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  • What news are you referring to, specifically?

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    How do y'all cope without meds?
  • 11
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    'Some folks need killing': Mark Robinson’s 13 most extremist controversies and scandals
  • Putting aside the fact that racist people would say the same about this black politician, how’s this acceptable discourse for civilized society? If some rando on twitter said this, they’d get FBI at their door.

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    Judge Delays Trump’s Sentencing Until Nov. 26, After Election Day
  • Maybe this will increase voter turnout for people who want to see Trump get sentenced and not avoid his sentence

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    Beware the Republican Plot to Steal the 2024 Election
  • Reach out to your representatives and ask them what they’re doing about it, then tell your family and friends and ask them to reach out to their representatives

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    Let me gaze upon the lovely morning [Sarah's Scribbles]
  • The girl in the window looks so pleased with herself lol

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    Translation rule
  • I hate South Park. It’s occasionally funny, this is not one of those occasions

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    Translation rule
  • That’s fair

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    Ranch Rule
  • I kinda admire human…creativity, I guess? I mean, this dude understands the meaning of YOLO

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    Translation rule
  • The word fag needs to be taken back from the haters. My first encounter with it was in the context of cigarettes.

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    Are the straights okay rule
  • Just be careful that you’re both designating each other as a beneficiary on any insurance, 401K/other retirement vehicles, or other assets (stocks, bonds, housing, accounts etc). If she’s not legally your spouse, she’s not going to be automatically entitled to any assets if she’s widowed or vice versa.

    You both may also want to have a will or power of attorney clause given to each other in case of medical issues which prevent someone from communicating their own will. Family members get the right to act on behalf of their family, but they can’t do anything to help or protect if they’re not legally related in some way. Some places have clauses for common law spouses, but not all do, and not for all circumstances.

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    Those poor plants
  • I am interested in knowing if I am wrong, would be cool to see published results which can prove any of these ideas

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    My evil plan is working
  • No, but it’s all relative. Everyone estimates themselves incorrectly at times, but not all the time

    Edit to say I know I am mediocre and I don’t fool myself with thinking my lack of capability is imposter syndrome. I think that realization helps me, but ymmv 🤷‍♀️

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    NaNoWriMo gets AI sponsor, says not writing your novel with AI is ‘classist and ableist’
  • You’re basically stealing from other people when you use LLMs without constraints, that’s more classist and ableist

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    My evil plan is working
  • I don’t think there’s anything as imposter syndrome, people who’re good know it

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    Those poor plants
  • Okay, I hope you go forth and research these ideas

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    US has 'biblical' duty to support 'one Jewish state', Trump's former ambassador says: Report
  • I don’t think we should be taking advice on anything from religious people. It simply doesn’t make sense to listen to people who are delusional at best, and maniacal at worst

    Edit and I think it’s inherently antisemitic to say that the only reason the Jewish people deserve a homeland is because of religion. No, Jews deserve a place to call their own, and it’s fair that it should be where it is currently because of their historic ties to the region. Neighboring ME countries should accept it and move on. The rise of Zionism had, and still has, roots in European antisemitism, so I don’t believe this Judeo Christian fraternity for a second.

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    We’ve Got Depression All Wrong. It’s Trying to Save Us.
  • That’s not what it’s saying at all, it’s talking about immobilization as a survival strategy as induced by the body’s neurophysiology, think of it as another option after flight vs fight responses.

    Here’s the report mentioned in the article

    Edit looking closely, the report itself doesn’t mention anything about the immobilization defense.

    Edit2 so on further review, I agree that this article is low quality. Apologies, was just browsing while half asleep and thought it was interesting

    Polyvagal theory itself does not seem promising so far. Oh well, editing this post to highlight that…

  • Opinion | Is God Transgender? (Published 2016)

    To the Israelites, identity was fluid, for humans as well as Jehovah.

    > The Israelites took the transgender trope from their surrounding cultures and wove it into their own sacred scripture. The four-Hebrew-letter name of God, which scholars refer to as the Tetragrammaton, YHWH, was probably not pronounced “Jehovah” or “Yahweh,” as some have guessed. The Israelite priests would have read the letters in reverse as Hu/Hi — in other words, the hidden name of God was Hebrew for “He/She.” Counter to everything we grew up believing, the God of Israel — the God of the three monotheistic, Abrahamic religions to which fully half the people on the planet today belong — was understood by its earliest worshipers to be a dual-gendered deity.

    We’ve Got Depression All Wrong. It’s Trying to Save Us.
  • Interesting, elaborate

  • We’ve Got Depression All Wrong. It’s Trying to Save Us.

    Common wisdom says depression starts in the mind with distorted thinking. But newer models suggest depression starts when the body initiates a defense strategy to help us survive.

    > If depression is the emotional expression of the immobilization response, then the solution is to move out of that state of defense. Porges believes it is not enough to simply remove the threat. Rather, the nervous system has to detect robust signals of safety to bring the social state back online. The best way to do that? Social connection.

    For people who don’t prefer social connection, I’ve seen that exercise works well

    Edit: just want to highlight that polyvagal theory, the main point behind this article, is unsubstantiated thus far

    America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting
  • The post is starting out with the wrong assumptions so naturally it’s conclusions are wrong, top tier shitpost.

    In the old days we’d use this kind of pseudoscience for mischief (you know, trolling), now it’s disinformation spread by useful idiots to upend their democracies.

  • It can go either way, and if Trump wins it wouldn’t be a surprise,

    10 The Election Deniers’ Playbook for 2024

    The attempts to undermine safe and secure elections are evolving.

    I am not sure, but I wonder if it would help to bring this up to more congress representatives to take action in some form, sooner rather than later. I know many officials are working on attempting to fight back against electoral college rigging, but many regular U.S. voters are blissfully unaware that this is even an issue.

    Everything in the article is already happening,




    I like that the valet is devoted


    Anyone else feel bad after criticizing religion or conservatives? I think I am just feeling empathetic towards religious people and conservatives. Sometimes people just don’t know any better, or they have too much to unlearn to reconcile their differences with other people. I genuinely want to understand someone else’s perspective, but I don’t think anyone else has the right to impinge on someone else’s rights, especially not based on their cultures world origin mythology. It can be very frustrating. Sorry for unloading, been reading too much news and pol 😭 Pic unrelated

    https:// /world/us/two-us-battleground-states-seen-vulnerable-post-election-chaos-2024-08-05/

    Surprised GA isn’t in their report:


    Just need a guillotine course

    3 Kamala Harris Losing to Trump on Key Economic Issue: Poll

    Americans believe Trump will be better at tackling inflation than Harris, according to a new poll, but it won't necessarily cost her the election.

    YouGov is an online pollster, but rated relatively okay in reliability. Some of the opinions on Harris are unreasonable, it’s like the people being polled don’t know her strengths at all and are judging her as any random Dem. I wonder how this type of opinion changes over time

    Edit I guess it’s old news so the polls are probably unreliable now
