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End of the World
  • So old that it wasn't a video at all, it was a Macromedia Flash Animation!

    Video hosting sites didn't really start to exist until Stage8 had a go with their DivX stuff, and eventually YouTube popped up a few years later too :-D

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  • I don't think the American History Channel is the high quality historic source we should be citing here.

    That thing seems to be all aliens and bigfoots these days. I wouldn't believe anything they try to teach me haha.

    Feck knows what they're smoking at that production company.

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    Cat and Dog play Hide and Seek
  • Is "silly coded" a real thing people are saying, or is it just a thing you say? And what does it mean exactly?

    I'm just trying to keep abreast of unusual new phrases when I stumble upon them :-D

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    Star Wars: Outlaws being a "AAAA Game" for 3 minutes
  • Most of these design decisions look like they were made to make the game incredibly bland and safe for a 5 year old to play.

    Are you an outlaw or are you a big cuddly bear?

    Who is this made for?

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    Doom on a Volumetric Display
  • This is fucking sick, I love it.

    I bet the spinning is noisy as hell haha, imagine if we made these really quiet so we could put them in a glass container and use them for neat stuff!

    Maybe we could pull a partial vacuum in the container like we did with CRTs to help minimise air resistance noise inside, hmm....

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    Company creates "solution" to address school "vaping incidents".
  • How is this invading someone's privacy? All it's doing is detecting if children are smoking in a room or space at school and then putting an alert up about the detection on a screen.

    They have zero right to privately smoke at school, or anywhere for that matter, smoking is illegal for children and not something to be taken lightly.

    Similarly, adults have no right to privately smoke whilst in the workplace in the bathroom or other non-smoking designated areas. This is also illegal and not to be taken lightly.

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  • You should never listen to music at high volume on headphones or earphones, you WILL damage your hearing over time (or sometimes in one sitting, both happened to me).

    You can tell young people this until the cows come home but they'll ignore you and assume it won't happen to them...

    and then once the damage accumulates and they're a little older with annoying tinnitus forever or more painful ear damage (like myself) they might finally start giving this advice out to younger people who still have a chance at a healthy, ear damage free life. But by then it's too late for themselves, and the younger people won't listen :-(

    There are awesome earplugs you can get that you should wear if you're somewhere loud like a nightclub or a concert by the way. They start very cheap, and they're designed to "turn down the volume" of the world without affecting how it actually sounds.

    (They're not electronic or anything, they're just cleverly made)

    You can get more expensive ones that claim to be even better at this, but I find the cheap ones to be fantastic. I carry them with me all the time now, and if I end up somewhere loud, in they go. Heck, I even use them when I vacuum - those machines are loud as hell.

    Oh and similarly, wear earplugs when you're using noisy powertools - table saw, grinder, etc.

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    Labour MP defends himself as 'renters champion' after 'poor conditions' found in his properties
  • Every politician in every nation should be banned from having any side business or income of any kind, including after retirement, to avoid potential conflicts.

    (E.g. an MP being offered a paid seat on a Landlord's Association for when they retire, which would conflict woth their duty to serve the people whilst an MP)

    The government income and pension should be enough to live on so that these issues can be avoided.

    If you want to become a public servant, that's a high calling that you undertake to serve your nation, and there are some small sacrifices that should come with it.

    It should NEVER be a potential avenue for fame or riches. It should be a sacrifice you make to serve the people and country you care deeply for.

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    How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy?
  • I wish there were another answer, I've wondered similar things myself for many years and therapy is always the solution everyone suggests.

    The problem is, where I live therapy is only available to wealthy people. It's not something I'll ever have access to :-(

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    Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • Whether a pet gets the food it needs isn't something you can even have an opinion about.

    To be fair, I have a pretty strong opinion on pets getting the food they need. My opinion is that not feeding an animal appropriately is, at best, neglectful.

    The great thing is that it's easy to find out what is an appropriate diet for any pet, clever scientists figured it out and wrote up guidelines for us to follow. Here in the UK for example we would follow the European FEDIAF;

    Pet food nutritional guidelines for manufacturers in the UK are produced by FEDIAF (the European Pet Food Industry). These guidelines (also known as Codes) detail the nutritional needs of cats and dogs at varying life stages. They are regularly updated to include the latest nutritional research.

    So long as you're following the guidelines and giving your pet all the nutrients it needs - regardless of how they're produced (vegan food is fine so long as it replicates the full dietary needs of the animal for example) - you're good 😊👍

    I know it's silly to have to point that out, I'm not sure why people argued over it (I didn't see the original discourse). But yes, just to reiterate, it doesn't matter how you prefer to source the food - vegan, halal, whatever fits your beliefs - just so long as it is a nutritionally complete diet for the animal <3

    On the subject of admin/moderation, it is wonderful to see the team trying to be thoughtful, transparent, and kind even in the face of high tempers and heated beliefs. I wish we had more of this calibre of person out in the world :-)

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    I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta!
  • Put in my application for the beta last night, and grabbed Walker Patreon today :-)

    I really love the vibes of this project, as someone who loves walking and needs to walk more, and someone who struggles with ADHD, and I've always loved RuneScape, this project calls to me haha.

    I feel like my character was getting more exercise than me back then, I remember I used to spend a lot of time at the guild coal mine (with those bats), so much time that this is seared into my memory....

    Welcome to RuneScape.

    You swing your pick at the rock.

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    I Made a Smashable TV in Unreal that Simulates Every Pixel
  • I remember this one! Great video, and very cool effect too.

    I suppose he explains it in the video, I don't recall, but with regards to the title, these are CRT televisions, they don't have pixels.

    They shoot an electron beam in horizontal sweeping lines across a mask behind the glass to achieve their image. Way more analogue than pixels.

    But yeah, this video is a wonder to behold, do check it out :-)

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  • Let's not be angry at the Devs, it's the publishers and other execs we should be pissed at :-(

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    Nipple rule
  • That’s why we live in a nanny state exactly that reason.

    Do... do you think we all live in the same state?

    (let's not start thinking the world revolves around us like some Americans do)

    There's almost 200 countries in the world, how many are nanny states, I wonder? Interesting thought actually!

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    Update to Terms of Service + New Bylaws (Protections for users)
  • If someone can't accept or understand that a cat eats a meat based diet then they deserve to have reality thrown in their face. Better than some poor animals being tortured.

    Dang, is that what happened? It's sad to think that there are people mistreating animals that they care about accidentally, through trying to apply their own human morals and rules to them.

    Cats are hunters, they eat meat. If that's an issue for your home then fair enough, your house your rules. Just don't get a cat, or a carnivorous pet in general. There's lots of cool pets out there that are herbivores :-)

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    PlayStation 5 Pro could be revealed as soon as next month, possibly for $600
  • That's what you put in the next console generation, or your PC, not a console that was already released. That's not how consoles work.

    The whole point of a console Vs just building a PC is to have a homogenous ecosystem for developers to ensure that everybody has the exact same experience, because everyone has the exact same device with the same CPU, GPU, etc, across that whole generation (also allowing developers to hone their skill on that hardware over the years to get more out of it).

    If you're going to take that core benefit away, why not just build a PC at that point...

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    Very mindful...
  • I've noticed young people improperly using the word demure lately.

    Has education really gotten so bad that learning a single, common 15-year-old-reading-level word means they have to keep using it over and over again?

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    Signed up for Equifax to freeze my credit, password can not be longer than 20 characters
  • Where would max even come from? That's not in their username o.O

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    Never again
  • I hope so, my camcorder is FireWire and I've still got my FireWire PCI card and all the cables :P

  • Hello fellow Boosters! :-D

    Apologies if I'm missing something obvious here, 😅 I saved a comment I'd like to go back to the other day but don't recall exactly what it was (darn my poor ADHD memory), and so I wanted to scroll through my saved/favourited comments to find it.

    When I go to the "Saved" tab it lets me scroll through saved posts, but I can't find any way to switch to scrolling through saved comments, so I'm not sure how I'd go about finding them?

