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The ideal floorplan
  • I see the bathroom has a flush in a water closet with a door as opposed the flush being in the same room as your bathing area and sink. I wish American houses would do this more, it’s just more hygienic

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    “Black People Were Just Less Smart Back Then” -Grandma
  • I am sorry, what’s your point? Can you elaborate?

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    Suspicious rule
  • Haha, they’re all related to caves in some way, descent is about cave exploring, cloverfield is about subterranean dwelling stuff and 10 cloverfield place is about basement dwelling, at least that was my logic 😊

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    Suspicious rule
  • Such are my mysterious ways

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    Using the kitchen sink instead rule
  • So, moving soon?

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    Suspicious rule
  • That’s part of the plot of the movie



    Edit: it sucks that I can’t say the movie without ruining its surprise, what a useless spoiler tag 😭

    For anyone who doesn’t want to ruin the surprise: it’s one of these movies: 10 cloverfield lane, cloverfield, and descent

    There, now you won’t know which one exactly (if you haven’t seen all three) but you’ll get a ballpark sense of which movie to watch

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    Self love
  • Hooray for narcissism!


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    Oh jeez
  • Like, I can drink out of this thimble deep

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    Self love
  • hope we don’t have to add a /s tag to memes 👀

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    Doorbell rule (continued inside)
  • Me too 🙌

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    he died for our sins (rule 25/100)
  • Who was the Judas? It was big bird wasn’t it?

  • That’d be great


    Just gotta be assertive

  • Take it to nerd princess, then

    G’dam nerds ❤️

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    Sundresses and rugged self-sufficiency: ‘tradwives’ tout a conservative American past ... that didn’t exist
  • Yeah, under the spectrum of feminist choices being a trad wife is one of them. However, you don’t get to tell other women (or men) how to be. That’s feminism, freedom of choice across genders

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    US Public Rapidly Sours on Project 2025 as Awareness Grows
  • I know, I just disown them from the punk label

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    US Public Rapidly Sours on Project 2025 as Awareness Grows
  • The issue is that people don’t appreciate that DEI etc. are not about race per se, but about the problems and conflicts which happened (and still do) because people have different skin colors.

    You cannot create ideology based on racial supremacy, and then complain when other people want to block degenerates like you from acting on that ideology.

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    US Public Rapidly Sours on Project 2025 as Awareness Grows
  • Calling them punks is an insult to punks, they’re just scum

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    Republican calls for ‘civil war’ if Trump loses
  • They invoke “civil war” phrase every time they feel threatened, and then wonder why their candidate faced an assassination. Who do they think is the dumbass here? Their voters? Or the opposition?

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    I'm terrified of the Netherlands now
  • This scale is so exaggerated, I am short and know tall people, they do not tower over me like that haha

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    Mom didn't go to school
  • I understand what you’re saying, but you’re missing context.

    The Federalists were anti-slavery and its expansion. Regardless of what Lincoln said in his initial address, he wasn’t the only one who was anti-slavery.

    How do we know all this? We can look at sources that provide historical context, like this for example,

    In 1819, Missouri wished to be admitted as a slave state because enslaved persons had already been brought to the region and were an important part of its local economy.

    Northern politicians and, indeed, regular citizens had become concerned with what they considered southern dominance of the federal government, an influence that would only be enhanced with the addition of another slave state. The Three-Fifths Clause in Article I, Section Two of the Constitution provided for the counting of three-fifths of the slave population for purposes of determining representation in Congress. That rule gave southern states more congressional representatives than warranted by their white population and, hence, more electoral votes for president. As a result of the three-fifths rule, southern presidents became the norm after John Adams, and much of the federal government was staffed or run by southerners, from the judiciary to the chairs of key congressional committees.

    This dominance had begun to grate on perceptive northern politicians, who used the phrase “Slave Power” to refer to southern political control of the federal government. Missouri as a slave state would simply cement that supremacy, and worse still, because it was located west of the Mississippi in the as-yet unsettled Louisiana Purchase region, its admission might mark the beginning of the creation of more slave states and thereby render perpetual the South’s control of the federal government.

    That concern prompted New York’s newly sworn congressional representative James Tallmadge to introduce two amendments to the Missouri enabling resolutions. The first prohibited the further introduction of slaves into Missouri, and the second freed the children of existing slaves in Missouri when they reached the age of twenty-five years. Together these amendments would gradually end slavery in Missouri, and they passed the House by a northern majority in a sectional vote. Therefore, Missouri’s enabling act would not add to southern control of the federal government.

  • Kamala Harris’s controversial record on criminal justice, explained

    Harris has characterized herself as a reformer. But some critics disagree.

    Whatever Harris did as a prosecutor seems reasonable given both the context of the time she during which was a prosecutor, and her overall political alignment. I would rather have a progressive presidential candidate like Bernie (too late), or AOC (maybe 2028 or later). But choosing Harris means that the overall “liberal” agenda stays on the table

    Some highlights from the article

    > Harris, as part of her previous presidential campaign, also released a criminal justice reform plan that seeks to scale back incarceration, end the death penalty and solitary confinement, ban private prisons, and get rid of cash bail. Biden also backs a fairly aggressive criminal justice reform plan, despite his own mixed record on criminal justice issues.

    > A close examination of Harris’s record shows it’s filled with contradictions. She pushed for programs that helped people find jobs instead of putting them in prison, but also fought to keep people in prison even after they were proved innocent. She refused to pursue the death penalty against a man who killed a police officer, but also defended California’s death penalty system in court. She implemented training programs to address police officers’ racial biases, but also resisted calls to get her office to investigate certain police shootings.

    > But what seem like contradictions may reflect a balancing act. Harris’s parents worked on civil rights causes, and she came from a background well aware of the excesses of the criminal justice system — but in office, she played the role of a prosecutor and California’s lawyer. She started in an era when “tough on crime” politics were popular across party lines — but she rose to national prominence as criminal justice reform started to take off nationally. She had an eye on higher political office as support for criminal justice reform became de rigueur for Democrats — but she still had to work as California’s top law enforcement official.

    > Harris also pushed for more systemic reforms. Her most successful program as district attorney, “Back on Track,” allowed first-time drug offenders, including drug dealers, to get a high school diploma and a job instead of prison time. Adams, Harris’s previous spokesperson, noted that the program started in 2005, “when most prosecutors were using a ‘tough on crime’ approach.”


    What’s pvp? An sti?

    193 Ex-CIA analyst charged with spying for South Korea

    Sue Mi Terry is accused of helping South Korea in exchange for cash, luxury bags, fancy meals and expensive clothes.


    No meme, but I saw a lost dog poster and it just made me think of how sad, scared or confused lost pets must feel. Sorry for making you feel bad, here’s a reunion story to make up for it
