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Le mozioni di sfiducia contro Salvini e Santanchè sono state bocciate
  • @anarchiversitario @politica
    La cosa odiosa è che vengono spacciate per grandi vittorie. Per fortuna, nessun governo è eterno.

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    What's your preferred DE?
  • @governorkeagan Xfce first and then Cinnamon. Xfce is more flexible than Cinnamon, which is solid.

    Gnome, which looks so nice, requires too many extensions for my taste. So it is not for me.

    I tried Plasma many times. It is a mess with all the options (I don't know if they are going to fix this in the next releases) and whenever I tried it there were always some small annoying little bugs. They are changing the release cycle, so maybe in the future these problems will become more rare.

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    WM recommendation (I know Python but not enough to take much priority)
  • @ExplodeyWolf
    I found this guide on endeavouros forum. Of course you need just the part where you kill xfwm and xfdesktop. It is for i3 but the principle similar for any window manager. And you need a conpositor, usually picom, because xfwm, that you are replacing, has its own compositor.

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    WM recommendation (I know Python but not enough to take much priority)
  • @ExplodeyWolf
    You can install Xfce and change the window manager. You will need to install a compositor, picom for example, but you will have the xfce panel and a working DE. This works flowlessly with i3 and bspwm for sure. It's a nice setup.

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    Cosa sappiamo sull'attacco ransomware a Postel
  • @Flukas88
    Ahinoi, nemmeno se ne parla. Pare che il problema non esista

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    Cosa sappiamo sull'attacco ransomware a Postel
  • @informapirata
    Quando si sveglieranno e capiranno che bisogna fare qualcosa di più a livello di sicurezza? Non se ne può più.

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    Why you shouldn't use Brave Browser
  • @Filippodb @alephoto85 Curiosità. Librewolf non è solo Firefox con delle impostazioni diverse o sbaglio?

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    My little brother loves the dualboot setup I installed for him. He says "It's like iOS"
  • @BrandoCalrissian9229 I think this solution is the one that could give you less headache, if none at all.

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    My little brother loves the dualboot setup I installed for him. He says "It's like iOS"
  • @BrandoCalrissian9229 that's definitely true. You could use an external ssd, if you have problems

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    My little brother loves the dualboot setup I installed for him. He says "It's like iOS"
  • @BrandoCalrissian9229 @yogurtwrong I never tried dual boot, but as far as I know the best thing is to have two separated drives in order to avoid problems (which can happen).
