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Trump and Vance won’t be happy until Springfield Haitians die
  • Man I really wanna believe that because thinking that people like them could never be happy brings me a sense of solace in a kind of 'turns our there is still such a thing as consequences' type of way

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    Third day of bomb threats inspired by Trump lies sends Springfield hospitals into lockdown
  • I'd wager a lot of these people are indeed going to be caught because many are Trump cultists without the slightest clue what words like 'opsec' and 'comsec' mean. I think the real danger is the already militarized groups like the proud boys and three percenters using the chaos to sneak in their own bullshit. Essentially thanks to Trump riling up his base it's like a DDOS attack but with terrorists eating up the investigators man-hours instead of a barrage of requests consuming data capacity.

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    Third day of bomb threats inspired by Trump lies sends Springfield hospitals into lockdown
  • The US has always had domestic terrorism sure, but you can't tell me we didn't legitimately become a straight up terror state once Trump stochastically sent his goons to do his bidding. Courts are citing the pressure these people are causing in their rulings and handlings of Trump, which means the terrorism is working to alter the rule of law. Since the US law system is based heavily on precedent, there's a good chance this alteration of the law will extend beyond just for Trump. All it takes is the right (or wrong depending on your perspective) judge and enough money for a damn good lawyer.

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  • That would make more sense if this was their first time putting this bill forward, but it's not. They've tried this before and none of the other Democrats could be chuffed to stand behind it. This isn't new.

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    Three Democrats Re-Introduce Bill That Would Bring Ranked Choice Voting to Congressional Elections Across America
  • Ahh okay I can see that from a historical sense. I recall part of getting the states to actually be on board with a big federal government was the promise they would be in charge of the way they voted for that federal government.

    I will also say, many more historical foundations for the US have been wantonly ignored so long as ignoring it advanced US interests. Like how cops in the US are supposed to be strictly a civilian force, yet they are tried under different laws and are allowed many many things civlians cannot have. That was designed as part of the safties against military dictatorship, but we tossed it aside and give our cops military equiptment becsuse its profitable.

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    UN employee shot dead by Israeli sniper in occupied West Bank
  • Short of lighting myself on fire how does someone without any disposable income to speak of help stop this? Ive been writing my reps since the violent 'evictions' in sheikh jarrah, but they do nothing but give me boiler plate responses and their voting records show they still support carte blanche for the IDF. Almost on four years now and we just let them do more and more genocide. What kind of democracy doesn't allow their voters to change their states direction on genocide?

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    Three Democrats Re-Introduce Bill That Would Bring Ranked Choice Voting to Congressional Elections Across America
  • I don't see how it would violate that. Mathematically, Instant runoff style RCV is still one person one vote. Your ranking just gets to kind of direct where that vote goes once people are mathematically eliminated from contending, the vote only ever counts for one candidate at any given time.

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  • I bet dems would be more open to ranked choice if more people voted for third parties, because as long as the population believes they must vote Democrat or Republican and no one else, neither of those parties have any incentive to change. If lesser evilism stops getting people to vote for the two ruling parties, then there would be incentive for them to change. Short of that you're relying on politicians to do the right thing instead of the profitable thing, which is a fools game.

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  • So three of the more than 250 elected democrats are trying, not for the first time by the way, to get the rest of their party to take it seriously. Talk to me when more than 2% of the Democrats do something about it because otherwise its basically just a platitude.

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    The debate exposed how comfortable America is with hating immigrants
  • AOC, under trump, toured the facilities (facilities that predated the Trump admin btw) and demanded acces to many of them while people tried to stop her. Interesting no ones doing that under biden despite there being no changes in the law, the facilities, the agents, or even the higher ups of the agency. That's textbook not caring, nothing changed except Democrats desire to insure the wellbeing of migrants.

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    The debate exposed how comfortable America is with hating immigrants
  • Doesn't help that Bidens border policy is almost exactly Trumps policy but elected Democrats stopepd caring about the camps after Biden won. Now no ones fighting. Xenophobia has a cozy home in both parties.

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    Biden moves to crack down on Shein and Temu, slow shipments into US
  • Wierd to claim de minimus is being 'abused' when simply more people are using it. It's not as if people ordering from Shien are breaking up their orders to ship in packages less than 800 dollars, they're just not spending that much on a single order of clothing.

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    Third of people in Spain say local area has too many foreign tourists
  • You think that's gonna be eaiser to fix by chasing out tourists and losing income your city is going to try an regain elsewhere (that means from you), or by reigning in the real estate market and shit like air bnb? I promise you the people raising your rent aren't tourists.

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    JD Vance says GOP should threaten a shutdown: 'Why have a government if it’s not a functioning government?'
  • Id wager most government workers wont need to strike during a government shutdown as most government jobs won't be functioning during the shutdown, they could march with the unions easily. The cops will be the largest group of gov employees still working and we don't wanna see them at the marches anyway.

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    Fears mount that election deniers could disrupt vote count in US swing states
  • Dang, if only someone warned about how unstable and un representative the USAs elections are since they vest the deciding factor to a small handful of states whos own state government is shakey at best.

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    Third of people in Spain say local area has too many foreign tourists
  • 1/3rd of Spaniards: Man wouldn't it be nice to pay higher taxes so that we don't have to exist with so many people who have a different culture than us?

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    Instance Admins: Check Your Instance for Vote Manipulation Accounts [PSA]
  • The only person in this thread who's shown any evidence of what is being turfed is evidence that agrees with what you said. Im not sure Id say painfully obvious myself, but you're more right than the people claiming the opposite.

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    JD Vance says GOP should threaten a shutdown: 'Why have a government if it’s not a functioning government?'
  • I still think every time the government threatens a shutdown workers should start organizing to threaten a general strike. If the government saw union leaders organizing to strike once the government shuts down, they'd never let it shut down again. Exploit their weakness, if they want to stop governing, we should stop making the capital their owners desire.
