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Fellas, is it socialist to last longer than 2 minutes?
  • I can't speak for how long all women want sex for, but, as a married man I can say married women want sex to last till the end of the honeymoon and that's it.

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    All lives rule
  • Can't we start a 'We all suck' movement. There are shitty people of all races, genders, ethnicities, religions, or whatever. Once we all embrace that we can all evolve and work against them.

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    Why Americans are going hungry despite a strong economy
  • The Biden economy is anything but strong. Even traditional liberal leaning media outlets agree. The American people have done with less under his administration.

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    More retirement savers are borrowing from their 401(k) plan. Those are ‘leading indicators of economic stress,’ expert says
  • I'll soon have 30 years of employment at the same company. I've always heavily contributed to my 401k, never took a loan. The past 5 or 6 years it's generated more in interest than I make with overtime.

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    Republicans Are on the Verge of Delivering Putin a Big Christmas Gift
  • As an American I can say for sure I don't give a shit about that war. There is no scenario at all that if situations were reversed we would get the sort of support we've given from anyone.

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    Big one
  • Everyone hates on The United States military, you know, until they are getting their asses kicked. I think the USA should only lend military support to those countries willing to pay for it.

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    Biden administration forgives $4.8 bln in student debt
  • As if I need to. You are clearly a fucking idiot likely in debt over their head because you lack any common sense or self control. Enjoy your miserable existence.

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    Biden administration forgives $4.8 bln in student debt
  • I think they make enough to pay their bills, sure. Teachers even have the summers off for side work. And to be honest, if they don't understand how loans work should they be teaching our kids?

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    Biden administration forgives $4.8 bln in student debt
  • I sure have. Started working 16 hours days in the summer months on the local farms custom baling hay and straw when I was 13. I have had many jobs since then, always bettering myself. I'm not rich, but I'm doing ok. I pay my taxes. I'm the callused hands of the working class that actually pays their bills and lives within their means. You?

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    Biden administration forgives $4.8 bln in student debt
  • That would be a fair statement, and also makes a perfect example of why a college educated person, that makes more than a high school educated person, should be able to pay the money they owe.

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    Biden administration forgives $4.8 bln in student debt
  • I am not spreading false information, you just don't like the truth. These people are the next burden on the working class that actually pay their bills. Pathetic.

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    Biden administration forgives $4.8 bln in student debt
  • ...and should also include forgiving debt of those that have potential to be higher earners. Student loans were readily accepted and it was fully understood that you would have to pay the money back. Just do that.

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    Biden administration forgives $4.8 bln in student debt
  • I'm saying it's statistically proven that a college educated person has a much higher earning potential than a person without higher education.

    I'm not implying wealth before college at all. Therefore, if you support a government bail out of those people, you support the government bailing out the wealthy.
