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[OC] Reject modernity
  • Its on wheels in part so the recoil rolls it backwards.

    I'm not 100% sure but it also looks like a fairly modern canon, modernity being the period from 16th to early 20th C

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    Kotaku being Kotaku
  • I made it about as far into the Borderlands movie as i did with the monsterhunter movie, bailing after about a 3rd of the film.

    Not really super popular take, but the sexual politics (as in the way the story treated women) in both were something I struggled to get past. Plus they were both goofy and not in a very fun way. I have very similar feelings about the fallout show lol, but glad you enjoyed it.

    But i think i teenager might have liked borderlands

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    Everyone became animal rights enthusiasts real fast...
  • ITT: people with big hurt feewiingssss

    its okay babies, you eating meat doesnt hurt anyone! Youve never done everything wrong! Its no worse than how most of us innately benefit from imperialism, we're so far removed! Phew!

    lol, we're all always so quick to start crying about hoe annoying and rude veeeegans are. We could all consume less animal products. Its ultimately not an issue of personal responsibility, its systemic and engrained in our society.

    getting all pissy because someones telling you the truth and it makes you uncomfortable is embarrassing, I've been there. I still eat meat more regularly than I'd like to. I dont need to justify it, I think its bad that I do, I'm doing my best over here.

    Obligate carnivore! I dont give my cats water! Only meeeeeat, rahhhh I'm a big man-or-similar!

    inB4, hurt feeling downvotes 😳

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    Oof ouch owie
  • Youre not going to convince a fascist not to be a fascist by making them feel bad about it. If that was possible, there'd be no communists.

    Organising in your community, your workplace, and looking after yourself is what i think our friend was getting at

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    Oof ouch owie
  • The sexualisation and humiliation of a person who cant object or consent is whats getting me.

    people will excuse themselves of a lot when they don't like someone.

    I abaolutely do not care that she died, and her politics cant be handwaved away with 'she was indoctrinated', which would also equate to her having no agency. She knew what she was doing.

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    after 40 all meals are horror
  • Eating is a chore, I watch a video so i dont think about it, instant noodles are real easy to make at work, toss in some broccoli if youre feeling like a but fancy

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    The Germans Dropped a New Funny Number, Anyone Know the Meaning?
  • People always told me I was going to have my brain poisoned by my gameboy, television, my computer. I turned out fine!

    protip, you can watch a movie by yourself, hitchhikers is a fun little romp.

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    The Germans Dropped a New Funny Number, Anyone Know the Meaning?
  • The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy film was released 19 years ago, the story itself is over 40. Dont be surprised if lots of people dont know about it lol

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    People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam
  • Its literally tissue paper, I think youre being pretty dramatic

    looks like itd be more ecofriendly because its mot bleached, and its not shipping around with a heap of empty space for the (now i think about it) oversized cardboard tube

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    Any ideas?
  • Eh, slutshaming, misogyny vibes

    what about gear guzzler or something, i dunno i wish gear dragon or gear god didnt make the sound cool

    also gear geek ig

  • ! - ARE YOU A TANKIE? - informal poll results ~


    A ridiculous question. “Tankie” isn’t a term anyone self-identifies with, it’s mostly a term used by liberals to hurl at anyone to the left of them or anyone who agrees with western foreign policy. The survey results will be as meaningless as the term “tankie” itself.

    Image description: A5 page, with various pie charts and text, indicating the results of an informal poll from, full image text in spoiler

    *full image text*





    > First stack of pie charts shows the yes / no split, highlights that the yes responses made up less than half of the yes votes, and only made up a small portion, some hexbear-ians even vote no\ > second and third pie charts show the yes votes, and no votes by instance respectively\ > third stacked pie chart shows the yes / no split by instance, overlay-ed with the total yes / no votes

    > only top level comments were counted\ > tankies are closer than they appear\ > Deeply unserious\ > NDTS

    *full results / data*

    ``` COUNTA of yes = 10 = 5 = 3 = 1 = 3 = 1 = 1 Grand Total = 24

    COUNTA of no = 2 = 2 = 8 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 4 = 1 Grand Total = 20

    taken from archived post ```

    this was fun, thanks for the polling idea, Kristina (I spent too long on these charts because yours looked so spiffy, I hope you specifically are impressed lol), solidarity cleaning that data up, and general reminder people only half read anything before launching into a diatribe

    tl:dr yes, tankies are totally conspiring to make sure you have a bad time on



    edit: this is now closed future comments won't be counted

    I keep seeing this instance is overrun with tankies so hey, lets do an informal survey like I've seen on hexbear

    respond with YES or NO in the first line of your comment and i'll tally everything in a couple of days, lets say I'll try and collect everything on the sunday the 9th (10+gmt sorry)

    not sure thisll work, be nice, have fun
