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Alternatives to congress
  • The media is often owned by the same people buying the partisan politicians. First past the poll consolidates power. It makes it easier to convince voters to vote for the lesser of two evils while party funding overloads media with their preferred candidates. Some states even get away with laws that only allow the two parties to be on their ballots. If you can vote based on candidate approval, you could choose your best candidate and your lesser of evils. When people see this make a difference after one or two cycles, parties will lose power in the polls.

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  • I think wasps and hornets are beautiful, fascinating creatures. Most of them don't mess with me even a few inches from a nest. There are one or two species that are looking for war and get the spray.

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    Alternatives to congress
  • The US has an effectively two-party system. These parties make decisions based on the money they are given. In order to win votes, they find the most divisive issue to wedge a divide between their party and the other side. If they resolved these issues, they would have to create new ones so they are actually motivated to not compromise. There are many books and other writings about these problems.

    As for the rest of the world, the US was dominant in the 20th century in power and influence. This meant that people who wanted power in other countries would look to the US way of doing politics for inspiration. I am not making all the connections for you, but I do want to mentioned how the parties in UK started hiring US campaign managers in the late 90s to help them gain power in their country. It clearly worked. Other countries have followed suit.

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    Alternatives to congress
  • End FPTP. House of representatives actually representing the people instead of state or party. Senate still representing states but not parties.

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    US Schools are replacing blacktop with greenery to avoid the heat island effect
  • I went to school in CA for a year and a half. In all the states I've also gone to school, that was the only place with blacktop as the school yard. Strange for such large expanses without turf.

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    What game, book, TV show, and/or movie do you wish you could experience for the first time again?
  • Ah, it is Meta Quest 3. I haven't used it much. I got to play a couple levels of Portal 2 a very long time ago. It was one of the very few video games I actually enjoyed. I don't know anything about Half-Life. I'll ask him if he knows about it first.

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    The stuff I see on social media makes me angry, and Kamala is not a perfect candidate
  • I feel unrepresented.

    Harris will continue to work with the DNC for major donors and against the people.

    Trump is allowing Nationalist Christians to infiltrate the government.

    Please give me a shame box too.

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    what addiction have you kicked? no matter how insignificant you feel it was
  • Just as I opened Lemmy this morning, my first thought was how I used to get news faster on reddit. I feel so uninformed...AND NOW FOR YOUR COMMERCIALS
