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Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer
  • Energy credits — what a bunch of vacuous rhetoric.

    The reality is that it’s energy being taken away from the overall grid, requiring a larger grid and thus prolonging our dependence on non renewable energy while we build up renewable sources.

    If we weren’t so wasteful with our energy we wouldn’t need as much of it and it’d be easier to go fully renewable.

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    It's painful to not be able to see everything at once.
  • Ikr. Though it’s largely dependent on the kind of work you’re doing, I find that for myself a 1 monitor setup is sufficient.

    I feel like I was moving documents around too much when I had multiple. Or that it would make me lazy cause I didn’t bother closing something I was finished with.

    That being said — widescreens are wear it’s at.

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    At least 34 dead, dozen hospitalized after drinking illegally brewed liquor in southern India
  • Can you elaborate or link to further reading?

    I assumed methanol is the first to go because of its lower boiling point — 65 degrees compared to ethanol at 78

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    At least 34 dead, dozen hospitalized after drinking illegally brewed liquor in southern India
  • Dude ikr. You have to actively try to make methanol when you’re distilling, like only collecting the foreshots over and over.

    And by that point I’d be super easy to tell it’s not regular alcohol because it will smell like nail polish remover and other volatile compounds.

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    Tips on starting furniture making?
  • On a related note, anyone got any tips on the design process? Do you guys just try to copy things that catch your eye or how do you choose what to make?

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    What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?
  • Comstruction:

    If you want to build the best building you gotta know every detail about how it’s made, which you can only get close to by hiring competent consultants (i.e.: architects, engineers, etc) Because if you’re not specific about what you want, you can bet your ass you’re getting the cheapest version.

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    What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?
  • I read that in Alabama (or maybe Mississippi, I can’t recall) you can drink alcohol while driving. You just can’t be above the blood alcohol concentration limit.

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    Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite prototype that runs Linux emerges from Tuxedo:12-core CPU with 32GB RAM and surprise, surprise, Debian
  • If only we could prod decision makers at the big software companies to actually support Linux…

    Those fucks are way too greedy though. I mean AutoCAD hasn’t even got any significant feature updates in years let alone support for any platform other than Windows and they still charge insane prices for it just cause they can. And at the end of the day me and everyone at work are all stuck on shitty Windows.

  • A love like Romeo and Juliet, Tracy said, I get it. I'm black; she's white. I'm black; she's lightskin black. I'm black; she's 17.

    From S2E6


    I ran out space in my fermenter so I used orange juice containers. The picture was taken after one day of fermentation iirc. I released the pressure when I saw it. Lol
