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When somebody says American dinner, this is what pops into mind
  • To be fair, my reference only was my very American husband who told me that the plate feels very nostalgic to him lol

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    When somebody says American dinner, this is what pops into mind
  • Thank you! I was a bit lazy so I just threw on olive oil, lemon juice, garlic powder, onion powder, a little bit of paprika and chili powder, and salt and pepper

  • Baked potatoes topped with crumble and a cheesy white sauce, baked beans (fresh from the microwave), and baked asparagus. This was my second attempt baking potatoes and asparagus and I loved it!

    [Plasma] Sunset: Gruvbox, but golden
  • I think you mistakenly posted this post 9 times

  • Chunky everything because I was too lazy to dice lol

    My GF says I look hot when I do chores. Is this just a ploy to make me do more chores or is it an actual thing?
  • It could be because the people in her life (especially the masculine figures) aren’t the type to actually do chores without the initial request/push by another person. It’s some kind of shock and it could be seen as an attractive trait. Same feeling I got when I entered a healthy relationship with someone who’s not a slob. Doing chores is bare minimum though

  • Made the burgers from cooked and blended soy chunks. Made the mung egg too.

    edit: changed the name
