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Utah to use pentobarbital to execute man instead of three-drug combination
  • Whether you agree with capital punishment or not, "execution" is the more accurate definition. "Putting to death especially as a legal penalty".

    Execution is a penalty for murder.

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    What's the most popular activity you could never get into?
  • That's how Alcoholism or movies works, not a night out with some social drinks. I rarely drink but I've never not remembered stuff. I'm introverted, so a few drinks does actually help me losen up a little and have a better time. But it's not healthy, so it's rare that I do.

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    Battle of the Bands
  • Milky Way is much smaller than that. The Andromeda galaxy is 2.5M light years away. Maybe that's where you got 2M from. The Milky Way is about 100,000 light year diameter.

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    Goodbye Skiff
  • Buy your own domain and set it up to forward all email to a single address. Then anything@your.domain is like an alias.
