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For the fun: Weapons
  • I use a lot of off-meta melee (if there is such a thing, since most melee can be made powerful). I guess the ones on my list that count as "mediocre" are Mios, Ninkondi, Prisma Dual Cleavers, Guandao Prime, and Twin Basolk. If we're counting hidden gems, I'd also add Caustacyst, which I liked even before I had a riven for it, and now use on my Kullervo loadout as well.

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    What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? September 10
  • Currently breezing through Auberon by James S.A. Corey, the story between books 7 and 8 of the Expanse. Not sure what I'll read next.


    Finished Roadside Picnic by Arkady & Boris Strugatsky. The world-building around the Zone was as cool as I'd hoped, and I appreciated that expeditions into it were realistically strenuous, grimy, and dangerous. The overall tone is a bit bleak, though, and I didn't find the characters particularly relatable. There's a cool afterward from one of the authors, describing how difficult it was to get the book published (and when it was, how censored it had to be).

    Bingo squares: Older Than You Are (1972), It Takes Two, Now a Major Motion Picture, (alt) Translated (hard).

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    I feel like I am getting WEAKER the further I go; how do I actually get stronger?
  • Just want to add: forma are for when you've run out of capacity after you've installed a reactor/catalyst. You can install them before, but it's really inefficient.

    Also, if you put all the basic mods on a weapon, and it still feels weak, take a look at its base (unmodded) crit and status chance stats. If, say, base crit chance is significantly lower than base status chance, then replace crit mods with more status/status chance, and see if that feels better. Same principle for frames: some frames have really low base shield, or their abilities don't need range, or they don't need to worry about energy management, so you're better off swapping out some mods for others.

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    Legendary/High-MR Tenno: How do you do it?
  • MR30 here. Apart from the prime and lich stuff, there's definitely a few easy things you've missed, and some clusters of stuff you can work on simultaneously or while doing other things (like cracking relics or grinding aya):

    • Have you done all the zaws, kitguns, k-drives, and amps? Wasn't sure if what you're using tracks them. If not, that's potentially a big chunk.
    • BPs from the market: pandero, carrier, dethcube, shade, wyrm, various archgun/archmelees (parts require syndicates)
    • BPs from the dojo: catabolyst, mios, helios, djinn, itzal, dorrclave, hema
    • Nightwave: heat dagger, dark sword, wolf beacons for wolf sledge
    • Deimos iso vaults: aurum spinosa, sporothrix, cortege, and necramech parts; rep for cortege and bonewidow BPs. Note that arcana iso vaults have better drop rates for aurum spinosa and sporothrix parts, but you'll probably be stuck doing them solo.
    • Stuff from syndicates, all of which are tradable if you don't want to swap syndicates: various archmelee and archgun parts, sancti/secura/telos weapons, abyssal beacons for dorrclave mats
    • BPs, parts, and relics from corpus railjack derelict caches: carmine penta and nautilus, plus relics for valkyr prime, nyx prime, cernos prime, scindo prime, hikou prime, and venka prime
    • Baro: prisma weapons, vericres, halikar wraith, vulkar wraith, prova vandal, supra vandal, vastilok, ax-52 (probably)

    As a side note for sibear, I found getting cryotic passively while grinding circuit much less tedious than trying to grind it directly, but that might just be me.

  • https:// /news/september-corruption-alerts
    • September 6 at 11 a.m. ET - September 9 at 11 a.m. ET: Heavy Caliber + 30K Credits
    • September 13 at 11 a.m. ET - September 16 at 11 a.m. ET: Depleted Reload + 30K Credits
    • September 20 at 11 a.m. ET - September 23 at 11 a.m. ET: Tainted Shell + 30K Credits
    • September 27 at 11 a.m. ET - September 30 at 11 a.m. ET: Magnum Force + Stratos Emblem

    (mission details are in the post, if you care)

    What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? September 03
  • Will it give me arachnophobia, if I don't like spiders, but am not at the level of full blown phobia?

    Mmm if they give you the ick, then maybe avoid it. I don't think it's too bad, but YMMV, and I'd rather not mislead you accidentally.

    Ring Shout sounds interesting, but am not a fan of racism and slavery in the (fiction) books, specially the ones that go to dark places. Does it end well? 😀

    The author actually uses a much lighter touch on the racism and mentions of slavery than I was expecting. It's there, and it ties into the story, but the focus is really more on fighting literal demonic creatures. Like I said the other week, it's really more of an action-adventure than disturbing horror. It ends mostly well, with room for a sequel.

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    What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? September 03
  • Just started Roadside Picnic by Arkady & Boris Strugatsky. I read somewhere that they purposefully wrote Stalker (which I've seen) as very different to the book, so it'll be interesting to compare.


    Finished Ring Shout by P. Djèlí Clark. In the afterward, the author asked why a sword-wielding fantasy hero couldn't exist in the US, which I think sums up the tone pretty well. Some fun body horror, while also touching on the real horrors of slavery and racism.

    Bingo squares: Award Winner (hard), Mashup, Minority Author


    Also read Crypt of the Moon Spider by Nathan Ballingrud, which was great. Sort of a mashup of lots of things (1920s in a mental asylum, on a version of the moon that has forests, with some gothic, medical, body, and cosmic horror thrown in). Sadly too short to explore the world, though I'm hopeful the planned sequels will rectify this. Avoid if you have arachnophobia.

    Bingo squares: New Release, Mashup (maybe hard?), Among the Stars (technically), (alt) A Change in Perspective. Not sure about Institutional (hard) since it's a for-profit asylum.

  • Mixing every color using light = white

    Mixing every color using pigments (paint, ink, etc.) = black


    Humble Book Bundle: Discworld collection by Terry Pratchett Humble Bundle

    Pay what you want. Support charity. Get awesome games.

    A note: this is not the full series, just a large percentage.

    ETA: Requires a Kobo account to redeem; also, US only.

    Light Pollution vs Streetlights & Perceived Safety
  • So, I feel like 2, maybe with 3 in certain high-traffic areas, would be a good idea, for a couple reasons:

    1. increased visibility for vehicles, particularly in places with a lot of pedestrians, who might not all have their own lights or be too inebriated to use them.
    2. nighttime socializing outdoors, such as markets, streets with lots of nightlife, plazas, etc. Sure, small personal lights could become incorporated into fashion, but those also need to be powered, and would have to illuminate faces without blinding anyone. Public lighting just seems easier.
    3. less isolating for night shift workers (if that's a thing in the world you're writing).

    Could even have 2 shut off in quieter neighborhoods that have no open businesses during the wee hours.

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    Gamescom. What did those of us who just watched Opening Night miss on subsequent days?
  • Not Gamescom-related, but there was a Nintendo Direct that showed off some indie/partner games on the 27th, and a CoD thing today (the 28th), if either of those were what you were thinking of?

    Only other thing that comes to mind is maybe the Future Games Show, but that was last week (list of trailers here).

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    What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? August 27
  • I'm at 13/25 books for bingo, but that's all I've been reading since May.

    Currently a third of the way through Ring Shout by P. Djèlí Clark. I was craving a horror read, and this worked for bingo, so I picked it up. It's good so far, but seems more like an action adventure than the grim spookiness I wanted.


    Finished Malice by Keigo Higashino. A surprising number of lies got revealed in the second half, though I did get part of it right. Not jumping to read more by this author, but not opposed to it, either. Sidenotes: this is listed as #4 in a series, but the first 3 aren't in English, and it reads fine as a standalone; also, you may want to check content warnings for this one.

    Bingo squares: What's Yours Is Mine, Bookception (hard), There Is Another (hard, if you count untranslated entries), Now a Major Motion Picture (a J-drama from 2001), Minority Author, (alt) Translated (hard)

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    How do you find the center of two concentric circles with just a straightedge?
  • Oof, that sounds tricky, yeah. I spent some more time this morning poking around at references and testing ideas, but mostly it feels like going around in circles (no pun intended).

    Do post how you end up going about it, or if you find a better solution; I'd love to know!

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    How do you find the center of two concentric circles with just a straightedge?
  • I mean, if you're willing to cheat and use the length of your straightedge (assuming it's long enough), or cordage anchored at one end, then you have a substitute compass, and the solution's trivial.

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    How do you find the center of two concentric circles with just a straightedge?
  • For a variation on this with fewer tangents (from A. S. Smogorzhevskii's The Ruler In Geometrical Constructions):

    • Pick point 1 on the larger circle.
    • Draw two tangents (2) on the smaller circle, such that they go through point 1 and intersect the larger circle on the other end (3).
    • Draw one line segment from 2 to 3', and one from 3 to 2'. **
    • Draw a line that goes through both the resulting intersection and the original point (1) you made on the larger circle. This line goes through the center of the circle.
    • Repeat steps 1-4 from a different angle to get the center point.

    The issue, of course, is that any tangent you draw (without other circles, lines, or tools) is going to be approximate, and so the center will also be approximate. Every solution for this that I found just assumes accurate tangents, or parallel lines, or whatever, but I don't see a way to get those (I say, having only browsed through the topic briefly) when these two circles and a straightedge are all you have to work with. If that's not a big deal in your practical application, cool.


    ** I'm shortcutting, here. The long version is to first draw two line segments, one that uses the smaller circle's tangent points (2) as endpoints, and one that uses the intersections on the larger circle (3) as endpoints. Because the two circles are concentric, these segments are parallel and centered on one another, so you end up with an isosceles trapezoid. You then draw its diagonals to get its midpoint.

  • Nora's Mix Vol. 6 Ending + Vol. 7 Incoming!

    Howdy Dreamers, Nightwave: Nora’s Mix Vol. 6 is coming to a close—ending on Tuesday, September 3rd at 1 p.m. ET. However, similar to Nora’s Mix Vol. 6, Nightwave: Nora’s Mix Vol. 7 will be released quickly after, on Tuesday, September 3rd, around 2:15 p.m. ET (whenever we Hotfix!) Like previous e...

    > Nightwave: Nora’s Mix Vol. 6 is coming to a close—ending on Tuesday, September 3rd at 1 p.m. ET. However, similar to Nora’s Mix Vol. 6, Nightwave: Nora’s Mix Vol. 7 will be released quickly after, on Tuesday, September 3rd, around 2:15 p.m. ET (whenever we Hotfix!)

    Vol. 7 rewards are Stalker-themed (the link has a list, but no pictures).

    Don't forget to spend your creds!

    What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? August 20
  • I'm about halfway through Malice by Keigo Higashino. It's unusual in that it's not a who dunnit, it's a why dunnit, and that half of the book (this is not a spoiler) is the murderer's unreliable written account, interspersed with chapters of the detective's report. The prose is a little dry (not sure if that's a translation issue, or if it's that way in the original Japanese), but it's short and engaging.


    Finished Weak Heart by Ban Gilmartin. Sort of an urban fantasy on a remote Scottish island, dealing with Scottish folklore and a missing friend/ex. There are some monsters and apparitions, but I wouldn't call it horror (although you might want to check content warnings, as there is some reliving of past traumas). Very much a peek into the two main characters' heads as they investigate, learn to tolerate each other, and grow over the course of the story. Kind of a YA vibe, but not. Recommended if that sounds like your jam.

    Bingo squares: Independent Author, LGBTQIA+ Lead (hard). (Maybe also Family Drama, if you count unrelated-but-raised-together.)

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    ‘It could disappear for ever’: Anger over sale of George Orwell archive
  • It sounds like this was the receiving party: letters from Orwell to his publisher (and other papers related to publishing his work, like contracts and internal memos). if Orwell had kept copies for his records, I suspect they would already be properly archived, yes.

  • TIL what a fix-up novel is

    > A fix-up (or fixup) is a novel created from several short fiction stories that may or may not have been initially related or previously published. The stories may be edited for consistency, and sometimes new connecting material, such as a frame story or other interstitial narration, is written for the new work.

    I'd just never heard the term before this article popped up last night. Thought maybe it might be a new thing for some of you, as well!

    https:// /updates/pc/35-5-0

    The notes are stupid long, so I'm not gonna try to copy paste them here. However, here's an overview:

    New Frames/Weapons
    • New frame: Dante (rot C new disruption node or via pity system)
    • New incarnon weapons: Onos (secondary) and Ruvox (melee: fist)
    Starchart & Steel Path
    • New Deimos node: Armatus (Disruption)
    • Disruption QoL changes: demolisher marker shows up much more easily; red conduit now yellow
    • Omnia void fissures (can take any tier of relic in)
    • Steel Path Zariman & Cavia bounties
    • Steel Path incursion expansion: Zariman and Albrecht’s Laboratories now get their own 6th daily incursion
    Albrecht's Laboratories tileset
    • New enemy: Gruzzling, drops lanthorns, echo vocas, common melee arcanes, and are an additional source of conduit activators on Armatus
    • Tileset expansion; includes new somachord tones
    • Netracell drop table changes (removed all the non-legendary melee arcanes & adjusted drop rates of remaining items)
    • Some enemy adjustments, including Rogue Bonewidows (which also applies to iso vaults)
    Sanctum Anatomica
    • “Research Dante” store (Loid), which also includes riven transmuters and a new Simulacrum that lets you bump enemies an extra 25 levels
    • Weekly archon shard offering moved to Sanctum Anatomica (Bird3), no longer on Chipper
    • You can hug Fish, Bird, and Emo now.
    Duviri Improvements
    • Top QoL changes: circuit progress now saves between rounds (!); you can leave the undercroft waiting area as long as the timer hasn't started
    • Circuit Assassination: Corrupted Jackal changes (nerf)
    Cosmetics & Customization
    • Styanax Tonatiuh collection
    • Tennogen Unbound (6 things, including Sevagoth and Gyre skins)
    • New market bundles: Dante, Inaros cosmetics, voidshells (Banshee, Loki, Nekros), community glyphs, anniversary glyphs
    • Redliner emote
    • Customization for frames with invisibility abilities (under attachments > auxiliary attachments), lets you choose between classic transparent and just kind of an energy glow
    • Haztech & Smelter suits can now be worn by drifter
    Frame Reworks & Changes
    • Inaros rework
    • Mirage Eclipse & Prism changes (no longer reliant on light)
    • Gara passive change (no longer reliant on light)
    • Nourish Helminth change (nerf)
    • Loki ability changes (decoy now scales; switch teleport no longer roots, and also gives a speed boost)
    • Yareli ability changes (no longer rooted when casting aquablades/riptide)
    • Archon shard expansion: Ascent Fusion (combine 3 of the same shard into a tauforged)
    • New warframe augment mods for Baruuk, Chroma, Citrine, Kullervo, Lavos, Loki, Nezha, Nidus, Styanax, Excal Umbra, and Yareli
    **Click for augment list**
    • Elusive Retribution (Baruuk - Elude): Every attack Baruuk Eludes increases his Melee Attack Speed and Melee Critical Damage by 5% up to 6 stacks. Stacks last 6s. (Hexis/Loca)
    • Guardian Armor (Chroma - Vex Armor): Chroma's Health takes 50% of damage dealt to allies within Affinity Range. Squad kills restore 5% of his Health over 3s and increases Vex Armor duration by 1s. (Suda/Perrin)
    • Recrystalize (Citrine - Crystallize): Enemies killed by crystalline growths stagger and spread the crystals to enemies within 16m. (Red Veil/Steel Merid)
    • Wrath of Ukko (Kullervo - Storm of Ukko): Wrathful Advance moves the storm of daggers to the teleportation location and increases its duration by 6s. (Loca/Steel Merid)
    • Valence Formation (Lavos - Passive): Upon Ability cast, applies the Ability Element as 200% Elemental Damage to your weapons with guaranteed Status for 20s. (Loka/Red Veil)
    • Damage Decoy (Loki - Decoy): Decoy can be cast on enemies. Enemies who attack that decoy receive 5 random Status Effects, and the reflected damage is increased by 350%. (Hexis/Red Veil)
    • Divine Retribution (Nezha - Divine Spears): When a speared enemy suffers from a Status Effect, the Status Effect spreads to all speared enemies. Spear explosions apply 1.5x Status Damage. (Suda/Steel Merid)
    • Parasitic Vitality (Nidus - Parasitic Link): Nidus and any ally he's bound to gain 4% Max Health per Mutation during Parasitic Link. (Steel Merid/Perrin)
    • Axios Javelineers (Styanax - Axios Javelin): A pair of Styanax Specters spawn to throw javelins, creating vortexes on impact. Impale an enemy to increase vortex duration by 5s. (Hexis/Loka)
    • Warrior’s Rest (Excalibur Umbra - Passive): Umbra's Ability Strength increases by 15% but he no longer fights independently alongside his Operator. (Hexis/Red Veil)
    • Loyal Merulina (Yareli - Merulina): You no longer ride Merulina. Instead, she follows her and casts Sea Snare on nearby enemies. 2s cooldown. (Suda/Loka)
    New Player Path Improvements
    • Cephalon Simaris introduction improved
    • Mote Amp acquisition improved
    • Junction changes
    • Inbox messages more correctly mastery-rank locked
    • Railjack market bundle changes (removed some bundles, and added a new, better one for less plat; differences in plat will be refunded)
    • Quest changes (including reducing quest item build times to 10 sec)
    Melee Attack Changes
    • Melee ground slam attack changes: only radial damage (max 50% falloff at edge), scales with mods
    • Melee finisher improvements (new vfx, more enemies can be finishered)
    • Auto-melee fixes (no longer will I get stuck perma-meleeing in circuit... probably)
    UI QoL changes
    • New UI sorting categories for arcanes, captura, and orbiter deco
    • New fast travel menus for orbiter, relays, & dojo (same as gear button) (includes Baro!)
    • Upgrade screen changes (some nice little tweaks)
    • Warframe, weapon, And railjack stat UI rework (honestly it seems mostly the same in practice, but you can now see some extra handy stats if you've equipped mods that affect them)
    • Incarnon reticle improvements
    Visual Updates
    • GI Volume Lighting updates (now applies to orbiter and some other places, as well as transparent parts on frames)
    • Kubrow fur updates
    Other Additions, Changes, Fixes, etc.

    Some highlights:

    • Sticky corners begone!
    • Applicable ammo pickups will charge tome alt-fire, instead of being useless for that weapon class
    • No more being locked out of companion pets when incubating; also imprint QoL#
    https:// /news/dante-unbound-launches-in-march

    > Defend the Leverian from the avaricious clutches of Parvos Granum and the Corpus! Drusus, curator and caretaker of the Leverian, requests your help to get out from under Parvos’s gilded thumb. It falls to you to track down his assistant and chief chronicler, the Warframe Dante. Master Dante’s Abilities as you take on new Missions like Murmur focused Disruption and greater challenges than ever before. > > Dante Unbound launches on all platforms on March 27!

    (They're also pausing hotfixes til then.)
