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Being Agile
  • Exactly, even when applied correctly, many projects will just not work with scrum. Managers that sponsor ONE approach have already failed....

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    Better start fixing your spaghetti code.
  • The point is just differentiating your behavior between what you call a "bad" or a "good" junior.

    And from experience the difference is whether they want to learn (regardless of their skill!!) or not (i.e are they passionate or it's just a job?).

    Passionate seniors get frustrated when they try to teach bad juniors, but there is no point on doing that, the problem was just that the senior was not involved in the hiring process...

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    Free cross-platform deniable encryption cryptoarchiver
  • I get what you mean, I think in a realistic scenario this only work to circumvent some laws. if you are tortured by someone who know about this and don't care about your life, then it's meaningless.

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    Guida all'acquisto smartphone degooglati
  • Cioe' ne vuoi uno con un SO senza google pre-installato?

    Anche io volevo qualcosa con batteria rimovibile, ma alla fine ci ho rinunciato perche' il compromesso prezzo/qualità a cui devi scendere è ridicolo purtroppo...

    Una serie molto economica su cui LineageOS funziona molto bene è quella dei Redmi, se fossi in te mi passerei questa pagina per trovare se c'e' qualcosa che ti piace e poi me lo formatterei da solo...

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    Mozilla wants you to love Firefox again
  • Does not "help protecting privacy", that is marketing. It's a system for ads that track you in a more privacy-friendly way then other alternatives.

    Peoples are mostly angry at the fact that they just silently slipped this system in without asking for consent.

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    8 Minutes
  • you’d almost certainly notice the change in gravity.

    Really? can you actually percieve the sun gravity? Do you mean that we would get like a tsunami beause of the tidal effect? Now I kinda want a documentary about this.

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    LF 60% with mode toggle
  • I'm currently on a TLK, and mostly because I want to learn to stop moving my hands away from the home row. It's not even only about arrows, but also home/end page up/down etc. and combinations with them which I use a lot and it just get slow and weird since I have to reposition my hands every time... mine is currently quite limited in what I can program it to do unfortunately.

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    LF 60% with mode toggle
  • QMK looks good, also because I'm familiar with C. I'll probably go with a prebuild to start out since I'm mainly interested in customizing the setup for now, thanks!

  • Hi! I'm relatively new to mechanical keyboards and I need some help.

    I need a 60% that will allow to toggle between two mode, one for writing and one for cursor movement with arrows (possibly on IJKL).

    From what I found most of the 60% use the Fn button for arrows, but you have to keep it pressed, which will not work for me... I need to actually toggle the alternative layout. Some 60% have a "Fn lock" to support this, but it's hard to tell by just looking at their specs...

    Do you know any model with a similar feature?

    DuckDuckGo introduce Duck Player
  • Lo uso anche io! Funziona bene sia su desktop che android, anche se per Invidious è un brutto periodo, causa nuove contromisure di google...

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    L'attribuzione nel rispetto della privacy: Mozilla delude ancora una volta
  • Dovrei documentarmi su questa cosa in effetti, al momento sto usando Librewolf (finche' dura) che per fortuna l'ha gia' disattivato sulla (s)fiducia con questa pull request 😉

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    Signal Desktop protegge il database dei messaggi: la chiave di decodifica era in chiaro
  • A livello di comunicazione, a mio parere, non è una bellissima mossa.

    ahah non c'e' dubbio, soprattutto il punto 3 se lo poteva risparmiare. Però dai, in linea di massima sono d'accordo con il punto 1... l'importante è che mantengano sicure le comunicazioni end-to-end

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    Signal Desktop protegge il database dei messaggi: la chiave di decodifica era in chiaro
  • Non lo so, su questa questione sono in parte d'accordo con Signal...proteggerre dati locali su una macchina compromessa è impossibile... chiaramente rendere il rubare i messaggi "banale" non è mai una buona idea, ma qualsiasi cosa facciano ( compresa l'ultima proposta) è facilmente aggirabile da codice malevolo...

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    This will surely stop people making fun of HR
  • In Italy it's required by your contract, but you no longer need HR fortunately, there's a dedicated website, and yes employer notice MUST be the same as the employee one...

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    What are some of the obstacles of making an existing game open source?
  • I'll add something which is not mentioned: Unreal Engine, one of the most popular game engines, is source available, but not open source. Many games modify it but its then impossible to release those sources. I'm guessing that it's the same with many other engines...

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    A cool guide of commonly believed myths
  • If you throw it in just before it's boiling yes, you will see the water bubble up for a moment for the reason you said... once dissolved if anything at those amounts, it raises the boiling temp a little
