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xkcd #2874: Iceland
  • It is truly amazing.

    We also have flourishing kelp forests for phycologists.

    The Icelandic Highlands is one of the few deserts in Europe.

    For the ornithologists, there are birds that nest in Iceland which are quite rare in the rest of the world.

    I could keep going. And all that on an island that you can drive around in about 16 hours.

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    My whole night is booked now
  • Pretty funny that the currency is the same abbreviation as the currency of the country the devs are based in (Íslensk króna). I had no idea even though I walk past their headquarters every week.

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    Get the boat
  • Sorry fellow vegan, the post made it seem like human breast milk is somehow worse than or comparable to "conventional" cow's milk.

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    Get the boat
  • Drinking milk without exploitation, instead of imposing suffering on millions of beings? Get the boat
