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Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • I generalize millennials as too young to legally drink in the US (21) but old enough to remember the millennium. It's not completely accurate though.

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    What is something you SHOULD cheap out on?
  • Power tools are sometimes the exception to the rule of buying cheap tools. Saws are probably the biggest exception. My cheap corded ryobi saw is awful because it's so flimsy, and the deck bends. The makita saw I replaced it with is 100x easier to use, more accurate, and safer.

    Buying cheap tools applies to hand tools, air tools, hydraulic stuff, etc.

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    EE warns parents against giving children under 11 a smartphone
  • Firm disagree. Social media, or more specifically algorithmic short form content these days, is extremely damaging. It's different from anything that's come before and has nothing to do with connecting with your peers.

    I graduated high-school in 2009 so I saw the beginning of popularized social media. Very few gained anything from participating in it. Mostly people who were good at marketing and building a following benefited.

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    Drivers Hate The Tech In Their Cars
  • Meh. Big screens don't make cars better. It's still a car, and basic functionality is more important than a big screen that lags or hides functions.

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    What was "the incident" in your school?
  • A mom broke up with her boyfriend. He returned later and killed her 3 kids, then her, then himself. The oldest son was in my class.

    I wasn't great friends with him, but I knew him well enough to feel bad about it. So many people who hated him pretended to be sad for attention.

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    Samsung’s 20-year-life EV battery runs 600 miles on 9-minute charge
  • Mostly agree, I hate Samsung in general (sent from Samsung Galaxy S22). Anytime I see someone considering their appliances or TVs I try to turn them to something else. They have made the best batteries for a long time though. I hope a competitor rises to squish them a bit.

    Don't buy a sumsung washer. I only buy used washers and dryers because I'm cheap and handy. Samsung is not an option because a large part of the user market is broken in a way that costs the same as buying new.

    I do sort of disagree with your QA comment. Everyone seems to think QA stops once you sell a product, but it doesn't. They did a full recall to fix their quality mistake. It'd be like if Tesla finally recalled all of the cybertrucks for sucking as much as they do. Massive PR hit to attempt to maintain quality.

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    Samsung’s 20-year-life EV battery runs 600 miles on 9-minute charge
  • Samsung was very transparent about their fuck up with the note 7. The article you linked makes it very clear it was a connection issue or a different manufacturer. At this point this is equivalent to the burn banana peels to get high or you eat dozens of spiders while you sleep internet lies.

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    Sanders Rebukes Billionaire Effort to Get Harris to Dump Antitrust Champion Khan
  • So it's one of the companies contributing to the dying diversity online. Almost all of these websites and services have become awful without adblock or require a paid account.

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    Kids? A Growing Number of Americans Say, ‘No, Thanks.’
  • My kids are similar ages and I think non-parents assume we are insulting them we we state how difficult parenting is. It's an objective fact that having kids is hard, they make every activity at least twice as difficult.

    For example. I had to travel for work recently. 12 hours of travelling total, including 4 hours in traffic. Because the kids weren't there, it was really easy.

    Another example. My MS in engineering feels like it was nothing compared to the work I've put in for the almost 8 years our first has been alive.

    Which seems like I'm making fun of people without kids for thinking normal life is easy. Nope, my perception is warped and everyone has their own perception of life's difficulties.

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    Young voters are moving toward Harris and feeling less ‘meh’ about voting
  • Mark Kelly is my favorite option too. If nothing else he is cool as hell and has that "great to have a beer with" quality. He's also very white. None of these things should matter but he's a great balancing choice for her presidency.

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    Uvalde school police officer set to appear in court on criminal charges over mass shooting response.
  • The police have no duty to protect the public has only been tested under orders to protect from what I understand. Being charged with murder for not enforcing a restraining or protective order that led to a murder is sort of ridiculous, so I understand not forcing the police to act on every protective order.

    Being part of an active shooting where it was obvious children were dying hasn't been ruled as not part of a police officers duty to protect. I hope this doesnt set new precedent because that would be insane.

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    Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • As I stated before. Police have no right to identify you just for calling them. Even when a crime is committed verbal confirmation of your identity is more than enough. Identification is not required in the vast majority of situations, including this one. Until you get to the paperwork, then it is correct to identify someone. You've watched too many cops episodes or you fundamentally don't understand American policing.

    Forced entry was incorrect on my part. It's sort of the same situation as shooting that drunk guy in a hotel. Just because someone is unable to respond coherently doesn't make them the suspect.

    You're entire argument is based on the "what ifs?". Which is extremely authoritarian.

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    Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • What? Property ownership doesn't have anything to do with identification. Police don't have free reign to force people to identity themselves because a person is unsure of who's car is on their property. Entering the home is a huge issue as well. I guess a cop can force their way into my home for the unregistered car in my backyard and shoot me too.

    I don't need to imagine anything, that's slippery slope BS.

    Make sure to lick the boot while it's on your throat.

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    Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • I'm white as fuck and I've had an officer pull his gun on me for telling him I had to reach into my pocket for my wallet. You have an extremely fucked view of American police for someone who doesn't live here.

    Heres my opinion you keep pretending you didn't notice. He should have left the house he had no legal reason to be inside of. Checking id is not something he was required to do. He did it to make himself feel big. Last time I had to call the sheriff for domestic violence at my neighbors house they didn't need my ID. That POS cop killed someone by escalating at every chance he had just to leave her alone.

    Please stay in your country and keep your useless opinions about our fucked up police forces to yourself.

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    Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • I've re watched it dozens of times because I'm morbidly curious. That cop is a shit bag who was looking to kill someone.

    Did you watch it without masturbating over authority figures?

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    Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • Ignoring race, because you keep bringing it up to excuse shitty Police behavior.

    Police closing the distance on someone they see as violent is an escalation of violence. She would very likely be alive today if they didn't choose to make the situation worse by escalating.

    Pulling a gun and retreating, then shooting if she advanced, yep shooting is fine. Putting her in a corner and shooting when she flinches thinking she's about to die? That's murder. I don't know how you are too dumb to understand this.
