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Tthe Decision Brecht/Eisler - Birmingham Opera Company

Extremely based agitprop cantata/opera. In the anglo establishment it is caricatured as evil and aggressively misinterpreted, possibly because HUAC translated it to smear Brecht and Eisler. (This production does not use the HUAC translation.)

While the Birmingham opera pushes the misinterpretation that it is about sacrificing yoursef for your values, in actuality it is a parable about a young passionate revalutionary whose idealism fatally clouds their judgement. I suspect that the translation makes this less clear, but I do not know the untranslated text.

Bonus points, I can't tell if the production is ironic or not. The cringe framing device feels ironic but the interviewer mentions solidarity with rail strikers at the end, so I can't tell. Either way, some of the audience and choristers interviewed seemed receptive.

Cope, Honky
  • Your repression in Xinjiang rivals the Soviet gulags.


    Even better:

    Your zero-Covid policy has, at times, transformed China’s great metropolises into vast and unlivable prison colonies.

    and, pray tell, where exactly is China's "truculence" you speak of?

    I hate that all the NYT is considered the cream of the crop and all the uni educated libs around me imbibe this crap uncritically.

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    Chinese diplomat involved in protester attack, says UK MP
  • I don't know, I'm worried about this narrative. Youtube suggested some video claiming to expose secret Chinese police stations in countries around the world, and if this gets pushed in the mainstream then we could get the Chinese Exclusion act 2.0 or something. A few years ago the US already gutted university chinese programs by kicking out all the confucius institutes for baseless accusations of espionage.

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    Morgan freeman solves the race problem.
  • This is amazing. I keep seeing an ad for an entire TV show hosted by Oprah which largely consists of telling people that they're racist and solving racism by "talking about it."
