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Garlic showdown
  • People, thats why I always say, don't just stop taking your medication. You might feel fine now, but then you end up with a shitton of garlic.

    Please! See your psychiatrist before doing anything rash.

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    Is Trump Made of Teflon?
  • Teflon doesn't contain PFOA anymore for the last 10 years.

    So only OLD Teflon is toxic. Like those from 1946 or so.

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    What is your favourite breakfast food?
  • Colombian Changua.
    It's a milk egg-drop soup with cheese, cilantro and stale bread. Its apparently good for hangovers and handles my migraines like a pro.

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    Big Penny!
  • Yeah, I thought how frustrating that must be for the people who live there if that road is blocked time and time again because of the same thing.

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    Big Penny!
  • That's why bridges have the hight written on it.

    I think it is resonable to expect someone to inform themselves about the hight of the vehicle, especially if they are not experienced in truck driving.

    If you are not experienced and do not inform yourself that's just careless.

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  • Thank you for your thorough explanation.

    It's always a bit confusing when your language has one word for something another language makes distinctions within.

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    'It just exploded': Springfield woman claims she never meant to spark false rumors about Haitians
  • I know some regions in Asia will eats cats and dogs.

    Ah yes. And Americans are all obese and only eat fast food.
    Are we done with the stereotypes now?


    Not in Haiti and not in Asia.

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    Crumbs causes a ruckus
  • Even more likely since it seems like he was a stray. Seems to me, like he cried at everyone around about how hungry he is and found more than one bleeding heart.

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    Crumbs causes a ruckus
  • Aww... he was too chonky to escape chonk camp. Cute, (not so) little chonky Chonk. I hope he learns a lot at camp and comes out a healthy one.

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    As a Italian-Polish person, I don't know how to feel..
  • Dude. Your problem is not the pineapple, but that you are apparently surrounded by inconsiderate people.

    If you get pizza or any food to share, you should make sure you choose a topping everyone is okay with. If necessary make it half pineapple half pepperoni or whatever.

    If you order for a group of people and choose something that is controversial without checking back, you're an asshole.

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    As a Italian-Polish person, I don't know how to feel..
  • What is there to explain? If you don't add any savory ingredients to pasta it is not salty or savory in taste.

    Same as you can prepare rice savory or sweet as rice pudding or something.
    You do know "pasta" just means the noodle, right? It's still pasta if you don't add anything?
    There are lots of sweet pasta dishes in the world like sweet kugel or milk noodles.

    I just add (cold) applesauce onto (warm) noodles and eat it. If I'm fancy, I make applesauce from fresh apples.

    Also, look up portugese Aletria. That's angle hair pasta as it's best.

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    It took 50,000 gallons of water to put out Tesla Semi fire in California, US agency says
  • See, that's why I'm so glad they cleared a whole forest in a water protection area to build their german gigafactory.

    Water and trees are totally overrated.


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    As a Italian-Polish person, I don't know how to feel..
  • I don't think its the same than combining a sweet fruit with tomato sauce and cheese.

    Pasta by itself is basically neutral in taste. You can easily make them into a sweet dish. I sometimes like to eat them with applesauce.

    Just to clarify, I wouldn't order or make pizza with pineapple for myself, but I don't think it's that big of a deal people sometimes make it.
    Just eat what you like and don't force your taste on others.

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    'It just exploded': Springfield woman claims she never meant to spark false rumors about Haitians
  • "I just wanted to be hateful and racist in private with my 500 Facebook friends. I didn't want others to know that"

    Its the same as with this woman who sparkt the riots in the UK recently, by spreading false information she had from a russian bot.

    Actions have consequences. Even Facebook posts.

  • Nachdem ich mal wieder alle infos verpasst habe und um 11Uhr durch den Probealarm von dem Probealarm erfahren habe möchte ich hier nochmal auf ein wichtiges Problem aufmerksam machen:

    Speziell für Personen in schwierigen häuslichen Situationen kann ein Probealarm bei dem ein vielleicht verstecktes, stumm geschaltetes Handy los plärrt gefährlich sein.

    Für viele Personen in einer kontrollierenden, gewalttätigen Beziehung oder Familie kann ein heimliches Handy oft der erste Schritt zu Kontakt in die Außenwelt und für Hilfe sein. Wenn so ein Handy plötzlich entdeckt wird kann das katastrophale Konsequenzen haben.

    Bitte verbreitet die Infos über Probealarme überall und an jeden, man weiß nie, für wen diese Info lebensrettend sein kann.

    Verbreitet auch, das man die Notfallbenachrichtigungen in den Einstellungen ausschalten kann. Bei Android ist das unter "Sicherheit und Notfälle/ Safety and Emergency" zu finden, bei Apple wohl unter "Mitteilungen".


    The bible in reverse...


    For some unknown reason this painting somehow always hits me right in the feels.
