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People from dystopian western regimes enjoying Chinese freedom and humanity. This is why western regimes are so scared of western people visiting China.
  • Yea but the tweet says 'criminal offense' and 'criminalize' which explicitly does refer to stuff regulated by law. So they're claiming display of flag and 'Palestinian clothing' are 'technically' 'illegal', which they totally pulled out of their arse

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    People from dystopian western regimes enjoying Chinese freedom and humanity. This is why western regimes are so scared of western people visiting China.
  • Just fyi, in G*rmany it's neither illegal to show a Palestinian flag nor is criminalized to wear Palestinian clothing (whatever that is).

    However, recently public protest has been made the police's business to regulate - making left wing protest quite dangerous and edging the country closer towards a police state. The pigs made it a constraint not to show Hamas/Al Qaeda/Islamic Jihad flags on protests and due to their political/justical illiteracy they might have extended this to Palestinian flags. This is probably where Don Salmon's error might originate.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 49
  • I've rarely seen morality attached to the criticism - it's a stupid move inviting the great Satan to intervene and violently overthrowing the Bolivarian Revolution. Also AFAIK the native population of Esequibo doesn't want to be Venezuelan.

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    What is gravity?
  • Anything below $40k is one car repair away from being financially ruined.

    You guys have cars while being poor? Sorry but seems stupid to me

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    JBP has got u bro
  • The problem has always been that he took (quite simplistic) valid life advise such as 'keep your living quarters in order' and mixed it with ideological bullshit such as 'hierarchies are entirely natural' or 'women should be subservient'.

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    Xi is a tankie?!
  • Since Xi is not really a proponent of military interventions in allied states I wouldn't call him a tankie. Maybe the coming reunification will change my mind but until then I refuse to grant him that valor.

  • > Well one of the original purposes of the police force was to protect the establishment and their interests and power from social unrest during the industrial revolution. > > Just because we're two hundred years down the line doesn't mean that's changed. Maybe that helps to make it make sense.
