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Opinions: What is a movie you genuinely like, that is rated below 60% on rotten tomatoes?
  • I completely agree on lost world. If you see it as a love letter to the original then I think it works a lot better. Like so many of the iconic scenes in the first are repeated with a different spin in lost world. It does take itself less seriously, but it has a lot of heart and a good attention to detail. I think the two pair together perfectly, like alien and aliens.

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    A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’
  • Well I wont be, and just because one thing might be higher probability than another, doesn't mean it's the only thing worth worrying about.

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    [The Conversation] - Can you trust AI? Here’s why you shouldn’t
  • That's ridiculous, of course it counts as AI. It's not conscious, and it's not very intelligent, but it has some intelligence by any reasonable definition.

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    A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’
  • I never said how long I expected it to take, how do you know we even disagree there? But like, is 50 years a long time to you? Personally anything less than 100 would be insanely quick. The key point is I don't have a high certainty on my estimates. Sure, might be perfectly reasonable it takes more than 50, but what chance is there it's even quicker? 0.01%? To me that's a scary high number! Would you be happy having someone roll a dice with a 1 in 10000 chance of killing everyone? How low is enough?

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    A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’
  • It makes my blood boil when people dismiss the risks of ASI without any notable counterargument. Do you honestly think something a billion times smarter than a human would struggle to kill us all if it decided it wanted to? Why would it need a terminator to do it? A virus would be far easier. And who's to say how quickly AI will advance now that AI is directly assisting progress? How can you possibly have any certainty on any timelines or risks at all?

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    A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’
  • Something you may not have considered is that the majority of our brains are used for things like sensory input and motor control, not for thinking. This is why brain size relative to body size is so important. A whale has a far larger brain than you or I, but is significantly less intelligent.

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    Google DeepMind, OpenAI, and Leading Academics Propose International Institutions for Global AI Governance (article from 12.07.2023)
  • You seem extremely confident about something I don't think anyone has any justification of feeling confident about. I don't think anything is as simple as you present it, and I can see countless arguments against what you propose as the obvious solution.

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    Five ways AI might destroy the world: ‘Everyone on Earth could fall over dead in the same second’
  • Why does an AI have to be sentient to be intelligent?

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    Five ways AI might destroy the world: ‘Everyone on Earth could fall over dead in the same second’
  • I think that might be a chatgpt specific thing, I tried with bing in precise mode and it responded with this:

    "A sow is an adult female pig and piglets are baby pigs. Pigs have four feet, so a sow with six piglets would have a total of 28 feet (4 feet for the sow + 6 piglets * 4 feet each). Is that what you were asking?"

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    Five ways AI might destroy the world: ‘Everyone on Earth could fall over dead in the same second’
  • What ability do you think that they are currently missing that makes them 'regurgitation machines' rather than just limited and dumb but genuine early AI?

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    What are cluster bombs and why is US sending them to Ukraine?
  • Extending the ending of the war by a year would be far worse.

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    What are cluster bombs and why is US sending them to Ukraine?
  • I don't think that follows at all actually. Every weapon has a balance of harm against benefit, if you outlaw cluster bombs why not mines? Why not grenades, or regular artillery? The reason is because the defensive value outweighs the potential harm. I think it's fairly clear that this is the case for cluster bombs too, while it is not for mustard gas.

    The US keeps them because the alternative would cost significant capability. That would need to be made up for with other weapons. Politics and appearance costs impact things too, and for nations that could never stand a chance against russia/China without US help there is a much stronger argument for earning points by outlawing them.

    The greatest risk to Ukrainian children is the Russian invasion, and the odds of Ukraine protecting them from that are far greater given these new munitions.

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    News: OpenAI Introduces Superalignment
  • The change in the conversation about the importance of alignment this year has been remarkable. Last year had me feeling pretty cynical, but I am starting to feel legitimate hope again.

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    Authors sue OpenAI for scraping and summarizing their books
  • Sure, but should legality be based on artistic effort? (Not asking you directly, just open to anyone who thinks what SD, etc. do should be illegal.)

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    [Poll] All useful file-sharing and media organizing software.
  • digikam for image and video collection management and viewing (also does duplicate detection)

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    Favorite Ghibli Film, and Why?
  • Porco every time for me, feels like a mini holiday every time I watch it, but Totoro would be a close second.
