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Man who allegedly tried to assassinate Donald Trump at Florida golf club named. Who is he?
  • You would need to know an original outcome of an event to apply the Novikov self-consistency principle. Otherwise how do you know this wasn't always what happened?

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    The Biden administration is taking steps to eliminate protections for gray wolves
  • It's not that they don't have places to go. It's moreso whatever causes them to move likely causes other animals to need to move. It might take a generation or two to settle into a new dynamic between avoiding predators that are also adjusting and finding food and water.

    However that doesn't have a major impact on populations. What can have a major impact is being over/under hunted. There needs to be a balance between those extremes. If wolves aren't culled they will hunt the deer population too thin. That heavy predation can lead to population boons of wolves that subsequently suffer due to scarcity of food. This leads to wolves encroaching on human areas and possibly posing a threat. On the other side, if deer have no predators they begin to overpopulate and can also encroach on human areas causing their own issues. With deer, hunting helps keep that population in check. Currently there's nothing keeping the wolf population in check. As others mentioned, the endangered species act was to protect actual endangered species. The goal is to aid the recovery of the population. That's been done. If they continue to receive protection, they'll start causing other problems that will need to be dealt with.

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    Watch Stephen Miller have a full meltdown when asked to back up crime claim with facts
  • It also beautifully displayed how fragile they are. Just push them a tiny bit and they go apoplectic that you don't just swallow their bullshit like their eager sycophants.

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    Trump campaign required to pay upfront deposit of $145,000 before Thursday event in Tucson
  • I believe Bernie qualified for secret service by then and they were supposed to handle liaising with local PD. So Sanders campaign is saying "talk to secret service" and secret service is saying "we didn't ask for loan PD support so we're not paying".

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    A Texas official gets probation for accidentally shooting his grandson at a wedding
  • On the one hand, firing a blank in the air is harmless. On the other hand, how fucking close was he that the kid was as injured as he was from the blank?

  • I'm hoping to find a game similar to Borderlands Science. Preferably something that can be played on a phone. Top tier would be the ability to play offline (sometimes I don't have great cell service though I understand it would need to be connected to some degree).

    I can easily zone out on somewhat mindless games and play for hours if I have the free time or spare attention. Progress tends to be my limiting factor. If I've just put 10 hours into a game and the next time I pick it up is the exact same as the first it can feel like a waste. If instead, those mindless hours were going to a good cause that is progressing (even if I don't directly see that progress), it might make it easier. Plus it's going to a good cause.


    The cliche understanding is that dogs mark their territory with pee. At times I've been on walks with family and friends with half a dozen dogs. There have been occasions where they form a line just to pee in the same spot.

    So how does the ownership work? Is it like a co-op? Last one to pee wins?


    How bad are everyone else's side effects? I currently take a 30mgXR in the morning and 10mgIR part way through the day. I can get some facial tics and other OCD like symptoms. They aren't bad enough to lower my dose or make other changes at this point. Just wondering what others are experiencing and if anyone has any tips or tricks to dealing with stuff like that.


    My understanding is a lot of "greens" eventually become "brown". Green leaves when they dry up would switch to a "brown". Same with dead grass.

    With that in mind I tried a very lazy process of only adding greens for a continual process. My first addition to my pile this year was grass clippings. They still haven't really broke down.

    Is my approach fundamentally flawed? Or is there something I'm missing to improve the process?
