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Swifties wasted no time...
  • If he's alive they will endorse him. There's someone pulling the strings in the Republican party, I'd guess Putin. Republicans used to be the regular kind of horrible, now they're just repugnant and evil. Trump is the perfect figurehead.

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    Mother of Georgia Suspect Called School Minutes Before Shooting, Family Says
  • Blows my goddamn mind. We'll jail everyone involved in the sale of the gun but won't stop the sale. Just a little bit of regulation. No one needs an ar-15 with a high capacity magazine. NO ONE, except the armed forces. I know this'll get gun nuts lathered up but it's true. Stop making guns your whole personality

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    What Ticketmaster Doesn't Want You To Know: Concerts Were Cheap For Decades
  • It was expensive but I don't feel ripped off. Smashing Pumpkins opened and both bands played for hours with no breaks. It's how bands make money in the days of YouTube paying artists a tiny percentage of a penny to stream a song

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    We are not the same
  • I pirate because I want to try it first. The days of rolling the dice on a 60 dollar game like on the NES are over.

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    NBC Pulls Back ‘Tonight Show’ to Four Nights Per Week
  • Pull Conan out of retirement, pay him whatever he wants. Make it a show like the View, but with Conan, Andy, and Craig Ferguson. I would bet Conan and Craig would grate on each other, Andy could be the voice of reason.

    Sona can come too I guess

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    What is the most severe case of brainwashing you have seen?
  • My step brother got turned into a redhatter. Trying to stick magnets on my arm where I got the covid shot, the crazy pizza shop basement q thing, it's so bad it's like he has an earpiece in his ear being told what to say by rightwing media
