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Linux rule
  • Haha yeah. Well I'm an arch user for at least a decade, and i saw manjaro come.. It was very popular in the beginning. Then they started making strange decisions, but I think many people are still happy with it. Otherwise I think endevourOS is doing good. :)

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    Linux rule
  • I haven't seen Linux users fights over distros... Ever. We just have lots of choices, and most of them are awesome.

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    Need more positive masculinity. Like what you see? Ask about it and learn from them
  • It's a sign of the times that this is upvoted so much. When I was growing up, this was called normal behavior and was boring and nobody talked about it.

  • We had unexpected downtime tonight

    Hi everyone,

    We just had some unexpected downtime due to a disk quickly getting full over night... :/

    We will adjust the monitoring to start alerting us earlier for disk space running out so we can actually do something about it.

    I took the chance to install the latest OS patches and updates now though since the server was anyway down.

    Hope you didnt notice the downtime too much!

    Welcome all new reddit refugees :)
  • Thank you!

    Yeah since the content is federated, it's no guarantee that anything is actually deleted. Someone could listen to everything that is posted on the entire lemmy network and copy it in real time to some other database.

    So never use real names or give up personal details if you care about your privacy online.

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    Welcome all new reddit refugees :)
  • No but I really appriciate you asking. :) I have a good job so paying the server expenses is not difficult. This is also the advantage of using distributed / federated technology - each server can be small and the costs are kept low.

    If we gain a lot of users and need to upgrade, we can find some ways for you guys to contribute with some donations, but right now I'm just happy to see people using the instance and enjoying Lemmy.

    I hope it can be a small step away from being treated like you are just a consumer on the internet.

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    Welcome all new reddit refugees :)
  • Yes I very much agree. Being part of something that is not big tech is really inspiring I think. It shows that we don't need these megacorps to allow us to talk to eachother through their services.

  • Just wanted to say hello to everyone new joining the instance lately. Seems like reddits ideas of introducing paywalled subreddits got a few more people to think twice about using that site.

    I just wanted to encourage new users to install a good mobile client for Lemmy. The web interface is OK but the mobile apps really take Lemmy to another level by being much faster and more user friendly.

    I personally like Boost for Lemmy and Sync but there are many others to choose from. More are linked in the sidebar.

    After you do that, make sure to subscribe to many communities. You see a list under the Communities tab and you can choose to subscribe with a click.

    You can also go here and see all communities in the entire lemmy universe:

    Me and are trying to keep the bots and spammers out and it goes pretty well so far.

    Hope you like Lemmy more than Reddit, most of us here do.. :)

    Does everyone hate Google now? | Google's story over the last two decades has been a tale as old as time: enshittification for growth
  • I don't use Google anymore except for Google maps in my car. :) I guess they can spy on where I'm driving. But no search history.

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    Photon frontend appears to be nonfunctional
  • Thanks! Yeah I understand, will check his docs later then and change our settings accordingly.

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    Photon frontend appears to be nonfunctional
  • Thank you. :)

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    Photon frontend appears to be nonfunctional
  • Ah really? Yeah that's not good. One obvious way would be enough! :)

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    Firefox + Ublock = 👑
  • I mean yeah, all these big tech companies are trying to make their products feel faster, because that's the only space they can compete. When it comes to privacy, they all lose.

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    Photon frontend appears to be nonfunctional
  • I noticed that too, being a Firefox Linux user. I guess the developer either doesn't care or doesn't know. You can try to open an issue on his github page and see what he says.

    It worked fine to mention me the way you did. :)

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    Firefox + Ublock = 👑
  • Well, Google has been caught trying to make their sites slower / malfunctioning on Firefox. Usually they get away with it by saying it's a mistake.

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    Firefox + Ublock = 👑
  • Still the best browser, even though the majority left it for the speed they think chrome has.

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    Intel's stock drops 30% overnight —company sheds $39 billion in market cap | As of now, Intel's market value is a fraction of Nvidia's worth and less than half of AMD's
  • Apple likes to control the entire ecosystem, and wanted to make their own processors to make them more efficient and produce less heat. They succeeded too, the M2 and M3 chips are incredible.

    So I think they would have ditched anyone, but Intel probably also made it easier by being so bad. :)

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    Intel's stock drops 30% overnight —company sheds $39 billion in market cap | As of now, Intel's market value is a fraction of Nvidia's worth and less than half of AMD's
  • The point is to see the value of the stock go up, so when you sell, you make a profit. Some people buy and sell daily, some do it yearly or only when they need the money.

    Money needs to be working for you somewhere to make up for inflation, at the very least.

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    I'm not getting verification code from Github
  • How can they know if an email is disposable or aliased? I use those all the time with fastmail. Works fine with github.

    But fastmail is not exactly private since it's hosted in Australia, part of the five eyes pact. Maybe that's why they are ok with it.

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    Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president’s rally – latest news
  • I'm sure conservatives have the same views on the other side, something negative, based in fear. If you think about it, all of politics is fear of change in a direction we don't want, but others do.

    In a family when this happens, family members talk about it and try to understand eachother. At least in a good family. In a dysfunctional one, family members go to war with eachother. And that's what I see in politics. There is no feeling of being humans on a ball together at all.

  • Signal Groups community had to be removed

    Hi all,

    We were getting several reports of people linking to csam content in the signal groups community. We tried to contact the moderator but no response in several days.

    Its difficult to moderate this kind of content. Moderators of a lemmy community cannot be expected to visit each posted group around the clock to make sure it doesnt have csam content. Signal groups can change their content at any time.

    So sorry to say, it had to be removed. If you were using it, I hope you find some other way to find new signal groups.


    Memory/cpu upgraded

    We decided to double the server memory and add more cpu, since we were close to running out sometimes.

    So if you notice higher performance, you know what the reason is now. :)

    Short post, but just wanted to mention it.


    Lemmy 0.19.2 has been deployed (federation hopefully fixed)

    We just deployed the latest version of Lemmy 0.19.2 where the github code includes a possible fix for the outgoing federation issues we have been having.

    But lets see before we celebrate. Help us test if outgoing federation seems to work now by making comments, posts and upvotes and see if they appear on other instances.

    Of course if the other instances are on Lemmy 0.19.0 or 0.19.1, they could have issues with outgoing federation still until they update.

    Release notes for 0.19.2:


    Outgoing federation may be fixed now (crossed fingers)

    Please try to comment and post things now, and see if they federate again.

    Hopefully you see your activity instantly federated. I have tried making comments both to instances running Lemmy 0.19.1 and 0.18.5 and they all federate like they should.

    Hope you have the same experience! 🥳


    Outgoing federation issues

    As you may have read in other threads, this version of Lemmy (0.19.1) seems to have bugs in outgoing federation on some instances.

    As a temporary fix, we have added a scheduled restart of Lemmy every hour. It only takes a few seconds to restart, and the big advantage is that your comments and posts are only delayed up to 1 hour before they federate to other instances. You probably wont notice the restart even.

    This will be in effect until a bug fix arrives from Lemmy developers, probably after new years sometime.

    Thanks for reading and merry x-mas to everyone. :)


    Version 0.19.1 outgoing federation issues for anyone else?

    Users of are reporting that outgoing federation of posts and comments stopped to work after the update to 0.19.1 about 19 hours ago.

    A restart of lemmy software seems to have made it work again for now, but not sure for how long.

    In this version its also common with CPU spikes on a regular basis. I assume its the new federation queue that takes more cpu in exchange for being more reliable. But I see a lot of Postgres UPDATE queries that did not occur in previous version. Also sometimes i see ROLLBACK, which I assume should not be happening.

    Anyone else has similar issus with 0.19.1?

    Relevant thread:


    We are updating to Lemmy 0.19.1 tomorrow at 02.00 am Oregon time (11.00 CET)

    Today we spent some time preparing for the big upgrade, by kicking the Lemmy version up to 0.18.5, merging in the latest changes from lemmy-ansible git repository and cleaning up some disk space on the instance.

    So tomorrow at 02.00 am Oregon time we will do the update to Lemmy 0.19.

    This is 11.00 am CET for people in Europe.

    Hopefully all goes well and we come out the other side with a nice new 0.19 version. Its supposed to take about 30 minutes of downtime if there are no issues to solve.

    Wish us luck :)


    IMPORTANT: You probably need to log out and log in again to be able to post anything since they reworked authentication in this release.



    Lemmy Release v0.19.0 upgrade soon - Instance blocking, Scaled sort, and Federation Queue


    We are planning to install Lemmy 0.19 soon, hopefully in the coming week or so. It's a huge release with many new features, and I personally really like that it allows you users to block other instances if you want to.

    You can read about all the new features in the link above.

    More info coming in a few days about planned downtime and so on. :)

    0 was down just now

    We just had another unscheduled downtime due to a linux kernel bug.

    Yesterday we noticed some issues with the server - mainly that we couldnt stop some docker containers. As you know, we are running some extra user web interfaces for Lemmy and we noticed that they started acting weirdly and had one cpu running at 100% constantly.

    I wanted to restart those containers but I couldnt stop them. Found some posts online that this is a bug in the Ubuntu linux kernel:

    Our stop attempts caused the docker platform to behave weirdly and it started to affect the main Lemmy software, so we did a reboot of the server and installed the latest updates.

    We are very sorry for this unscheduled downtime. :/ Did you guys notice weirdness with Lemmy in the last 8 hours or so?

    0 Threads leak teases a trending topics feature

    The frequently requested feature could finally be on its way.

    1 Lawsuit alleges SpaceX underpays women and minorities

    The rocket company is already battling another lawsuit that alleges discriminatory hiring practices.

    30 moving to object storage this coming Sunday (October 8:th) (COMPLETED)

    Hi guys!

    This weekend we will move over to using object storage for images. We will be serving images from Amazon S3 in the Oregon region (western USA).

    The way lemmy software is designed right now, it caches every image federated from other instances. So even if we are small instance, we still have to store a lot of federated images locally on our disk. This leads to disk space running out quickly and we previously had to delete images because of this.

    When we delete images, it removes not only those cached images but also user profile icons and banners, as well as community icons and banners. This is why we have some missing images under Communities right now, and also why users have lost their profile pics.

    Its been very embarrassing to have to do this, and now we will move to object storage to prevent this from happening in the future. Its much cheaper compared to ordinary disk space and gives better performance for users, so its a win-win. We just need to do a one-time migration over to it.

    **Estimated downtime hours: **

    Oregon time: Sunday 3 am - 6 am

    CET: Sunday 12 pm to 15 pm.

    If you have any questions, you know what to do. :)


    EDIT: Looks like it went well and images are now served from S3 instead of filling up our disks. :) The url to the images still looks like they are served by the instance, but thats by design appearently. In the background, they are fetched from S3.

    Please fill free to re-upload any banners, user avatars or community pictures you had in place before that may have been broken by the disk cleaning before.

    • When you do, you have to create a new picture with a new name for Lemmy to actually replace the image. Otherwise it wont work - ive tried myself. :)



    Restoration of user avatar images and profile pics

    Hi everyone,

    As part of cleaning old cached images when the disk went full, it seems also images like your profile picture and banners (if you had those), got deleted.

    If you dont mind, would you upload those again? And when you do, you cant upload the same picture. I made attempts myself to upload the same picture, but it needs to be a new picture (not even a rename of the pic works).

    Next time I will make a DB query to figure out what pics are local and which are not, and delete only remote ones (cached images from other instances). There is a column in the DB for that, so just need to export a list of remote images and then delete only those.

    Despite these growing pains, I think lemmy is still pretty awesome, and there will be tools to make these sort of issues go away in the future. I hear they are working on something for next version already so we will see.

    Anyway, enjoy the weekend and once again, sorry for the mess around this issue.

    0 had its first unexpected downtime today

    Hi all,

    The disk on the instance ran out of space today, due to the way Lemmy software caches images from all other instances. That cache had filled up about 60 GB's of disk, despite us being a small instance with very little local activity.

    I had to delete the last 10 days of cached images again, and I plan to delete quite a lot of older cached images as well. The mobile apps seems to not be affected by this (they have a local image cache I believe), but on the web site, this leads to missing thumbnail images.

    They are working on a fix for this in the Lemmy software so the disks dont fill up so enormously with cached thumbnails, and as soon as its out, we will install it here.

    Hope you guys didnt get too annoyed or sad by the instance being unavailable for a while.


    Deleted last 10 days of cached images

    Some bots posted lots of illegal pictures in the community, and because of federation, those pictures have spread to all instances, including this one.

    The lemmy software doesnt have good moderation tools for abuse like this, and the quickest way to get rid of them was to delete all cached images for the last couple of days.

    You may see some thumbnail images missing in the web interface, but I personally dont see any missing images in my mobile app. I guess it has its own thumbnail cache.

    0 now has more user interfaces

    These ones have been added:

    People like them on so didnt want them to missing here. :)

    https:// /

    We need a health checker for this health checker, ok?

    Can someone rewrite this in Rust? :P
