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The dye in Doritos can make mice transparent
  • I mean, people tattoo with phosphorous (I think it was phosphorous) to get glow in the dark tattoos and that shit's a carcinogen! People gonna people.

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    Muslims Were Reliably Democratic Voters. With US Gaza Policy, That’s Changed.
  • It's definitely a "red line", but I work in a field that requires me to think about things long-term. To me, the genocide shit is bad and I am 100% behind Bibi and his administration being tried and hung for their atrocities. However, I also know it can get a whole lot worse for Palestinians, and the world was a whole, if anyone but a Democrat wins in November.

    Sure, we keep sliding to the right. But at least with Harris in office, we stand a chance of reversing a further slide. Without, we are sure to continue the slide at an even faster rate.

    Look past the shortsightedness of those that seek to distract you and try to see the bigger picture. We can't do anything about the shit going on now if we don't have a future.

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    What's the most useless skill you've mastered, and how did you end up getting so good at it?
  • I am better at helping others flesh out ideas and expanding on them than I am making up my own ideas. I'm good at troubleshooting problems better than most I've ever met. I owe both to PC troubleshooting over the last few decades (from Apple 2e and Pentium II to present). I find that people these days have tunnel vision and focus on short-term gains over long-term payoffs, often to the detriment of future productivity.

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    The wine industry is worried that gen Z and millennials are turning away from the grape, citing cost, health risks and alternatives such as mocktails and marijuana
  • I've said it in a comment before but I can smoke all day and be 100% fine the next day. I can't drink more than a few drinks without nearly dying the next morning.

    Makes more sense to do weed, not alcohol, just to be able to function later or the following day.

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    What's a long-standing mystery that still preoccupies you?
  • There is no edge. Just the farthest back in time we can see because of how long light takes to reach us. It's constantly expanding not because it doesn't exist but because we can see more of the light.

    I suspect we don't know as much as we think we do about the way the universe works. Once we figure out the missing info, it will unlock a lot more than just the forces at play.

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    Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence?
  • It amazed people when it first launched and capitalists took that to mean replace all their jobs with AI. Where we wanted AI to make shit jobs easier, they used it to replace whole swaths of talent across the industry's. Recent movies read like they were written almost entirely by AI. Like when Cartman was a robot and kept giving out terrible movie ideas.

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    Florida state parks whistleblower fired after exposing Ron DeSantis’s plans | James Gaddis tanked Florida governor’s secretive scheme to build hotels and golf courses over acres of preserved land
  • This may be different. Protests were not partisan. There was uproar from those without deep pockets across the whole spectrum. While I don't doubt some dipshits will still do it, it'll probably be fewer than other, more hyper-partisan issues.

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    Say hi if you're not a bot. Place seems to be dry.
  • Also a lurker and casual commenter. I have mad imposter syndrome so I always feel others know more and/or have already seen it.

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    'Closer than people think': Woolly mammoth 'de-extinction' is nearing reality — and we have no idea what happens next
  • It's worse when you consider the state of the world and the warming. They'd have about 20 sq\km of land capable of supporting them and they'd have to share it with those psychos, polar bears.

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    Opinion: Millennials Would Be Able to Afford Homes If They Didn’t Let Older Kids Trick Them Into Giving Up Their Most Valuable Pokémon Cards
  • I only played the Red and Blue version for Gameboy. That was years ago. Never touched the series after they started marketing for kids. I was in 7th or 8th grade when it dropped. The original stuff was pretty great!

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    Muslims Were Reliably Democratic Voters. With US Gaza Policy, That’s Changed.
  • Any other year, with any other opposition candidate, I'd be right there calling for a cease fire if they want my vote. Please say it with me...


    Vote blue, hold the administration accountable, and vote again in 2 and 4 years. Protest vote and then bitch about the suffering for the rest of your life, however short it becomes under a second tRump admin.

  • I used to have no issue with this, just like the person from this reddit post, where my music app would resume playing if it was the last app with media playing via Bluetooth and I did not actively close the app since the last time it played.

    I am having this same issue, with this same phone, running (I assume) the same Android version. Ever since I got my Pixel 7, I've had no problems with Bluetooth resuming in my car. I'd listen to Deezer on my way to work, my way from work, and as long as it was the app of choice, it would start playback as soon as it connected back to my car. I received a few updates recently and now that doesn't happen. Now it just shows me what it was playing, but never starts it, and I have to go into the app, itself, just to "wake it up" to play.

    Anyone seen similar? I've unchecked all things that I know of which could stop an app from running in the background, or with loss of connection to devices. It's not set to close at all for any reason, yet it almost seems like it does. No one has responded to the OP of the cross-post so I figured I'd extend this post to Lemmy and see if anyone has an answer or suggestion.

    Soon as my phone is paid off I'm going to Graphene or some other alternative to Google's trash.
