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Project Hammer, an effort to compile a dataset to drive competition and reduce collusion in the Canadian grocery sector, is seeking volunteers
  • Would love to help with this and will be reaching out to Jacob. The grocery industry in Canada has been a big shell game for so long, and I love the idea of exposing their bullshit pricing tactics however possible.

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    wherever I saw "putting a wet piece of parchment over the loaves and then removing after 15 minutes" thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • I expect it’s to generate steam in the oven for the first part of the bake. I just put ice chips in my Dutch oven after I get the boule in there, but I should try this.

    Steam contributes to a good rise, if I’m not mistaken.

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    Aug 31, 2024 - ( F ) A G I N R T
  • Hey friend, your participation here is most welcome but I’ll ask you to keep the language reasonably clean if you don’t mind. (I might have gone with ‘FRIGGING’ instead, esp because it uses today’s letters). Thanks.

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    Aug 13, 2024 - ( O ) E I L N T V
  • These are the daily letters in the New York Time Spelling Bee puzzle. The goal is to try to make as many words as possible, but every word must be at least 4 letters and must use the center letter (the one in brackets here). There is always at least one ‘pangram’, a word that uses all of the letters, as well.

    I believe you can play the NYT puzzle for free up to a point, but otherwise you need a subscription to their games collection.


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    Jul 22, 2024 - ( N ) D E H M O Y
  • It’s HONEYDEMON, isn’t it? 😜

    I came back to it after reading this and got it almost immediately. Eluded me forever as well though.

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    Exciting News: is now managed by our new registered not-for-profit organization 'Fedecan' (+ resuming donations & gathering feedback)
  • Sponsored monthly! Way to go everyone, this is awesome. Contributing feels like something good I can do in the face of a whole lot of bad in the world rn, and I’m grateful this instance exists and is so well supported. 🫡 🙏

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    Switching distro without loosing data in /home
  • I moved my home to its own partition a while ago and recently changed my os. It worked well, just had to modify fstab to remap my home drive in the new OS. Not sure if this is what you’re after but I accomplished it al on my main drive by modifying partitions.
