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Calls for J.D. Vance to resign after he admits that he created pet-eating story about immigrants
  • I wonder if this is just damage control for Trump? JD is pure slime, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is just being thrown under the bus on this one, since it seems to be sticking as the dumbest part of the debate.

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    What device can rotate a knob and works with HA?
  • It's not high tech, but a door lock with a simple pin pad has been great at my house. Never have to worry about having keys or getting locked out. Just have to change some batteries every six months or so. This isn't Internet connected, but I see that as a benefit.

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    'We Are All Culpable': Third American Self-Immolates to Protest Israel's Gaza Onslaught
  • I'm not trying to be a dick, just pragmatic. This is the only story I could find on this matter, and I'm guessing very few people are aware that this even happened. I'm just saying I'd think long and hard for an angle that would lead to maximum results if I was ready to die..

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    Ragrets rule
  • Getting the year of an event tattooed on your face in itself is so dumb. It'll be like pulling one of those free work tshirts out of the closet in a few years; like "HR summit 2012", except with the orange man.

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    That Debate Showed Why Dems Shouldn’t Tack Rightward—Ever
  • Palin sounded like such a disconnected asshole with "Drill, baby! Drill!". I almost did a spit take when Harris basically said the same. Pro fracking? Really?

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    What affect has capitalism had on your mental health?
  • I am sad that healthcare is tied to employment in the US. People need a real safety net, and that starts with access to care. I'm also very envious that a lot of countries have generous amounts of vacation time. Since our companies are always looking for perpetual growth with smaller staffing it feels like it is hard to get away and recharge.

    Oh and I am always paying higher taxes and getting seemingly almost no ROI.

    On the positive side, I do have a good paying job and can afford to buy myself toys and entertainment, but that doesn't translate to being happy. I also live in constant fear that I will lose my job, access to healthcare, and end up in the gutter with my dog.

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    Tips for chronic pain
  • Please see a doctor. You shouldn't have to live in constant pain. A doctor should be able to get you on a pain management plan and help you live your life. They may also be able to help with the anxiety.

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    American woman shot dead at anti-settler protest in West Bank
  • The US should be investigating all this bullshit and there should be an immediate freeze on all weapons and funding. We won't do that, because of reasons(?), but that seems like the human thing to do.
