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What grafana dashboard you use to monitor docker containers?

I installed grafana with the intent of monitoring all my containers (cpu used, network traffic if possibile...)

I enabled the docker daemon logs with this snippet:



"metrics-addr" : "",

"experimental" : true



and now I'm looking for some nice grafana dashboard to visualise these metrics.

Reach local network from within docker container
  • Thanks, it must have been some other problem. I'm able to reach my local network from within the docker container. I even found that the docker container is using the host DNS configuration.

    I configured pi.hole as DNS server in the host machine and the docker container is using it too.

  • Reach local network from within docker container

    I have a docker container as part of docker-compose that should reach other containers but as well a server running in my local network. (the docker container is a monitoring service)

    I know that in order to reach the local LAN I should configure the network mode to "host", is that correct? In that case am I still able to reach the other containers running in the default bridge network?
