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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 wk. ago
  • Meditation has been shown time and again to increase grey matter in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, thicken cortical areas, enhance neuroplasticity and reduce the size of the amygdala. The major physical markers of ADHD happen to be reduced grey matter in the prefrontal cortex and low cortical thickness. Functionally it is also an overactive default mode network, which regular meditation has been shown to drastically decrease. This is all very well documented, but thanks for asserting the opposite.

  • I have ADHD. I was diagnosed 32 years ago. In all that time, nothing has helped me but meditation. Of course it’s difficult. That’s not an excuse to not help yourself and treat the symptoms instead of the disease. People are so quick to accept a diagnosis and believe there is something wrong with them that can’t be fixed and use that perspective as a basis to over medicate themselves. It’s completely unnecessary. Regular meditation physically restructures the brain and can repair the abnormalities that cause ADHD. I know this for a fact. I guarantee not a single person downvoting me has tried meditation in any serious capacity, or done any research on its effectiveness. Imagine if people actually put effort into helping themselves instead of doping themselves with amphetamines!

  • Zen

    Harmony of Difference and Sameness

    by Shitou


    竺土大仙心    The mind of the great sage of India

    東西密相付    is intimately transmitted from west to east.

    人根有利鈍    While human faculties are sharp or dull,

    道無南北祖    the Way has no northern or southern ancestors.

    靈源明皎潔    The spiritual source shines clear in the light;

    枝派暗流注    the branching streams flow on in the dark.

    執事元是迷    Grasping at things is surely delusion;

    契理亦非悟    according with sameness is still not enlightenment.

    門門一切境    All the objects of the senses

    迴互不迴互    interact and yet do not.

    迴而更相涉       Interacting brings involvement.

    不爾依位住    Otherwise, each keeps its place.

    色本殊質像    Sights vary in quality and form,

    聲元異樂苦    sounds differ as pleasing or harsh.

    闇合上中言    Refined and common speech come together in the dark,

    明明清濁句    clear and murky phrases are distinguished in the light.

    四大性自復    The four elements return to their natures

    如子得其母    just as a child turns to its mother;

    火熱風動搖    Fire heats, wind moves,

    水濕地堅固    water wets, earth is solid.
