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What are you playing this weekend? 2023-10-09
  • I’m wrapping up my old pokemon heart gold playthrough so that I can move on to pokemon black which I have not played yet. Also started Cyberpunk yesterday for when I want to play at the computer.

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    What is the one most astonishingly dumb things that, as a child, you believed was absolute truth?
  • I laughed so hard 😂 not even questioning wth you’re talking about, just going straight for the worldview altering statement. I can only wish I had that much wit and humor.

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    How to be less racist/bigotred?
  • Excellent comment. I think it’s fair to say that a lot of friendships start with realising you have something in common with someone else. When you focus too much on what’s different between you and someone else, like only thinking of someone as being part of the lgbtqi+ community, or being a religious nut, you don’t give yourself head space to see the other things that could potentially unite you.

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    Jailbreaking iPhones: what exactly does it entail?
  • Absolutely right! But large tech companies have been on a trend of getting a little too greedy and daring, lately. Let’s hope they know better.

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    Jailbreaking iPhones: what exactly does it entail?
  • I am super scared that they eventually start locking down macOS too. I agree that it makes little sense that they do it for one platform and not the other, and I don’t see them ever backing down on it for the iPhone, so.. hopefully they never feel like making that consistent across OSes.

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    What's your commit message style?
  • Discipline is definitely tough. I have tried looking at rebasing tutorials and it always looked pretty tedious to do, hence my comment about time constraints. I should really give it another try though.

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    First time macOS user, what are the essential apps?
  • It’s pretty good on the extensions front. Lots of options. However like a lot of free software, it comes with privacy drawbacks. They share usage statistics with advertisers, it creeps me out.

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    First time macOS user, what are the essential apps?
  • You make it sound like a constant pain, I just installed one of the dozens third party apps available and never thought about it again. It’s really not a problem

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    I'm amazed how often I get to reference this line in real life.
  • I would say this is one of the best lines in the show except I’d want to say it about almost all the other lines as well.. really an incredible show.
