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Debloat Samsung for Pixel like experience?
  • I limit things to swapping the launcher to Lawnchair, disabling most of the Samsung apps and loading Google equivalents (including gBoard). With the exception of notifications and settings, it's a reasonable experience. Most recently I did this to a Galaxy tab S8. It's close enough to my Pixel that it's not irritating.

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    Please put your money where your mouth is.
  • I don't need the ultra features. I didn't even need the pro features. I bought Sync pro for Reddit as a "thank you" to the author. A subscription is a bit different. I would be more willing to spend a couple bucks on each feature release than a subscription.

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    What are some things that you can’t do in a small town that you wish you could?
  • I live in a town of 4500 in the California coastal mountains. We have a library, a dispensary, a volunteer fire department, and an ambulance. We're open about diversity, and the mountain skinheads (NAZIs) are disliked and can't get a foothold. Internet connections are touchy and max out around 50mbps. The power does go out so often that most folks have backup generators. Mine will handle a two week outage.

    The only thing missing is a decent night life. I may be a biker, but the local biker bar is very sketchy.

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    What have you been playing and what do you think of it? 07/16/2023
  • Stardew Valley Expanded. A simple life with a bit of magic.

    I'd like a simple life with easy questions and obvious answers.

    I'd also like socializing to be that easy.

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    There is no such thing as an effective "AI detector", nor will there ever be one.
  • Detectors of any sort can only flag expected variations from expected norms. AIs' goals are to be undetectable with continuing improvements. Detectors help them do this by flagging failures. This is the same way antibiotic resistant bacteria evolve (well, it's similar).

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    I've noticed that lemmy as a whole is much more leftist than reddit (outside of political servers of course)
  • Reality has a well known left leaning bias.

    Conservatives and their politics do not have equal status. In this climate, "both sides" is toxic and suggest each is equally supported and viable. They are not. The right is an incredibly hateful minority end should be treated as such.

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    Leaked Google pay data reveals the highest salaries the tech giant pays in engineering, sales, and more
  • The fine article bounces back and forth between base salary and total compensation (salary + bonus + stock grants). It's hard to be certain of which they are actually using, but I work in Silicon Valley and this seems more like total comp than base pay. (Stock and bonuses can more than double total comp.)

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    What operating system do you use on your main computer?
  • Home: Windows 11, work OSX. I moved my personal computer to Linux a couple years ago (I've been using Linux since the mid 90s), but game support was an issue. I'll try again soon. Windows is a necessary evil that I'd like not to be necessary.

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    YSK: You can use (Voyager) to import your subreddits
  • Over a decade on Reddit makes this a multi-day slog. It looks quite useful, but I've spent the last month moving into Lemmy. I'm using the same strategy here that I used there: search for the basics, subscribe, read, and if anything interesting mentions another community, subscribe on the fly. (Of course this strategy is probably why looking at Wefwef's migration is overwhelming.)

    TL;DR: ADHD makes some things a challenge.

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    Two men
  • I need someone (or some two) like this locally. Sometimes the strength is needed. I also need a handy person on call because getting old sucks.

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    When someone is venting, am I supposed to say something?
  • I always ask "do you want help with that?"

    If they're talking nonstop, they don't want input. If they're not, this is the question I ask. Most of the time they just want to be heard, but not always.

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    Hoping the mods of this community are less pro-dealer than reddit
  • Of my last four cars (bought over 10 years), one was from a dealer, and all were brand new. At this point, I'm very dealer adverse, and may never use one again.

  • Here in the US, the Republican political party is called conservative and the Democratic party is called liberal. These two words have meanings.

    Definition 1 for conservative at Oxford Languages is: "Averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values.. Definition 2 is: "(In a political context) favoring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas.

    Okay. And then we have Republicans in Congress labeling Democrats "the enemy." The traditional term for the other political party (in the US and some other countries) is "the loyal opposition." There's nothing conservative about painting the half the country that you disagree with "the enemy."

    We have some prominent Republicans admitting that Hitler had a point as well. Nothing traditional in that. Heck, in Germany this might require a prison sentence. They're also in a moral uproar over immigrants. Even legal ones.

    And then we have Democrats. They support LGBT rights and the self determination of pregnant women. There have been abortions almost as long as there have been births. There is something very traditional about abortion.

    We also have the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" There are no exceptions here. It doesn't say "unless you are gay," or anything similar.

    We've also got Republicans firebombing and having shooting sprees. (Yes, there is the occasional Democrat here, but it's the exception that proves the rule.) These, like many of their other actions are radical, not conservative.

    Radicals by definition are not conservative. By definition, radical means: "a person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims."

    Let's think a bit about how overturning Roe v. Wade after 50 years is a radical change. How about all those new anti-transgender laws that are being signed into law?

    I'm a trans dyke who's married. Marriage is utterly conservative. While we might not want to admit it, gay folk have been around forever too. So traditional.

    So what's up with those radicals? Why are they demanding to live in the 1950s? Turning back time 70 years is quite radical and puts all of society in turmoil. These are not the plans of conservative people.
