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Post your IT redundancy tales here
  • I absolutely love and support your use of misplet.

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    Patterns on this watermelon
  • You seem knowledgeable in this matter, so let me ask you: is this harmful to humans? What is the harm of this watermelon virus?

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    Zero is not zero?
  • Ohh, Rankine, thank you! I only remembered Rheamur - there you go. 😊

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    Apple Vision Pro’s Eye Tracking Exposed What People Type
  • ... Like what is not a very common skill? Touch typing in general? Or doing it under VR specifically?

    • The latter would be quite niche I suppose.
    • The former? I cry for the current and future generations. It really is not very hard to learn, realistic to master, and incredibly useful in daily (professional and personal) life.
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    Small linux-friendly laptop
  • Hey, that sounds very interesting. It's there anything not working as it should work that hw/sw combo?

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    No awareness whatsoever
  • Honestly, this is the most heartening thing I've read about US politics in recent years. (PS. Am not American, and not in America)

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    Apple Vision Pro’s Eye Tracking Exposed What People Type
  • Asking because I've never had the experience: how does one write anything while wearing a VR set? Please don't tell me it's one-finger "Fliegender Adler" on a giant floaty image of a keyboard?

    This would utterly kill the comfort, convenience, and speed of touch typing, would it not? Ahh, progress... Even in Minority Report they had (friggin' sweet-looking!) keyboards alongside their fancy futuristic FAUI*.

    ^((* FAUI - flailing arms UI)^)

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    Apple Vision Pro’s Eye Tracking Exposed What People Type
  • New fear worry unlocked....

    Seems like this was done by working out passwords based on figuring out where people were looking and gesturing, rather than looking directly at the keyboard.

    As a person using an uncommon keyboard layout, I reckon this would make it harder to hack my typing.

    IF I could even get such a layout on wherever VR system I would theoretically be using... 😬

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    Gif slow loading animation tool?
  • I understand what you say about needing to render every frame, but it's possible to use a very slow frame rate for the gif (eg. 1 frame every 2s).

  • This is likely a very niche request, but perhaps there's a genius here with the answer - or can point me to a better place to ask.

    If I want it to look like a web page is loading an interlaced gif over an old modem connection, would there exist some tool to convert a given static image to an animated gif (preferably downsampled to 256 colours)?

    You know, the one where it starts off as one giant coloured block which then gets progressively segmented into thinner lines with more detail as each interlaced line is received...

    Pure evil
  • The special hell.

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    Is there any proprietary Android app for which you wish there would be an open-source alternative?
  • I'm honestly pleasantly surprised to see that this project seems to be rather actively developed.

    Which is completely separate from having a meaningful user base (near you), so 🤷

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    Is there any proprietary Android app for which you wish there would be an open-source alternative?
  • I'm with you, but see a million obstacles (aka. reasons for why things require payments).

    You would need some form of moderation, to weed out illegal content as well as simply bots, spam, and dead profiles. Also for message content. I've given it some thought and suspect it can be crowd sourced to some degree, but also needs counter balances. Instead of limiting a profile to be live/banned, you could have a percentage score of peer-reported subjective legitimacy (ditto for message responses, heck you could even have a section of outright reviews of the person's behaviour - although that, again would be subject to abuse and moderation).

    Hosting, traffic, etc. would be an unavoidable cost, but can be mitigated with low resolution photos (VGA should be "good enough" for an initial impression, no?)

    For sure, an open source solution would offer way more fine grained filtering.

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    What's a long-standing mystery that still preoccupies you?
  • Even if it is eventually exposed as a hoax - that is, not as old as claimed or from a different or untrustworthy source - that works make the book no less of an impressive accomplishment and global mind fuck! 🤯 Whatever it really is, it's a win.

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    Under Meredith Whittaker, Signal Is Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong
  • You know, if you want to replace Slack, look into Mattermost. It's foss but otherwise pretty much exactly what Slack does so well.

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    What is the movie like thing that has happened to you?
  • She got eaten by a grue.

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    What games popularized certain mechanics?
  • Sorry about the surprise prussians. I was never any good at typing on glass, I much prefer an actual keyboard.

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    Microsoft is bringing annoying Windows 11 Start menu ads to Windows 10
  • The way your comment reads, you've been using Windows 3.11 these past decades. 😂

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    What games popularized certain mechanics?
  • Dune II - basically the grandfather of every RTS game out there (and incidentally very, very different from Dune I): opposing forces, resource collection, tech tree, fog of war, et cetera. Or perhaps it was (not World of) Warcraft, it's been too long and memory gets fuzzy.

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    I'm tired, boss
  • You bought forty types of breakfast?? I don't think I've done that throughout my life.

  • From my understanding, (a) the brain has no nerves, which is why you can talk to people while doing brain surgery on them; and (b) headache is caused by blood vessels constricting. Now, I am unsure whether migraines are also caused by blood vessels constricting, but in any case - what is it that is doing the sensing of this pain? Or is it a(nother) case of the brain just making shit up because it hates me?
