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I'll take a glazed.
  • Is this an american joke?

    Police here works really hard and have very interdisciplinary duties, be it medical situation assistance, witnessing or making actions official so they can be performed (e.g. entering housings where injured people are suspected)

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    Fefes Blog: eine Einordnung, warum die Polizei bei Messerangriffen so schnell beim Schusswaffengebrauch landet.
  • Statt Taser sollte einfach eine stromführende Harpune verwendet werden. Entschärft die Situation etwas zuverlässiger und beinhaltet einen Lernauftrag für weitere "Messerpersonen".

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    Fefes Blog: eine Einordnung, warum die Polizei bei Messerangriffen so schnell beim Schusswaffengebrauch landet.
  • Messer sind mit die gefährlichsten Waffen. Leicht zu verstecken, so schnell wie die Hand, quasi die bloße Berührung führt zu schweren Verletzungen, man kann ungehindert mit ihnen sprinten, springen, untertauchen. Die Einschätzung ist, dass sie bis 15 Meter Entfernung als akute, tödliche Bedrohung anzusehen sind.

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    ePA 3.0: Krankenkassen informieren über "elektronische Patientenakte für alle"
    • Die Protokollierung, wer wann auf die Daten zugegriffen hat kommt in einer späteren Ausbaustufe, d.h. wer jetzt abgreift tut dies ohne Spuren zu hinterlassen
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    Zen Browser | Privacy focused, open-source, Firefox Fork
  • Yeah, the themeing is there. But you can easily uninstall it and other core CachyOS-packages, they're just packages after all. (I've done it)

    The other way would be to start with Arch and add CachyOS repositories, that way you can also profit from the v3/v4 packages.

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    Zen Browser | Privacy focused, open-source, Firefox Fork
  • So, how about the Cachy Browser from CachyOS? (aur)

    This repository benefits from the knowledge and research provided by arkenfox, their documentation was vital to this revamp, so special thanks to their project. We do not use arkenfox's user.js but we try to keep up with it, and we also consider it a great resource for users who want to find their own setup.

    We encourage users to find their own setup and to use our default configuration as something to build on top of. This is now easier thanks to the overrides, just place your own preferences in the proper location: -> ~/.cachy/cachy.overrides.cfg

    Differences from LibreWolf:

    • Enhanced security & privacy.
    • Gentoo patches. Taken from Gentoo's Firefox.
    • uBlock Origin added.
    • Moonlight theme added.
    • Preset for "Profile Sync Daemon" and Firejail/Firejail(hardened) available.
    • Custom Rules for uBlock Origin.
    • Custom branding.

    Notes and thanks

    Some of the older prefs in this project are taken from pyllyukko and many more were investigated on bugzilla.

    Thanks to the whole LibreWolf community.

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    Rechtsextreme Straftaten erreichen Rekordhoch
  • das Problem ist vermutlich weniger, dass antisemitische Übergriffe als "rechts" gedeutet werden sondern dass besonders unreflekierende Personen soetwas lesen als "biodeutscher Weißhautnazi hat Juden geklatscht" statt in Betracht zu ziehen, dass, insbesondere nach dem Überfall auf die israelische Party, auch andere Kultur- und Personenkreise aggressiver antisemitisch agieren.

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    Mann im Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof erschossen
  • "100 Euro, dass der Täter nicht Malte, Sören oder Kevin heißt." lauten doch unter solchen Meldungen die verleumdenden Kommentare bestimmt wieder.

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    My neighbor is moving and their trailer is parked pretty sketchy. Should I say something?
  • I did not recommend to block the trailer for them but to have the suggestion of using blocks in front of the wheels to be enough in the conversation about that trailer being in danger of rolling away.

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    My neighbor is moving and their trailer is parked pretty sketchy. Should I say something?
  • Why wouldn't you? I suppose they would be thankful because you show considerations about their stuff and wellbeing. Some wooden blocks in front of the weels should probably be enough.

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    Organic Maps got removed from Google Play Store.
  • You can download maps for offline use just like in OsmAnd. I used OsmAnd before but the UI has become sooo sluggish I switched over to OM

  • Lots of updates on the campaign! UK petition open! Australia petition probably open soon! Research help wanted! Australian law firm hired! Talking to EU members of Parliament!

    Link to UK Petition:

    Link to Australia Petition:

    Link to outdated list of game shutdowns:

    Stop Killing Games campaign site:
