesses that can absorb a 25% increase, and the staff are not hurt, and be OK that's great.

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    Unity scraps runtime fee, hikes subscriptions instead
  • We've all moved on to Godot.

    Thank the gods for Godot, because without it, everyone would have been screwed.

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    Video Game Developers Are Leaving The Industry And Doing Something, Anything Else
  • The paywall in open source business apps is infuriating. I'd rather they just go full commercial.

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    It's true, I really do have concepts of a plan. Beyond that..?
  • Did he actually say that?!

  • Now THIS is a proper Mercedes Benz! (NAFA Concept from 1981)

    cross-posted from:

    Hey, hi, hello, howdy, greetings!
  • I personally love that there's some random who regularly downvotes your work, amidst a flood of upvotes.

    I imagine your style (which I love) grinds their gears. They just don't like it. They keep down voting on each post.

    Keep posting op. We love your work and progress.

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    Regain Control in my ass
  • The only way is up!!!...

    This is the end....

    Sing Hallelujah!!...

    Don't want no short dick man...

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    Australians lead the world when it comes to gambling and this is what's behind our addiction
  • Remember. The RSL is a casino, and let's not kid ourselves that it isn't.

  • Brisbane scraps Beam e-scooter contract as company accused of misleading councils

    Brisbane council will refer the Singapore firm to Australia's corporate watchdog and potentially police, alleging the company owes $330,000 in unpaid fees and exceeded safety caps by nearly a third in the 12 months to July.

    cross-posted from:


    Hi everybody, just checking in to see if there's anything like the subject is requesting.

    I really love the pinterest back in the day, but it's privacy abuses are obscene.

    And I just want to know if anybody is aware of anything that is a better option for someone who's more privacy focused.

    Thank you so much.


    As per title.

    I've avoided updating for months now seeing all the complaints.

    Did Samsung resolve the issue?


    Hi all,

    I have a USB C headset.

    I am setting it up, so it's plugged into my Linux box, so it can listen to music, and make calls, etc from my phone, via bluetooth.

    Then I don't have to keep unplugging my headset and plugging it into my phone.

    Also so I can record directly to the Linux machine, that is broadcast from my phone.

    But, how can I intercept the Bluetooth audio, and record it?

    Thank you.


    Hi everybody, I find a huge part of my job is talking to colleagues and clients and at the end of those phone calls, I have to write a summary of what happened, plus any key points that I need to focus on followup.

    I figured it would be an excellent task for a LLM.

    It would need intercept the phone call dialogue, and transcribe the dialogue.

    Then afterwards I would want to summarize it.

    I'm not talking about teams meetings or anything like that, I'm talking a traditional phone call, via a mobile phone to another phone.

    I understand that that could be two different pieces of software, and that would be fine, but I am wondering if there is any such tool out there, or a tool in the making?

    If you have any leads, I'd love to hear them.

    Thank you so much


    I'm doing a big lap of Australia.

    We spent some time in and around Sydney recently and we were shocked, and appalled at the state of the roads.

    After a few days in, we started counting potholes that were big enough to HAVE to avoid, and at over 40 on one road, gave up counting.

    I honestly have never seen worse roads in my life.

    Km after km of bumpy, holey, accidents waiting to happen.

    The worst roads in the country. Totally shameful in a country like Australia.

    So the question is, how did it come to this?

    I know the last state leader, Gladys, was done for corruption.

    I've followed friendly Geordies and the mafia like corruption of Barilaro is blatantly obvious.

    Is it "leaders" being corrupt, or something other issue.

    I'm not from NSW, so am interested to know.

    Brisbane for example, was woefully lacking in infrastructure, so they had to play catch up on their roads, and over 20 or so years have caught up. The roads were never a death trap like Sydney's though.

    Any thoughts?


    They looked dark, and ominous. So I snapped em.


    Looked cute, colours lovely, had to snap it.


    I've noticed and I've never really understood why that when you buy any meat that is crumbed from a butcher in Australia, it is always or nearly always yellow in colour.

    Why do they do this and where does the yellow colour come from?


    I've been playing this game for years. I've gotten past the blobs. Made it to the shop. But I can't get much past there.

    Is there some pattern, or technique, or something that you're all doing?

    I search rooms. I watch my food. I use my items. Upgrade them. Am patient in battle, and avoid battle if required.

    What am I missing?

    Thank you


    There was a finding that all males have microplastic particles in our testes.

    It became a meme.

    Everybody laughed.

    New meme overtakes old meme.

    We forget about our plastic testes and move on.

    But, is there any issues going forward, that anyone is aware of?


    I saw this posted by Grumpy Gamer, who highly recommended it. So I took a look.

    Amazing video. Totally worthwhile. The rest of his videos are great also.

    I'm making a P&C Adventure, and this really helped me focus on "the horizontal slice" in my early stage of development.


    So ddg is down, so I visit Google. It's been some years.

    I just can't believe how poor it's results are, and how it's trying to suggest things it think I might also want (and failing miserably).

    I just assumed ddg would be the lesser, but I use it for privacy. Turns out I'm wrong.

    How long has Google been this bad?


    Hi all, I really like the open source Linux application called DIA it's a diagram tool that handles flowcharts beautifully.

    I'm trying to find an offline Android application that is similar to that, that I can use locally on my Android tablet.

    Other software categories that might work include mind mapping, but anything like that really is what I'm after.

    There seems to be a severe lack of this, I can't really find anything. I used to use freemind on Linux also, again a great application, but nothing seems to be available for Android.

    If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them. Thank you.


    So, I'm the kid that grew up with the originals. Hence I love the emulators.

    However, I'm obviously now an old bastard and my vision isn't what it was.

    I see some super cute emulators, but the screens are tiny.

    Does anyone have recommendations for larger screen emulators, that play as many systems as possible?

    I have an emulator or two on my Samsung tablet and it's GREAT, but, having the controller separate sucks to be honest. So I'm interested in the largest screens about, with controller built in.

    Any suggestions would be super appreciated.

    Note. I'm in Australia, so the Steam Deck is out as an option.


    Hi all,

    I have seen lately that the 'source available' N8N (which is excellent), has starting increasing pricing and restricting what you can get for your pricing.

    In time, I can only assume this will get worse. Now, they deserve to get paid, and that's fine, but I had gone in thinking this was open source, but I see now it's not that at all.

    This has led me to wonder if there's a true open source / self hosted alternative to N8N out there? Doing a bit of a hunt shows 'source available' alternatives, with a price point, and restrictions. I'm wondering if any team has tackled this in a truly open manner and if there's something out there?

    Thanks so much
