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Driving past a church and their sign hatched a plan.
  • Why though? What would be the point except make a lot of people mad for no reason except your personal amusement. Just seems mean.

    You won't convert anyone that way

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    Nephele WebDAV Server now supports deduplicated file storage.
  • No, please research what deduplication is before commenting.

    You might be thinking of incremental backups which also saves space but is not the same thing.

    If you for example ran deduplication on a file server and a bunch of users uploaded the same files in multiple different directories, deduplication would remove all duplicate copies and just link them together. This has nothing to do with snapshots. btrfs might support deduplication but now this software does too. Your comment was completely unnecessary since not everything in the world can or should run btrfs

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    Google, Cloudflare & Cisco Will Poison DNS to Stop Piracy Block Circumvention * TorrentFreak
  • Not sure you would even need encryption. Surely It can't be illegal to ask the root servers (and all the other DNS servers involved, because the root servers only have IPs for TLD DNS servers) for IPs

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    Walmart thinks this will stop theft.
  • It surprises me that the tags are deactivated instead of read by a reader and registered in a database as "sold" and the alarm system checks that database whenever it reads a tag. That way it would be impossible for thieves to just deactivate the tag with their own magnet.

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    Seedless Catholics Against Watermelons?
  • Hey, sometimes we just forget what account we are currently using.

    Or it's too annoying to switch accounts and find the post again on the other account.

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    Hamas says British-Israeli hostage has died from airstrike wounds
  • I never said you said it was his fault.

    I asked you again because that is the only thing that I would blame on him personally. It's obviously not his fault and thus his death is unfortunate.

    Please take a course in reading comprehension.

    It doesn't matter at all what his "GOVERMENT" did.

    There are three parties in this war: Israel/IDF, Hamas, and civilians.

    A persons country of origin is completely irrelevant when it comes to civilians. It's always bad that civilians die no matter what any non-civilian party did.

    He was a civilian, and he was killed because of actions from both non-civilian parties. Saying that his death doesn't matter (which you absolutely implied in response to my comment, both in writing and in emoji) just because someone else killed him doesn't make it less of a tragedy. And the fact that you dismissed his death just because the IDF had a part in killing, makes you a pretty terrible person.

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    Hamas says British-Israeli hostage has died from airstrike wounds
  • Okay, and how is that relevant? Is it his fault or something?

    I really don't get why you think it's relevant at all when we are talking about a civilian's death.

    Some idiot said "who cares" about his death because apparently Israeli civilians don't deserve to live or something I dunno. I said that the victim was still a civilian.

    And you essentially just shrugged. The only way I can interpret that is that you think Israeli civilian lives don't matter.

    Please just fuck off, people like you just make everyone else believe that supporters of Palestine are bad people (or as they put it "Nazis") and that they think that Israel should be cleansed. I'm not saying you think that but you have a special ability to be a fucking idiot and say shit that some would possibly attribute to "Nazis".

    TLDR: Just fuck off.

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    Hamas says British-Israeli hostage has died from airstrike wounds
  • You implied that here:

    he died from israel air strike 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I assume you know how to read and what that emoji means so I won't have to explain it to you.

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    Hamas says British-Israeli hostage has died from airstrike wounds
  • Just saying that his life matters regardless of his nationality. You and the other user seemed to think that Israeli civilians are somehow worth less.

    Your reply and usage of the shrugging emoji seemed to imply that this death was his fault or that it didn't matter just because an Israeli airstrike was involved.

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    Hamas says British-Israeli hostage has died from airstrike wounds
  • Yes, but is that his fault? It's disingenuous to disregard that Hamas was the ones that actually kidnapped him in the first place and from what I can recall most hostages are/were treated quite poorly. The article also mentioned that there is signs of physical abuse on him. In general, people that take people hostage aren't quite nice people. (And no I'm not talking about the Palestinian civilians)

    And because I know this crowd: Does this in any way excuse the thousands of Palestinian civilian deaths? No, of fucking course not.

    He is still a civilian and his death is as tragic as any other civilian death. He is still a fucking human that did absolutely nothing wrong, just like the Palestinian civilians.

    It's almost impossible to discuss this war with people (and especially on Lemmy) You really have to add disclaimers and shit everywhere, otherwise you are either a Nazi for hating Jews or you eat Palestinian children for breakfast. Like this:

    • X did this bad thing.
    • But Y did this bad thing! Fuck you Nazi!
    • Yes Y also did a bad thing, but we are talking about what X did now. Everyone knows Y did a bad thing so there is no need to bring it up every single second.
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    Hamas says British-Israeli hostage has died from airstrike wounds
  • It's not realistic to mention every single thing about the war in every single article.

    I also don't like the situation but acting like that when innocent people die regardless of the victims country of origin, is just pathetic.

    You don't even have to act sad, all you had to do was not being an asshole.
