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Massive oil, gas reserves found in Pakistani waters: Report
  • Bet my life savings the Pakistani army sells the resource rights to some oil company for $5

    Or in the rare chance Imran Khan actually makes it out of political purgatory, bet my life savings it will take the USA 5 seconds to do another regime change.

    Or it could also just be a hyped up false report like last time....

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    Israel Just Killed Another American in the West Bank. Will the U.S. Ever Respond?
  • West Bank isn't an active war zone

    The USA allows you to visit anywhere you want, and they maintain a travel advisory list for every country. Both Israel and the West Bank are listed as "High Security Risk", not "Do Not Travel". You can still visit "Do Not Travel" places at mostly your own risk.

    The reason given for the advisory is "terrorism and civil unrest". Nowhere in their explanation does it say you will be actively shot at by the acting "defense" force or police.

    Hell considering the circumstances, it's probably better to avoid run ins with the IDF, which is the opposite of what the advisory says to do lol.

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    How do you start a car and move it with manual shift "the right way"?
  • I gotta find it again, but someone in a race finished his final lap after running out of gas by leaving the clutch engaged and just running the starter lol. It was enough to keep the car rolling until the finish line.

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    "working tirelessly"
  • Gaza isn't anywhere near said special coordinates bruh. Even then it's not their most special coordinate.

    I could be wrong but maybe this has something to do with being systematically removed from their homes and land and forced into a tiny encampment to live out the rest of your life as a refugee.

    almost like some sort of concentration of the population to ease extermination

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    Godot founders had desperately hoped Unity wouldn't 'blow up'
  • Unity was one of the first applications that made me take a good look at FOSS in general because my experience with it was:

    "Hey let's make a game for our final project"

    "Okay, let's try Unity"

    Flashbanged in light mode

    Dark Mode is only available for real cash money subscription license

    "Yeah okay nvm let's try something open source lol"

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    Poll: Endorsing Israel Arms Embargo Would Boost Harris’s Support to 49 Percent
  • Y'all in this comments section really underestimating polls vs voter turnout.

    Did everyone already forget 2016?

    Michigan turned red over a sketchy candidate. No way in hell it's gonna be blue if a literal genocide supporter is the candidate.

    And for all the "but muh ceasfire" comments, I'll be happy to shove the 2 minute pro palestinian speech into your ears since Harris banned it from being presented at the DNC rally after pretending to care about American Palestinians.

    Pandering for votes with no change from Biden's stance because all hail that sweet sweet AIPAC money and Israeli war machine.

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    "Russian spy" beluga whale that was found dead "had multiple bullet wounds," animal rights group says
  • So either executed by Russia because... the whale didn't like Putin....


    Executed by the USA because... the CIA doesn't take any chances.......

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    Youtube deletes and strikes Linus Tech Tips video for teaching people how to live without Google. Ft. Louis Rossman
  • Other than the stuff already mentioned here, people (probably fairly accurately) thought Linus was a salesman douche with no real knowledge of computers back in the NCIX days.

    It was partially true, he was basically a warehouse manager who happened to get lucky making a successful youtube channel which he turned into his own media business after NCIX died.

    But that's what the key term is. It's Linus Media Group. Their top goal is to create content that generates views for revenue, and not content that might be useful or takes a lot of effort to do.

    Which is why you will almost never see any heavy IT people watching his videos. There are so many examples of people running entire data centers in their house better than LMG could do with actual budget, server space, and hardware. They used to use windows server for everything because they didn't have anyone who knew linux lol.

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    Led by the automaker BYD, China has established itself as the main car supplier in Mexico. The US worries China could use Mexico as a “back door” to sidestep tariffs and gain footing in the US market.
  • Washington can't fathom not running their monopoly on every global market lol.

    China is supposed to be a dirty 3rd world outsource nation, not a competitor. They should do as told instead of actually investing in their country's infrastructure /s.

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    Ladies and Gentlemen, the sate of AI.
  • Yeah I should have mentioned the context is FBLA, and Google partially fixed the prompt.

    Original from a few weeks ago:

    BPA is another student org called Business Professionals of America

    The AI ignores the subject context and just compares whatever is the most common acronym.

    They lazy patched it by making the model do a subject check on the result, but not on the prompt so it still comes back with the chemical lol.

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    Supporters of Israel's actions in Gaza - why do you think the Geneva convention should not apply?
  • Interesting take, but I want to point out that Afghanistan was completely invaded in a matter of days, and only because the Taliban refused to give up OBL, who was the leader of Al-Qaeda and responsible for 9/11 (ie not the Taliban).

    Point being that I don't think the Taliban's strategy was ever to force the USA to invade and then call for help. They simply did not want to back down against a foreign entity, especially since many of their ranks were former Mujaheddin who did the same against Russia.

    The issue of civilian collateral only became an issue well after the USA took over and installed the new government, at which point the Taliban had been decimated and forced into hiding.


    Israel has the complete capability to completely invade Gaza right now. They have done it before and they gave the same treatment of basically running the area themselves and systematically removing enemies. However, the issue at hand is that Israel wants to expand to the border both in Gaza and the West Bank, but they do not want the Palestinians to be any part of the state.

    Even comparing statistics, the rate of civilian collateral is several orders of magnitude higher than Afghanistan, despite Hamas being a smaller percentage of people than what the Taliban was. Hence why the Geneva convention is coming into question. The rate of death is so high that it indicates a level of a targeted massacre if not a genocide.

    There's overwhelming evidence that the daily airstrikes on hospitals, schools, camps, etc. do not contain any Hamas militants. Similarly, there's practically zero evidence any of the aid trucks or NGOs working in the area could be confused with Hamas, yet they too have been targeted and shot at multiple times with multiple deaths.


    I think the belly of the beast is just not brought up enough. Israel has no interest with Palestinians being anywhere in their state, and they will use whatever means necessary to get rid of them, whether it be illegal land grabbing (forced displacement), refusal of citizenship, deportation, ignoring lynch mobs, running a war effort, etc.

    Not to mention that Hamas was funded by Israel to keep them propped up in Gaza, which would actually make them the instigator by getting Hamas to do a massive attack to justify a strong reaction. People already forgot that Mossad was under fire for allegedly knowing all about the attack, yet doing nothing to prevent it.

    Where Israel miscalculated in this plan was Hamas taking hostages and using them to prevent an instant invasion. This put pressure on the government from the civilian population, and likely caused the USA to force them to slow down. Even now, there is massive pressure on the government to enter a ceasefire simply to allow the hostages to return, regardless of what to do with Gaza afterwards.

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    Ladies and Gentlemen, the sate of AI.
  • You can do this with practically any versus question and get hilarious results

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    Say the line
  • Chief wiggum just standing there and snacking is the cherry on top

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    Teaser poster for "A Minecraft Movie"
  • Microsoft's Search For More Money tm

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    This country needs some fuckin' reform.
  • Yeah one of the reasons I brought up Sydney is because there's an entire massive rural area of Australia with people living in practically the middle of nowhere.

    Which is why they have their infamous truck trains that drive for days just to transport supplies around.

    But when you hit the city, the landscape instantly changes. It's almost cool going from seeing outback trucks to JDM wrx and evos everywhere, lol. I assume it's because only gear heads and enthusiasts keep cars around because they have metro, busses, and a water ferry that takes you around.

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    This country needs some fuckin' reform.
  • Car is so much more convenient.

    (Okay before you read this, this assumption is for Cities only. Rural areas do not apply at all lol. Suburbs are also still part of cities)

    This is actually an effect of creating a car centric infrastructure and city planning revolving around roads and parking.

    You have to imagine for a moment what an entire city would look like without cars as the core transportation method. For starters, suburbs wouldn't be a thing, everything would be spaced about 4-8x closer, large supermarkets would be rare, especially grocery stores, pedestrian and cyclist traffic would be the most common form of transportation, and then busses/streetcars, and then trains.

    You would likely be getting groceries more frequently, but it would be an average 7 minute walk to your local grocery store, and a flat 3 minute cycle if you don't want to carry any groceries and put in even less effort than walking. Busses and trains would be reserved for mostly commercial traffic like traveling to work, city center, or other neighborhoods.

    There are plenty of real life examples of cities and entire countries that are developed like this. Netherlands is always brought up, but places like Sydney follow this planning despite also having a lot of cars. Even several US cities were like this in the early 1900-1940s.

    The reason busses and trains absolutely suck in the USA, is that it is treated as secondary transport. Busses are rarely running with enough frequency to make them viable, and they have to travel the same distance and use the same roads as cars, because every neighborhood was designed to accommodate cars first. There should be almost no need to get on a Bus to do grocery shopping.

    Same logic applies to trains. Lots of people drive first to take the train, which makes it much less effective. Also the USA hasn't properly invested into rail for like 70 years, so every system you see is slow as hell and never on time.

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    Russia's Putin says his young family members speak fluent Mandarin Chinese
  • There was a comment on another thread how China could relatively easily use all their resources to successfully invade Russia.

    But at this rate, I think China will just buy Russia for a few million dollars lol.

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    Extreme weather drives surge in Pakistan child marriages
  • The Sindh government, however, has denied reports that climate-driven economic insecurity was causing child marriages in the province.

    If I could, I would hurl every single slur possible at the Pakistan Peoples Party

    They single handedly keep polio alive and prevent regional ambulances from being a thing.

    Started as a shit tier "communist" party which lo and behold was actually just a feudalist party in disguise.

    Also responsible for the 1971 Bangladesh massacre/genocide

    They were also selling the UN aid food very visibly labled "not for sale" during last years disastrous monsoon season.

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    Led by the automaker BYD, China has established itself as the main car supplier in Mexico. The US worries China could use Mexico as a “back door” to sidestep tariffs and gain footing in the US market.
  • Yeah anytime the US "subsidizes" something in the local auto market, GM alone eats it up in 5 seconds and pretends they did something with it. Sometimes Ford and Chrysler also get a share.

    I'm pretty sure they already recently gave funding to GM for EVs which will go absolutely nowhere because all their major sales are from regular gasoline cars.

    I was even hopeful of Ford's hybrid Fusion, but they killed that one too because money.

    If they really want to make some serious competition, they should break up the oligopoly of car OEMs. But they never did and never will.

    This exact scenario already played out with Japanese OEMs decades ago. They brought a superior product to the market, and instead of competing, they just lobbied congress to make a crap ton of stupid import laws to prevent Japanese cars from taking the market.

    Then they had a weird era of those hybrid car brands where the big 3 made partnerships with Nissan, Toyota, etc for tech sharing because they couldn't even properly R&D for crap.

    Then Nissan, Toyota, Honda, and Subaru opened plants inside the USA to bypass the import stuff, and here we are today.

    The only difference this time is instead of what was generally perceived as an economic ally, the new kid on the block is the next enemy after Russia. And tbh not even a major threat type of enemy.

  • United States cricket team scores major upset over Pakistan in T20 World Cup | CNN

    The US cricket team orchestrated a shocking defeat of powerhouse Pakistan following a dramatic Super Over victory at the Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup on Thursday in Dallas.
