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  • The best part about the fine structure constant is that it is not related to any other thing. It just is.

    It's a magic number that just emerges in physics.

    And it is not constant.

    Even though it is.

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    Anarchy Easter Eggs
  • After many years the stasi suddenly realise they have created the worlds largest pride celebration.

    Mission accomplished.

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    'Don't listen to Trump': Florida conservatives turn on ex-president over new comments
  • In Canada, where it's legal throughout the whole damn nation:

    Usage among teens (under 18) has dropped since legalisation.

    There are almost no crimes associated with cannabis use aside from impaired driving.

    (It used to be a cash crop for certain motorcycle enthusiast clubs)

    The government has made billions in tax revenue.

    It employs thousands.

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    SCP - [Data Expunged]
  • The 5 upvotes constitute all known humans who have seen this film.

    Such a great period of bizarre Canadian cinema.

  • How does a tree (or any plant, really), know to evolve to produce a delicious fruit or a poison berry, a seed inside an impenetrable shell, or invent a type of flying machine, in order to reproduce? (Each of these examples exists in my backyard)

    How do they receive feedback about their evolutionary experiments? How do they know it worked/failed. [10]



    Loyalty should never demand reward. Loyalty itself is the reward. Else it's just prostitution by another name. (This thought inspired by golf)


    Jerboa was the first client i tried. I've tried several others. Jerboa is my lemmy app.

    The only thing that bothers me is after an update (this happens using both izzy and fdroid repos) upon relaunch i get "network error". It looks like i'm still logged in but my username is gone from the sidebar. If i try to log in i get json errors popping up in red text into the ui. Not a dialogue window, but within the background graphics.

    I have to manually log out, close app, and login again.

    This issue has been persistent across a number of updates since i started using the app.

    I use a vpn/dns/firewall but have the app excluded/bypassed, except the dns (dnscrypt/doh/tls fallback.) Dns allows everything it should. ?

    Android 13, may security updates.

    Images show dns from store refresh to relaunch after update. Will pull logcat to see if it shows anything.


