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What’s next for Mozilla?
  • Unfortunately not, that doesn't meet the needs for either a different user, or a completely different use case. For example, I want to completely separate my work profile with a set of extensions, and my personal profile with a completely different theme and set of extensions. In most other browsers you simply click on your profile picture and choose "Switch Profiles" or something. Not Firefox nor its derivatives.

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    What’s next for Mozilla?
  • One of the few remaining browsers in 2024 that does not support profile switching (and no, a debug about:profiles page does not count as supporting profile switching), and sure, AI is absolutely what it needs right now to become relevant. /s

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    NVIDIA 545.29.02 Linux Graphics Driver Is Out with Wayland Improvements, More
  • Its a lost cause, I've wasted several weeks in August and September trying to make Nvidia and Wayland and hardware video decoding work on every distro imaginable, GNOME or KDE. I would have bought a card from Team Red outright if I knew how deep the rabbit hole went.

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    Under what conditions would you be OK with ads on your lemmy instance?
  • Fuck ads, don't normalize this. I left Reddit because of enshittification, and putting ads on lemmy is just another first step towards that inevitable end. I'll just spin my own instance back up. I had one running but I took it down to avoid the influx of CSAM on some instances.

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    Sen. Bob Menendez indicted again for corruption, allegedly had cash stuffed in coat, gold bars
  • F**king hell if this was an R we'd be slaughtering him like a chicken in KFC. Have some standards D and get rid of this shitstain ASAP.

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    SHARE WITH THE CLASS: What aliases are you using?
  • I'm a simple man. I do simple things. I replace df, ls and top with more modern alternatives. Courtesy of this list.

    alias df="duf"
    alias ls="eza --group-directories-first --long --group --sort=ext --icons --all"
    alias top="btm"
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    What is a story from the internet that will remain in your mind forever?
  • I had to scroll way too far down to find this.

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    House GOP Unveils Budget With Trillions in Cuts to Medicaid, Food Benefits, and More
  • Also Republicans:

    Folks, let me tell you, Jesus was a great guy, the best. When he started preaching, the people loved him. Tremendous crowds. Nobody got crowds like Jesus. Sadly, the fake news media of the time didn't want to cover him. They said he was a radical. Can you believe it?

    When Pontius Pilate, not a good guy, said he found no guilt in Jesus, the crowd went crazy. They wanted Barabbas released instead, a real criminal. Total loser. Pilate should have stood up to them. Weak! In the end, they crucified our Lord and Savior. A total witch hunt. It was a perfect resurrection, many are saying the best. Many people are still talking about it.

    Can you believe the apostles? Losers, everyone said. But they went out and started this little religion. Now, two thousand years later, it's the biggest deal in the world. Paul went all over spreading the word. A real worker. They didn't have planes back then, can you believe it? He walked everywhere.

    The Bible folks, it's a great book, the best. People are always asking me, they say, "Sir, what's your favorite book?" And I say the Bible. It's got the best stories, the best morals. Nobody knows the Bible like me. I know it better than anybody.

    I'll leave it at that. The New Testament, it's something very special. I'm proud to be a Christian.

    (Courtesy of GPT)

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    House GOP Unveils Budget With Trillions in Cuts to Medicaid, Food Benefits, and More
  • Folks, let me tell you, Jesus was a great guy, the best. When he started preaching, the people loved him. Tremendous crowds. Nobody got crowds like Jesus. Sadly, the fake news media of the time didn't want to cover him. They said he was a radical. Can you believe it?

    When Pontius Pilate, not a good guy, said he found no guilt in Jesus, the crowd went crazy. They wanted Barabbas released instead, a real criminal. Total loser. Pilate should have stood up to them. Weak! In the end, they crucified our Lord and Savior. A total witch hunt. It was a perfect resurrection, many are saying the best. Many people are still talking about it.

    Can you believe the apostles? Losers, everyone said. But they went out and started this little religion. Now, two thousand years later, it's the biggest deal in the world. Paul went all over spreading the word. A real worker. They didn't have planes back then, can you believe it? He walked everywhere.

    The Bible folks, it's a great book, the best. People are always asking me, they say, "Sir, what's your favorite book?" And I say the Bible. It's got the best stories, the best morals. Nobody knows the Bible like me. I know it better than anybody.

    I'll leave it at that. The New Testament, it's something very special. I'm proud to be a Christian.

    (Courtesy of GPT)

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    Hyprland Is a Toxic Community
  • Honestly I'm not surprised at all. I started on a little project to try and daily drive hyprland but reading through the wiki and the github issues, plus this, its clear that the contributors, as technically competent as they are, are not concerned about keeping their egos in check.

    Its great eye-candy and all, but I gave up on it as I didn't need more tech-bro toxicity in my life.

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    How to learn linux?
  • One more tip, if you already have a Windows environment, spin up VMs with Hyper-V and start from there. Anytime you mess up, just nuke the VM and spin up another one. I must have burnt through hundreds of VMs (hyperbole) while testing out distros that I like.

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    How to learn linux?
  • Another vote for LFS. I like that it is really at the right level of depth (assuming that you already have a basic grasp of computing in general). Even if you end up going with a distro, reading through LFS gave me insights as to why certain things were done in certain ways. Alot of "quick-start" style guides tell you what command to type in, but for brevity reasons, they don't explain what the command does. For example, you may come across many guides tell you to type sudo or sed or echo or | or >>. It may seem daunting at first, but gradually as you become more at ease with the CLI, all these will start to make sense.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • At my previous job in a Fortune 500, circumventing the IT security policy is ground for instant dismissal. Like literally marched right out of the office kind of dismissal. We had an IT breach before and it cost the company US$300m to fix, and IT security was locked down HARD after. At best, OP is not wise.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Seconded, this looks like it was written by a high school edgelord that just got into linux, and has zero understanding of how corporate systems are actually built, and how diverse the IT landscape is.

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    Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here
  • I'm a simple man. Where Beehaw goes, I follow.

    I have had enough of attempting to engage others in good faith, and assuming everyone is an rational actor.

    Beehaw is a community that chooses to be excellent to one another, and to not be garbage human beings. I'm on board with that. Fuck the toxicity everywhere else. I'm with you and will die on this proverbial hill.

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    Bloodlines 2 - Official Announcement Trailer
  • Random stranger here but genuinely sorry for your loss. Hope he/she is in a much better place.

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    [Advice Needed] Wayland on GTR7 Pro 7940HS/Radeon 780M?
  • Yeah! Thanks for the input too, the 3080Ti I’ve been struggling with getting Arch or Tumbleweed to work without compromise but it’s always little gotchas like Wayland visual-glitching or VAAPI not working in browsers or refusing to start if i915 is not blacklisted. The overall experience is just slightly more pleasant than gouging my eyes out with a rusty spoon.

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    [Advice Needed] Wayland on GTR7 Pro 7940HS/Radeon 780M?
  • Excellent, much thanks!

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    [Advice Needed] Wayland on GTR7 Pro 7940HS/Radeon 780M?
  • You sir are a scholar and a gentleman. Thank you for the inputs! Just to confirm if you don’t mind a stupid question, I understand VAAPI works for you, does it also work for browsers with YouTube? I’m asking this specifically because I could get hwdec working with MPV with Nvidia but YouTube refuses to use hwdec regardless of browser for me. How about yours in Firefox at least with YouTube specifically?

  • Hey, beautiful people of Linux, I need some advice. I've been tinkering for the past several weeks on flavours of Plasma DE on Arch and Tumbleweed on my Nvidia/Alder Lake setup. Suffice to say the experience was nothing short of getting waterboarded in Guantanamo by Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity high-fiving each other while Laura Ingraham supervises.

    While X11 is mostly working, I've basically given up on getting VA-API and Wayland to work. I'm considering getting a Beelink Mini PC with 7940HS and 780M to finally be able to daily drive a setup without compromises. Bonus points if Hyprland actually works without sketchy black market patches that you buy off a guy in the back alley behind Wendy's.

    Looking for any advice or experience anyone might have.

    1. Does VA-API and AV1/VP9/HEVC HW decoding in browser actually work? Any browser at all.
    2. Does Wayland actually work without glitches on the 780M?
    3. Does Hyprland work out-of-the-box, if ever?