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New pickups or a new guitar?
  • What pickups are you looking at that are as costly as a new guitar?

    I’ve replaced a bunch of my pickups in my guitar. It’s a great way to get exactly what you want, and often you’ll get higher quality than most guitar brands use stock. Pickups will have the largest effect on a guitar’s tone outside of the amp.

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    How come there’s no big gaming community?
  • Only and got defederated as far as I know. I see you’re not on one of those, so you can still see and participate with them.

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    Do you have any games that you like but you never finished?
  • Witcher 1 desperately needs a remake. Everything about the game is just janky. But the story is good, which is what got me through it. 2 is much closer to 3 in terms of gameplay.

    But I agree that playing 1 and 2 puts context to so many things in 3. It really enhances the experience.

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    This app.
  • The Memmy TestFlight is full at the moment, but should be on the App Store soon. I highly recommend it.

    Mlem and wefwef started good, but imo, they’re not there yet. They both look good, but are still missing a lot of my preferred functionality. Development also seems slow compared to Memmy too, but Memmy’s dev is also a machine pumping out updates every day.
