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  • No one is going to dump a few hundred million into developing a new drug if everyone can manufacture and sell it upon release.

    You won't sell it on the market because you have to produce it cheaper or at the same cost as the competition. You don't have the knowledge to produce the drug efficiently, and you can't learn that by looking at the end product. In a society without IP, the most important things are the optimised production processes, which will be kept secret. The rest can be copied because it will be more expensive to produce.

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    Intellectual Property should be abolished - change my mind!
  • It's quite simple, if you come up with something popular, there are corporations that would happily copy it to get the money for themselves and you're left with nothing,

    You could copy the product but you don't know how is built so you will end up with an identical but more expensive product. The is a youtuber that made a chicken sandwich from scratch and end up costing 1500$ and 6 months. Efficiency it's important for businesses.

    The company that creates the product also has another advantage and that is to be the first to enter the market, so they are not going to be left with nothing.

    In that scenario the biggest advances will be in production efficiency, because even if your competitors can copy you they will not be able to sell cheaper than you.

    And if people feel like their idea can't make them money because someone richer will steal it, they'll stop having ideas.

    Someone could make your first idea more efficient, but that's good for your second idea because it proves you're good and more people will be willing to work with you.
