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‘Reddit can survive without search’: company reportedly threatens to block Google
  • Sounds like more gross incompetence from the Elon Musk playbook, whom spez idolizes because he's also an incompetent fucking bozo. Oh well, fools and their money and all that.

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    What discontinued feature do you miss from phones or other technologies?
  • Yeah, I sacrificed my SD slot in favor of the headphone jack when I chose my Pixel.

    Remember when buying a phone meant they added new features instead of taking them away from you? Those were the days.

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    Houston ISD to eliminate librarians and convert libraries into disciplinary centers at NES schools
  • Easier to control your populace if they just have a 4th grade education and are directly dependent on the government to eat. But don't worry about the Texan economy, they'll be more than happy to siphon unearned money from blue states that actually create something of value instead of more culture war bullshit

  • NSFW
    Elon Musk’s Twitter bans ad showing Republican interrupting couple in bedroom
  • Turns out Fascists only like free speech when it gives them a chance to talk freely about genocide. But then it's "how dare you teach my children about human rights and good touch/bad touch, off to the gulag for you."

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    What discontinued feature do you miss from phones or other technologies?
  • The real key to making this work properly is standardized battery sizes. You know, like the AA and AAA standards we've had for one hundred years.

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    What's not a sign someone's an asshole, but is often misinterpreted as one?
  • When you make up fake science out of whole cloth, it's easy to make up something to that accords with people's biases. Actual truth is simply less likely to fall into that category, and more likely to be uncomfortably inconvenient or terrifying. There's nothing fun about global warming, deadly pandemics, nor microplastic pollution.

    Fake news never makes demands on its target audience. Sometimes it says "you are the victim", or "those people are the problem", or at the very least, "this is fine." But it never says "if we don't get our shit together we and our children face a dismal future." Instead it always appeals to the greedy and the lazy amongst us.

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    FTC Seeks Comment on New Parental Consent Mechanism Under COPPA
  • Personally, I find it very easily believe that the kind of deplorable trash that supports genocide and genocide-enabling policies are also big supporters of child rape. They've already proven themselves to be horrible people after all. Could be that the dim-witted followers aren't all about that lifestyle, but the ones spearheading it certainly are.

    And let us not forget that these are the same people who elected America's first child rapist president. When somebody tells you who they are, believe them the first time.

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    Decapitated man violent in past toward suspected assailant: mother
  • One must wonder if this is one of those Phineas Gage situations where the guy was kind and reasonable to start with, but the removal of his prefrontal cortex and also the rest of the head lead to a sudden change in personality.
