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Apparently traffic resumed on the Crimea bridge just a few hours after the explosion
  • Just had an idea. What if the next step is for NATO/EU/US to invade Ukraine in a few years time to get rid of the terrorists they created, once they start leaking to Western Europe?

  • Correct me if I'm wrong. The vanguard party theory states that evidently, not every single proletarian will have class consciousness at the point of the revolution, therefore the class-conscious proletarians should lead it, no matter if it's a relatively small group, right?

    There are so many radlibs despite worsening material conditions that sometimes I wonder if these people will ever be able to gain class consciousness. As far as I understand, the whole point of a vanguard party is that we can do without these people on our side, right?

    Totally normal country
  • Of course greedy fucks will preach that being like them is a virtue, but if everyone had the privilege of being as greedy, lazy, exploitative and opportunistic as they are, nothing would ever get done. Maybe they're social parasites and not role models after all...
