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The Greatest Cover Song of All Time?
  • Naw, it's got to be Aretha Franklin's "Respect". Or maybe the Beatles with "Twist and Shout". Soft Cell's "Tainted Love"?

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    Ever feel like "Screaming into the Void"? Here you can
  • Please remember that the Void™ is for screaming into and the Abyss™ is for staring into. Staring into the Void™ is a breach of your licensing agreement.

  • Operation Sandy: sea launch of a V-2 from the deck USS Midway (1947)

    This is film of Operation Sandy, the first sea launch of a large rocket. It took place on the deck of the USS Midway in 1947, with a captured V-2 setting off at a janky angle and then breaking up before making it to 5 kilometers high:

    I've linked to the flight portion of a newsreel about the whole thing.
