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Universal City AMC Workers Vote to Unionize With IATSE
  • I used to Work at an amc in my early 20s. Pay sucked then. I can’t imagine it being any better now 10 years later. Hopefully more locations will follow.

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    Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza
  • America’s path to fascism doesn’t begin and end with Trump. Forcing people to vote for someone they do not morally support is fascist. The last time he was president the world didn’t end. Millions of peoples lives in the United States are already horrible and the US regardless of who is president , democrat or republican, murder people all over the world. This narrow minded take of how the world works is part of the problem not the people abstaining from voting for Biden.

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    ADHD Women Check-In Feb 18-24th - How Are You Doing?
  • Better! Finally finished what I had to do and now I’m Licensed in my profession and my birthday is coming up. Riding that high right now. Hopefully other people on here are having a better month as well.

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    ADHD Women Weekly Check-in for Feb 4-10: How Are You Doing?
  • Not great. For some reason I keep putting a simple email and task off for weeks and I don’t know why. It’s nothing major it’s literally me submitting the final piece to finish my license for my career. Idk what’s wrong with me and it sucks.

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    Naomi Klein: If Biden Wants to Stop Trump, He Should Step Down
  • Maybe the answer is that Russia isn’t doing what you think they’re doing. Blaming the failures of our electoral system on Russia is so 2016.

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    A reminder to all you far left and far right nutjobs that think Joe Biden has done nothing significant in office
  • You do know that it’s the people demanding and fighting for those things right? Biden only did the minimum while ignoring the peoples actual needs. He answers to his sponsors and his sponsors only. He spent billions on Ukraine and Israel while ignoring the millions of Americans who are worse off now than they were 4-8 years ago. No one is denying what he did. We’re saying it wasn’t enough.

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    Voting is changing the Oil to keep the engine running
  • Reminder that not everyone who disagrees with your guilt tripping self righteous nonsense is a Russian bot. Some of us actually use critical thinking and can see a pattern that must be broken.

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    Parole denied for 68-year-old in Alabama: ‘A life sentence for growing marijuana’
  • These people are kept in jail to be used in labor. It’s not about being cruel. It’s about making money in the cheapest way possible. Since Alabama is a hellhole with no workforce they turn to modern day slavery.

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    German lawmakers reject motion to send Taurus missiles to Ukraine
  • “Why don’t they just leave Ukraine? Why don’t they just surrender the land that Russia has taken over?” Lol. The imperial powers are done playing with Zelensky and his goons, and unfortunately the people will suffer while the rest of us regrettably say “I told you so.”

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    Here’s Why Gen Z Voters Might Opt Out in 2024
  • Let the fall of the American empire begin. If we think our way of Life is worth fighting for then we’re gonna actually have to fight for it.

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    Remember, if Fascism wins it is YOUR FAULT.
  • Why would we continue doing the exact same thing that has been time and time again proven to be a cheap bandaid that never addresses the issues? Fuck that. We have to try different ways of making progress in this country or we’re fucked. We’re not really a democratic country anyway. None of our representatives actually fight and do what we ask of them. So why fall for it again?

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    Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?
  • I’ll be voting for a socialist candidate. Vote for a president who tells us it’s okay to stand by a genocide or vote for trump who will tell you the genocide is good. Neither for me thanks. If trump had just served his 8 years we wouldn’t be here again.
